High Noon (Full Version)

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ZanpakuTô -> High Noon (4/14/2010 0:02:24)

High Noon

Location: Alamonia Sheriff -> Bounty Hunting
Objective: Excellent work! Those bandits can never run you out of town! You really showed them that you cannot be intimidated!
Requirements: None
Release Date: July 9, 2008

  • Bandit Leader

  • Broncho
  • Clyde

    Broncho/Clyde: Alright, <Character>! A rumor has spread around town that <BanditName> has challenged you to a duel!
    Broncho/Clyde: He'll be in town at High Noon to challenge you! Oh... Um... I can't make it. I have somewhere else to be at that time...
    Broncho/Clyde: I'm truly sorry! But I can't back out of this appointment... Good Luck, <Character>!

    After defeating the Bandit Leader:
    Broncho/Clyde: Oh! You're still here, <Character>! That bandit never knew what hit him!
    Broncho/Clyde: Here's your reward money!

    «Broncho shows you the Wanted! poster with <BanditName>'s name on it, but with the face crossed out and a Credit value showing.»

    Broncho/Clyde: You earned it!

    After completion, you have a chance of obtaining 5 Bounty Points:

    Earned Bounty Points:
    New Total:

    Thanks to entry maker for original entry, ArchMagus Orodalf for rewrite.

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