Scakk -> Frogzard Hunter: Part 1 (4/14/2010 11:10:41)
The Frogzard Hunter Crikey! Location: Zard Hunter Shop » Frogzard Hunter! » Part 1 Frogzard Hunter: Frogzard Hunter here! We're in the wilds of Athzes... on the trail of fierce and elusive Frogzard! Frogzard Hunter: And with me today is «You», one of the adventurers of Battleon. Stick with me mate and you'll learn a lot about Frogzard lore. «You enter the scene with the Frogzard Hunter by you.» Frogzard Hunter: Hold on! I think I see one now! You must approach the Frogzard with extreme caution... and when you make a grab at it, do not grab the teeth! «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen.» Frogzard Hunter: Gotcha little bugger! Frogzard Hunter: CRIKEY!! «The Frogzard Hunter runs back with dark gray-green and purple frogzard stuck on his head.» Frogzard Hunter: Watch out mate! Here comes another...Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, look at the size of these teeth! Say, would you mind helpin' a feller out? Frogzard Hunter: Now, just knock the little bugger off my head. Careful not to hit me though! «An arrow appears and clicking it will will have a fireball fly and hit the Frogzard, blowing away the Frogzard Hunter as well. The Frogzard Hunter is now lying on the ground with the Frogzard holding onto to him.» «You»: That thing has a nasty grip, she will not let go! Frogzard Hunter: No worries, mate! She'll tire out before she can drag me back to her den and have her cubs feed on me! Frogzard Hunter: Then we can get some measurements of this beautiful specimen. «The Frogzard drags the Frogzard Hunter off screen.» Frogzard Hunter: Oh I can feel it, mate! Her teeth is slowly unpiercing my torso. Agh! Just a bit more...Yaiiiaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frogzard Hunter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! «The Frogzard Hunter runs back facing you.» Frogzard Hunter: Thanks mate! I owe ya one. If you had not wore her down, I'd have been zard-chow for sure. «You»: You're welcome? «The Frogzard Hunter turns around and looks up.» Frogzard Hunter: Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder. Must be a storm moving in. Frogzard Hunter: Or perhaps a rare Zappitus Frogenzarditous... better known around here as EnergyZard! «The Frogzard Hunter takes some distance by a tree.» Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, here he comes! Put the beat down on that bloke... I am going to study this magnificent tree here!Frogzard Hunter: Good job! Fortunately a good wildlife management professional always carry a healing potion. «The potion flies to you and you are fully healed.» - You quaff the potions! Full heal! Frogzard Hunter: Now, most people think the only good Frogzard is a dead one... but not me. Hey? Do you smell something burning? «There are fires flying around the Frogzard Hunter.» Frogzard Hunter: AHHHHHHH! «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen past you.»«The Frogzard Hunter appears once again.» Frogzard Hunter: Nice fighting! That fella tried to barby me like a shrimp. «It starts snowing and the ground changes to snow.» Frogzard Hunter: Brrrr.... weather changes rapidly in this part of the continent. Perphaps we will get a chance to spot the rare IceZard!Frogzard Hunter: I guess you gave that fella a cold shoulder... «The Frogzard Hunter turns around.» Frogzard Hunter: Hey! Wait a minute. He dropped something! «The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen and returns with a green sword handle shaped after the frogzard. The day sky turns to night.» Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What a rare find.. some sort of weapon! It is very unusual to find something like this in the wild. Frogzard Hunter: It got dark awful quick aye mate? «A dark gray-green and purple frogzard comes from behind the Frogzard Hunter and bites him. Both disappear off-screen.» Frogzard Hunter: Wow, this one has a tail!«The Frogzard Hunter runs back on screen.» Frogzard Hunter: Nice work «You»! That bugger might'ov taken me leg with it's deathroll! Frogzard Hunter: Well g'day for now mates, and be sure to join us next time when we set off to find wild and wiley Mother Zard and her treasure!
Frogzard Hunter 1 Armors: Frogzard Rider Armor [L. 1, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G] Spells Call DarkZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135] Call DarkZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G] Call EnergyZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135] Call EnergyZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G] Call FireZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135] Call FireZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G] Call FrogZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135] Call FrogZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G] Call IceZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135] Call IceZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G] Play Part 2! Play again! Guardian Tower! Leave Write up thanks to Tep Itaki.