Frogzard Hunter: Part 1 (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Frogzard Hunter: Part 1 (4/14/2010 11:10:41)

The Frogzard Hunter

Location: Zard Hunter Shop » Frogzard Hunter! » Part 1

Frogzard Hunter: Frogzard Hunter here! We're in the wilds of Athzes... on the trail of fierce and elusive Frogzard!
Frogzard Hunter: And with me today is «You», one of the adventurers of Battleon. Stick with me mate and you'll learn a lot about Frogzard lore.

«You enter the scene with the Frogzard Hunter by you.»

Frogzard Hunter: Hold on! I think I see one now! You must approach the Frogzard with extreme caution... and when you make a grab at it, do not grab the teeth!

«The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen.»

Frogzard Hunter: Gotcha little bugger!
Frogzard Hunter: CRIKEY!!

«The Frogzard Hunter runs back with dark gray-green and purple frogzard stuck on his head.»

Frogzard Hunter: Watch out mate! Here comes another...
    1 BATTLE: FrogZard
Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, look at the size of these teeth! Say, would you mind helpin' a feller out?
Frogzard Hunter: Now, just knock the little bugger off my head. Careful not to hit me though!

«An arrow appears and clicking it will will have a fireball fly and hit the Frogzard, blowing away the Frogzard Hunter as well. The Frogzard Hunter is now lying on the ground with the Frogzard holding onto to him.»

«You»: That thing has a nasty grip, she will not let go!
Frogzard Hunter: No worries, mate! She'll tire out before she can drag me back to her den and have her cubs feed on me!
Frogzard Hunter: Then we can get some measurements of this beautiful specimen.

«The Frogzard drags the Frogzard Hunter off screen.»

Frogzard Hunter: Oh I can feel it, mate! Her teeth is slowly unpiercing my torso. Agh! Just a bit more...Yaiiiaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frogzard Hunter: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

«The Frogzard Hunter runs back facing you.»

Frogzard Hunter: Thanks mate! I owe ya one. If you had not wore her down, I'd have been zard-chow for sure.
«You»: You're welcome?

«The Frogzard Hunter turns around and looks up.»

Frogzard Hunter: Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder. Must be a storm moving in.
Frogzard Hunter: Or perhaps a rare Zappitus Frogenzarditous... better known around here as EnergyZard!

«The Frogzard Hunter takes some distance by a tree.»

Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, here he comes! Put the beat down on that bloke... I am going to study this magnificent tree here!
    1 BATTLE: EnergyZard
Frogzard Hunter: Good job! Fortunately a good wildlife management professional always carry a healing potion.

«The potion flies to you and you are fully healed.» - You quaff the potions! Full heal!

Frogzard Hunter: Now, most people think the only good Frogzard is a dead one... but not me. Hey? Do you smell something burning?

«There are fires flying around the Frogzard Hunter.»

Frogzard Hunter: AHHHHHHH!

«The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen past you.»
    1 BATTLE: FireZard
«The Frogzard Hunter appears once again.»

Frogzard Hunter: Nice fighting! That fella tried to barby me like a shrimp.

«It starts snowing and the ground changes to snow.»

Frogzard Hunter: Brrrr.... weather changes rapidly in this part of the continent. Perphaps we will get a chance to spot the rare IceZard!
    1 BATTLE: IceZard
Frogzard Hunter: I guess you gave that fella a cold shoulder...

«The Frogzard Hunter turns around.»

Frogzard Hunter: Hey! Wait a minute. He dropped something!

«The Frogzard Hunter runs off screen and returns with a green sword handle shaped after the frogzard. The day sky turns to night.»

Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What a rare find.. some sort of weapon! It is very unusual to find something like this in the wild.
Frogzard Hunter: It got dark awful quick aye mate?

«A dark gray-green and purple frogzard comes from behind the Frogzard Hunter and bites him. Both disappear off-screen.»

Frogzard Hunter: Wow, this one has a tail!
    1 BATTLE: DarkZard
«The Frogzard Hunter runs back on screen.»

