=MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (Full Version)

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Leumas Dragonsword -> =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/4/2010 5:56:54)

Allos everybody, guess I should set up one of these here.
My name Leumas Dragonsword (Call me Leu) and I am a new ArchKnight for the DF Suggestions Area

Just a couple of rules, 5 questions per post and one post per page, and I will still hold the right to not answer a question if I don't won't to .
Other than that, have fun! If that is actual possible when one is asking questions.

I will be editing in this colour.


Baron -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/4/2010 6:05:27)

B digidy!
Congratulations on receiving an extra board!
Thankies veery so much.
Favorite food?
Custard Slices.
Favorite drink?
/me gives Leu 100 Tim Tams <^_^> cookies as a congratulations gift
Note: I gave you twice the amount as I normally give because I missed out on posting in your previous MtAK thread
Heh, all good.
Well, that's all for me. Good luck!
/me congratulationsgoodlucksnugglepouncetackles Leu!
/steps to one side and hits Baron with his Snuggle Tractor!

Myra -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/5/2010 13:47:32)

Hi Leu!
I don't really have questions for you, I just want to express my eternal gratitude that you came here! We really need more suggestion AKs! [:)]
Pleasure's all mine. =)
Do you like it here so far? (I really hope so)
Lovin' it.
Congratulations and have fun!
Thankies, and I will!

Shreder -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/5/2010 15:57:36)

Allos Shred!
It occurs to me I never posted in your first MtAK...
I was wondering why you hadn't. XP
Well, I've already said this, but congrats on the new board!
Thankies very much.
Notice I put in tags for you? :P
Thanks, I was going to copy them in myself but then I got a pleasant surprise when they were there for me. =D
And now a few questions...
Alrightie then.
Favorite book/author?
The Belgariad and The Mallorean by David Eddings.
You, my friend, just earned yourself a cookie. David Eddings is awesome.
Favorite poem/poet?
The Iliad by Homer if that counts.
Well I guess just those two questions for now...

AEgamer15 -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/7/2010 8:33:26)

~~DA owner?
Love 'em.
~~Favorite Predator?
Wolf. ^_^
Great Day for you.....Swashbuckling! [sm=untitledm9zb.gif.bmp]

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/7/2010 8:35:41)

There's no need to create two MtAKs. >_> I'm not certain if you remember my reaction to shreder's 2nd. :P
Anyways, congrats on your new forumz!
/me gives cookies and snuggles on his way out.

I -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/12/2010 18:02:55)

Hai dere Leu.
Allo allo allo.
Congrats again..?
Thankies. =)
Not much to post here..have fun in your new section :o.
Thankies very much. =D

IceGems -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/12/2010 20:30:09)

Like pie?
To an extent.
Like wolfs?
Like AQ?
Not as much as AQW
Bai now [sm=twill3a.gif]
~IceGems Gotcha again! or did she..? oh rly?

steel blade -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/13/2010 2:32:50)

How's AK job?
Good thankies.
Fave AE game?
AQW, DF second.
Pie, Cookies or Pancakes? (insert Waffles there)
Pancakes most indefinitly.

LFAL -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/14/2010 2:33:18)

just getting promotions left and right eh?
I tink so.
heres a kitten. oddly no questions for me.
have a cookie
and another kitten
Heh, Tanks.

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/22/2010 19:26:48)

Just so I can find it easier. For when I Archive.

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