RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (Full Version)

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drakath569 -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 12:42:41)

=O an new Archknight..Guess not new position i suppose? ^^ Greetings.
O.o i got first post in page 3! Wootzors!

Congratz On Archknight Title ^^
Some Noobish Questions here:

Whats L&L?
Umm do u like playing WF?
To be honest, I don't play it much...
Whos ur Favorite Chaos Lord?

Do u Like Cookies?
But of course.
Guess Thats All Cya And Congratz again ^^
Bye! And thanks again!
~Drak (DONT DARE to Copy my ending sign ^^) [[Anti-Coyote Editing ON!]]
Why do people keep thinking they can keep me out of their posts? Seriously. =P ~Coyote

ZeezoGT -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 12:50:13)

Hey !
Congratz For your AK :)
Do u know this face ?

Did u die ?
Nope, my cell in bomb proof.
BwEyZ !

Relentless -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 13:15:58)

Back! [:D]
You again!
Since you're good at poetry, what rhymes with orange?
It is a well known fact that there is no word in the English language which rhymes with orange.
What's your favorite smiley?
Hm... Either XD or :P or [;)]
Do you play any other non-AE related games?
Yes, I play Warcraft III Reign of Chaos from time to time.
Do you have a favorite anime?
Don't really watch any anime...
That's all, bye! [:)]

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 17:39:44)

Page 3!
O.o Where?!
No questions, just a humble congratulations!

Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 18:07:08)

Hey shredder110!
1) I didn't expect to see you here.. still remember me? :o
Yep, I've seen you around the L&L some.
2) Noticed that I misspelled your name. ^^
3) Why am I posting this in this font and color..?
What font and color? <.<
4) Think you can help critique my little stanza for the Book of War?
If I remember to...
8) Do I get a cookie? I've been good. :p
I had a cookie...But I eated it.
7) How many cookies can I get?
Many-much. *Nodnod*
9) Why!?
10) Har har, already my 10th question. =D
11) Am I in trouble now? I posted over 10 questions. :o
I see no question... >.>
Cya then!

Valosity -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 18:10:50)

3 pages! I'm not gonna break my streak now...
Let's keep this show rolling!
Are you tired?
Not hardly! Let's get this thing to 10 pages!
Have you borrowed any Coffee of Lady Azs' yet? It sure would be helpful!
I have said time and time again, I do not drink coffee.
What is your favorite AE game?
Gratz! Cya
Thanks! Bye.

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 19:14:52)

Yay a third page!
So I heard of this guy name Shredder, ever heard of him?
Nope. Who on earth would spell sheder with two "d"s? It's unheard of!
That is cool either way.
Hows the job?
Good so far.
Forgot to ask, how is your new expanded cell?
Actually, my cell is now smaller...
*teleports to anticipated next page*
I await your return.

Caboose2696 -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 19:50:17)

Ohai Shreder, I R remembering you from the L&L MtAK and I remember you from the UCaG :o You prolly dun remember me
Your name seems vaguely familiar...
Well, gratz on AKship
So nao for the questions...
I R can haz Waffle?
No can haz...Lazy eated them all...[:(]

Wait... Only one question.... And again, gratz on AKship!
Thanks again!

DeathEater82 -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 20:19:40)

Oh noz Its meh again Meh has thought of new questions!
Ok then.
Fav movie?
Hm...Probably LotR.
Fav Pet?
Cats, dogs, all the same to me.
Fav Dog?
Fav Chicken cow (Wait how did this get in there O_O)
See above ^
I need a haiku about thunder storms Hurry Hurry! I need it tomarrow but im still typing this blasted thingy when I should be writing it nothing has 5 syllables then 7 syllables the 5 again URGH!
Good luck with that!
Fav Color? (Pink is for manly men!!)
Probably blue.
*Bye bye miss American pie* ( Wait you not a female.....OR ARE YOU!?)

Kueninja -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 22:16:07)

Hiyas congratz on the AKship
whats ur fav AE game?
What AE game do you play most often?
Same as above.
whats 1+1?
Either 2 or 11 or 42, depending on who you ask.
do you like coffee?
do you like pie?

