Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36 (Full Version)

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ZanpakuTô -> Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36 (4/24/2010 12:30:31)

Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36

Name of Mecha in Series (By Increasing Level): Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC21, Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC26, Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC31, Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36, Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC40

Level: 36
Price: 360,000 Credits
Sellback: 36,000 Credits

Location: Lagos Invasion Salvage Mecha Shop

HP: 528
EP: 486
EP Regen: 18

  • 70 Immobility

    Description: Corrupted by the Shadowscythe! Salvaged and modified! Now uses their own technology against them! This specialized mecha will need heavy customizing to be effective vs. non-Shadowscythe types
    Image: Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36

    Thanks to Vampire Fexy for the image!

  • Ello -> RE: Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36 (6/19/2011 16:55:10)

    Shadow Razor

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Type: None
    Damage: 49-73
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 54
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: Razor Shadow DoT (15 - 24 Health per turn for 3 turns)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: Shadowscythe detected! Bonus accuracy and damage! (+40 Boost and Bonus for remainder of battle)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: 200% Weapon Damage
  • vs. Non-Shadowscythe Mecha: 125% Weapon Damage

    Combos: None

    Description: Inspired by the claws of the majestic lion, this weapon is razor-sharp!
    Image: Attacking

    Info thanks to ZanpakuTô

    Shadow Shield

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage Type: None
    Damage: 49-73
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 54
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: Corrupted Leak DoT (15 - 24 Energy per turn for 3 turns)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: 200% Weapon Damage
  • vs. Non-Shadowscythe Mecha: 125% Weapon Damage

    Combos: None

    Description: The mystical power of this shield may cause energy leakage
    Image: Attacking

    Info thanks to ZanpakuTô

  • Ello -> RE: Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36 (6/19/2011 16:55:46)

    Shadow Spear

    Equip Slot: Front and Back Shoulder
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 49-73
    Hits: 3
    Energy: 54
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: Energy Shielding Shattered! (-20 Defense for 3 turns)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: Energy Armor Shattered! (-20 Defense for 3 turns)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: 200% Weapon Damage
  • vs. non-Shadowscythe Mecha: 125% Weapon Damage

    Combos: None

    Description: The spear-like ripples of power emanating from this weapon are strong enough to damage enemy defenses
    Image: Shadow Spear, Attacking

    Special info thanks to ZanpakuTô and normal image thanks to #13.

  • Ello -> RE: Shadowed Arthurian Lion NSC36 (6/19/2011 16:56:45)

    Shadow Roar

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Type: None
    Damage: 49-73
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 54
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: The lion's spirit feeds on enemy health and energy! (Recovers Health based on Damage)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: 200% Weapon Damage
  • vs. non-Shadowscythe Mecha: 125% Weapon Damage

    Combos: None

    Description: The corrupted spirit of this lion roars hungrily...for the health and energy of opponents!
    Image: Attacking

    Special info thanks to ZanpakuTô

    Lion Shadow

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Type: None
    Damage: 49-73
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 54
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: Shadows engulf the field and affect combatants! (-20 Bonus for 5 turns and +20 Defense to Player for 5 turns)
  • vs. Shadowscythe Mecha: 200% Weapon Damage
  • vs. non-Shadowscythe Mecha: 125% Weapon Damage

    Combos: None

    Description: The shadowed spirit of the mighty lion engulfs the field, increasing your defense
    Image: Attacking

    Special info thanks to ZanpakuTô

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