Shreder -> RE: =MtAK= Leumas Dragonsword (5/5/2010 15:57:36)
Hi! Allos Shred! It occurs to me I never posted in your first MtAK... I was wondering why you hadn't. XP Well, I've already said this, but congrats on the new board! Thankies very much. Notice I put in tags for you? :P Thanks, I was going to copy them in myself but then I got a pleasant surprise when they were there for me. =D And now a few questions... Alrightie then. Favorite book/author? The Belgariad and The Mallorean by David Eddings. You, my friend, just earned yourself a cookie. David Eddings is awesome. Favorite poem/poet? The Iliad by Homer if that counts. Well I guess just those two questions for now... Nawwwwww. Bye. Wayters!