King Desoato -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/20/2010 23:26:29)

Did you know?
Know what?
No you didn't
If you say so.
Toldz you so
Didn't i?
You never seez me coming.
I have impossible questionz don't i?
Can i hazz pie?
If you can find any...
two more hard questionz.
What is the meaning of Desoato?
How should I know?
And whyz iz i talkingz like thiz with all the zzz'z
See above ^

red guy 100 -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 2:59:26)

hi shreder!
now to the questions
is it hard being an AK?
It's not always easy, but it's fun.
warrior or rustbucket?

what is ur name in AQW?

pizza or doughnut?
Both? Pwease?
have u met any of the AE staff?
In person? Nope.
thats all. congrats again!
Alright, thanks.

Jun...... -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 3:13:08)

Congrats on the AK job/ responsibility
Twilly or Twig?
Why Shredder? You watch TMNT a lot?
Actually it's "shreder", with one "d", and has no relation to TMNT.
Leo or Raphael?
Never actually watched that show...
Broccolis or celeries?
Both are fine, just no spinach. [:'(]
That's all now. Bye-bye. *
Alright, thanks.

*Edited to remove inappropriate content.

Jqxv -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 3:15:27)

I've been waiting for another page, so I could ask you my full of awesomeness and crazy questions, and now it's here! :P
Let's get this over with then...
Anyway, Hi again shreder110.
Hello again.
Ok here......
How's the job so far?
What is your favourite smiley?
Ok here's more!
What would you do to me if I shoot you with Water Gun/slingshot?
I would wonder how you found me, as I almost doubtless live very far from you.
Have you ever think about on going to the top of Mt. Everest?
It would certainly be cool, but I don't know if I could make that tough of a climb...
How many times do you drink Coke in a day?
On average, 0.
Have you tasted what poison tastes?

Is my questions too silly for you?
If yes, I'll be asking more to the next page. I'll let you take a rest on my awesome question I'm sure your brain is tired XD.
Alright, see you then!

*Edited to remove inappropriate content.

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 4:12:36)

Whoa! Third Page already.
Questions.. questions..
Define coherent.
Being able to talk in such a way as to be understandable by others.
What's the formula for finding the area of a circle?
Pi r^2
What's pi?

If you're Sheder, who am I?
Considering you're awesome and epic, am I epically awesome? Or awesomely epic?
Oh, yeah.
Would I be in trouble if I went over the question limit?
Maybe... >.>
If not, RAWR!

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 8:12:07)

Ohai. :)
So I've seen the questions about the lack of 'dd' in your name... but is there anything significant about the '110'?
Nope. Just a random assortment of numbers. *Nodnod*
What was your first impression/initial thought when you saw 'XD/xD' for the first time?
To be honest? I really don't remember...
ArchKnights hijacking threads: The product of boredom or a subconscious desire to be in your position and control your thread? :P
I think a combination of the two...
Ever tried Vegemite?
Nope. But I smelled some of it once, it smelled NASTY. (No offense to those that may like it, for reasons I will never comprehend...)
Would you rather eat the food you dislike for the rest of your life, or listen to the music you dislike for the rest of your life?
Music. I could learn to ignore it, but food would be more difficult...
[||||||] < Is this an accurate replication of your cell? :D
No, no! That's MUCH too large. More like: [l]
Miltonius vs Drakath... Who would win?
Tough call...
Cupcake? /offers
Ooh! /Me snatches.
Bye now ^^

coldprinces -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 11:13:04)

hello shreder are you having fun replying every ones question or already puff up???

Of course I'm having fun! [;)]

Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 15:18:03)

Hiyas, Shreder!
We meet again. :D
No questions from me, and yes - they are quite fun. I love reading through them.
Alright then, glad someone enjoys them!
Congratulations again and good luck! ;D

Knight of the Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/21/2010 21:22:08)

Hiyas Shreder!
Congrats on your ArchKnightingness!
Now to the Questions. /me takes out a mile long list full of questions.
/Me points patiently towards the 10 question limit.
Do you like Coffee Hot Chocolate?
Do you play any other games aside from AQW?
What's your favorite weapon on AQW?
Not sure that I have one.
If you to become a drink that is to be sold world-wide in all SuperMarkets, what drink would you choose to be and why?
Well, considering I drink milk more than anything else, milk.
In the C-Alpha Nebula-Y 2cxy Gamma B Beta Minor in the Omega Quadrant of the Space and time continuum happens what special Phenomenon?
What's your favorite food?
Math or Recess? [:D]
Recess, I HATE math...
Did you know that if you mirror reverse 3.14, the word PIE comes out?
Yep, pretty cool huh?
Raspberry Plastic Tickle bear!
Banana Metal Barrel Roll!
Well that's all. Congrats Again!
~Knight of the Dragon

