Gauntlets by Element/Variant/Level (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Gauntlets by Element/Variant/Level (4/27/2010 15:45:13)

Gauntlets by Element/Variant/Level/in alphabetical order

[image][/image] Fire

Location: Hangard Deck > Stormfront > MISSIONS > DEAD PLANET
L25 Twinkling Star Gauntlet
L25 Star Gauntlet Z (Z-Tokens)
L45 Parching Dragon Fist Z (Z-Tokens)
L45 Starlight Gauntlet
L55 Parching Dragon Fist
L65 WarpGuardian Star Gauntlet (Guardian)
L75 Parching Dragon Fist
L85 Morning Star Gauntlet
L95 Guardian Parching Dragon Fist (Guardian)
L105 Shooting Star Gauntlet

[image][/image] Water

[image][/image] Wind

Location: Engineering > Gravlax > MISSIONS > GRAY GOO
L10 Nanogauntlet
L10 Nanogauntlet Z (Z-Tokens)
L30 Light Nanogauntlet
L50 Guardian Nanogauntlet (Guardian)
L50 Insubstantial Nanogauntlet Z (Z-Tokens)
L70 Weightless Nanogauntlet
L82 Drill Gauntlet (Guardian)
L90 Floating Nanogauntlet
L95 Drill Gauntlet (Guardian)
L95 Drill Gauntlet Z (Z-Token)

[image][/image] Ice

L10 Ancient Network Deflector Z (Z-Tokens)
L15 Primitive Network Deflector
L35 Old WG Network Deflector (Guardian)
L50 Network Deflector
L65 New Network Deflector
L80 Advanced WG Network Deflector (Guardian)

[image][/image] Earth

L6 WG Power Gauntlet (Guardian)
L20 Power Gauntlet Z (Z-Tokens)
L40 WG Power Gauntlet (Guardian)

Location: Engineering > Gravlax > MISSIONS > SUPER TOP SECRET! > Optay Ecretsay Issionmay!
L25 Time Gauntlet
L45 Time Gauntlet
L65 WarpGuardian Time Gauntlet (Guardian)
L65 Time Gauntlet Z (Z-Tokens)
L85 Time Gauntlet
L105 Time Gauntlet

[image][/image] Energy

L1 Basic Lightning Gauntlet
L10 Warped Lightning Gauntlet
L15 Lightning Gauntlet Z (Z-Tokens)
L35 Improved Lightning Gauntlet
L55 Advanced Warp Lightning Gauntlet (Guardian)

[image][/image] Light

Location: The Bridge > Queen Pra'Mithia > WARPFORCE SAGA! > HAND OF CREATION
L10 Hand of Creation
L15 Hand of Creation Z (Z-Tokens)
L25 WarpGuardian Hand of Creation (Guardian)
L35 Fabled Hand of Creation
L45 Fabled WarpGuardian Hand of Creation (Guardian)
L50 Mythic Hand of Creation Z (Z-Tokens)
L65 Incarnate Hand of Creation
L75 True WarpGuardian Hand of Creation (Guardian)

[image][/image] Darkness

[image][/image] Neutral

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