Frogzard Hunter: Nice work «You»! That bugger might'ov taken me leg with it's deathroll!
Frogzard Hunter: Well g'day for now mates, and be sure to join us next time when we set off to find wild and wiley Mother Zard and her treasure!

Frogzard Hunter 1

  • Frogzard Rider Armor [L. 1, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135 | 150 G]

  • Call DarkZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135]
  • Call DarkZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call EnergyZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135]
  • Call EnergyZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call FireZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135]
  • Call FireZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call FrogZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135]
  • Call FrogZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G]
  • Call IceZard (Adventurer) [L. 5, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125, 135]
  • Call IceZard (Guardian) [L. 10 G, 25 G, 40 G, 55 G, 70 G, 85 G, 100 G, 115 G, 130 G, 140 G, 150 G]

  • Play Part 2!
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Write up thanks to Tep Itaki.

  • Carandor -> RE: Frogzard Hunter: Quest 1 (5/15/2016 12:00:40)

    Frogzard Hunter: Quest 1

    Battleon » Zard hunter Shop » Frogzard Hunter! » Part 1

    The Frogzard Hunter: Frogzard Hunter here! We are in the Wilds of Athzes... on the trail of the fierce and elusive Frogzard!

    «You enter the scene.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: And with me today is one of the adventurers of Battleon. Stick with me and you'll learn a lot about Frogzard
    The Frogzard Hunter: Hold on! I think I see one now! You must approach the Frogzard with extreme caution... and when you make a grab at it, do not grab the teeth!

    «The Frogzard Hunter exits the scene to capture the Frogzard.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Gotcha little bugger!
    The Frogzard Hunter: CRICKEY!!!

    «He runs back with a Frogzard biting his head.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Look out mate! Here comes another...The Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, look at the size of these teeth! Say, would you mind helpin' a feller out?
    The Frogzard Hunter: Now, just knock the little bugger off my head. Be careful to not hit me though!«The Frogzard Hunter returns without the Frogzard on him.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Thanks mate! I owe ya one.
    The Frogzard Hunter: Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder. Must be a storm moving in.

    «The Frogzard Hunter retreats far into the background.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Or perhaps a rare Zappitus Frogenzarditous... Better known around here as the EnergyZard!

    «He retreats even further.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Crikey, here he comes! Put the beat down on that bloke... I will wait for you over here.The Frogzard Hunter: Good job!

    «The Frogzard Hunter moves towards you, holding a health potion.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Fortunately, a good wildlife management professional always carries a healing potion.

    «He hands you the potion, which increases your Health Potion count by 1.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Now, most people think the only good Frogzard is a dead one... but not me. Hey? Do you smell something burning?

    «A blast of fire strikes the Frogzard Hunter from behind, striking him off the screen.»«The Frogzard Hunter returns to the scene, and it begins snowing.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Nice fighting! That fella tried to barby me like a shrimp.

    «Snow quickly covers the ground.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Brrrr.... weather changes rapidly in this part of the continent. Perhaps we will get a chance to spot the rare IceZard!

    «A snowball knocks the Frogzard Hunter to the ground.»«The Frogzard Hunter recovers from the strike.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: I guess you gave that fella the cold shoulder... Hey! Wait a minute. He dropped something!

    «The Frogzard Hunter moves off-screen to pick up a weapon and returns with it.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Crikey! What a rare find.. some sort of weapon! It is very unusual to find something like this in the wild.

    «Something drags him off-screen.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Aiieeeeee!!! Hey, this one has a tail.«The Frogzard Hunter returns back to the scene.»

    The Frogzard Hunter: Good job mate! Maybe we will find that Frogzard weapon in our next adventure.
    The Frogzard Hunter: G'day for now mates, and be sure to join us next time when we set off to find the wild and wiley Mother zard and her treasure! To be continued...

    Thanks to Sarah_Renee and Geopetal.

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