DanteRulez93 -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/22/2010 2:44:33)

Im back :O
You again!
1: Have you met a guy named Shreder?
Nope, never heard of him. >.>
2: My name is doof and you'll do what I say WOOP WOOP
3: Heard of it?
5: Well here it is xD

6: I can read your mind... Think of any number between 0 and 10 add 10 then add 5 then take away the number you started with was the answer 15?
That is just silly...
7: Probably yes :D

/Activates anti-teleportation field.
9: C ya later!

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/22/2010 9:27:13)

ok im here with questions...
Ok. you like cookies?
5.favorite color?
Answered. i annoying?
Nah, no more so than everyone else asking questions...
7.favorite smiley?
8.thats it im going congratz on archknight =D
10.ummmmm bye shredder

Uilleam Beag -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/22/2010 13:40:54)

Allos Shreder
Are you an ArchKnight XP
Need I even answer this?
Okies so heres my Questions...

1. Do you Shred things? Scene as how your name is Shreder?
Bad posts. *Nodnod*
2. Do you enjoy shredding things?
Sometimes. >.>
3. Whats your fave thing about shredding?

4. Am I annoying you?
Not really.
5. I am irritating at times >:D
If you say so.
6. Do you think Chocolate and Cheese Sandwich sounds yummy?
Depends on what type of chocolate/cheese...
7. Whats your fave AE Game?
8. Mario or Sonic?
9. Custard or Gravy?
10. O NOES, I cant ask any more questions : / why the question limit?
So my brain doesn't asplode. [;)]
Anywayz Congrats on AK and I'll see you on the next page >:D hehehe...

Alright then!

Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/22/2010 16:01:00)

Seeing as last time you took away mah colors, I'll help you out ;D
How kind of you. [;)]
1. If your cat was brown, and my cat was black, and your dog had red eyes, what type of fish would you have?
Goldfish, of course.
2. Okay, so... Imagine you're a bus driver. Three people get on, and two get off. There was 7 people on at the beginning. One of them has a large mustache and seems insane. 9 people get on to go to a party, and one has a banjo. If he keeps on playing the banjo until everyone except for the crazy man with the large mustache gets off, what color would your eyes be?
Because...they are?
If I spontaneously combusted into a purple flame that smelled like pineapples, what would you do?
Call Mythbusters. :P
What do pineapples smell like?
Oh no, I am pressed for time. One last question.. Wait no two!
Why so great a rush?
DId you notice that I stopped numbering the questions?
If I stole your pen and fed it to a dog, which he than puked up approxomitally 3 days later, and you accidentally dropped it into a bucket of pure radiation, what color would the ink be?
Bye Shredz!
I r haz mudkipz?
Maybe... <.<


R8ER -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/22/2010 16:12:41)

Anybody home?
Nope. >.>
If so, Harro, I'm yerrow!
welcome to AQW Q&A AK-ing, even tho im not an AK XD
1. one question...... Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Don't shred me!
If you follow the rules you have nothing to worry about...
2. I now have another one :O r u 110?
In a way...
3. (only if u wanna answer other wise say something cheese) Who is ur in game account, if u have 1?
I am a ninja.
4.Aabit moglinishly u wuv fish?
Not...really. I've never been fond of seafood.
5.Will you join the dark-side if I offer cookies?
6.If you where to open a suit case and find SEAWEED all over your new designs for the game would you flip?
Well first off, I don't design the game, but if I DID then yes.
7.If you where walking along and a mad ninja samurai cat flew down and attacked your car would you:
A: Get out and run for your life
B: Find something to smash the cat
C: Throw a ball of wool out the window
8. Did you want to be an AK? (I'm pretty sure everyone does)
Well...I was already an AK in L&L before I cam here, so I'm not sure this question really applies...

Shreder -> RE: =MtAK= shreder110 (AQW Q&A) (4/22/2010 20:29:53)

Just posting to note that I am adding a special bonus feature to my MtAK. IF you are kind enough to put in the CORRECT tags for me, I will permit you to ask a maximum of 15 questions, as opposed to 10.

That being said, carry on with the questions! [:D]

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