RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (Full Version)

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Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/16/2010 20:27:15)

I put your tags in :3 Wait, is ur color 663399?
Actually it's #5045B5 but thanks for adding it anyway :)
Cuz I'm cool <3
Thanks again!
No questions *Gasp*, just passing by. Don't smite me.
That's ok.
Oyah, one more thing...

OMG OMG <3 C0LDK1CK UR S0 3P1C 1 L0V3 U C4N 1 H45 UR B4BY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMFG OMFG MAKE ME MODZZZ MAKE ME MODDZZ/?!?!?!?!!???
I'm sorry but asking to be a mod is against rules.
>.>; Don't you hate that? :P
Shouldn't have said it in the first place :P
Talk to you later!

aNyThInG -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/16/2010 20:35:35)

Greetings! :D
Hey there!

Grats on the AKship!
Thanks :D

I see they have abducted you as part of their human experiment. Who is the one responsible for it?!
It's all a conspiracy! They brainwashed me so I don't remember!

Favourite book/author?
Third time this was asked. :P Garth Nix - Keys to the Kingdom

Favourite subject?
I'm a math wiz. :P

And... how exactly do you manage to come up with the name 'Coldkick' ?
Long story short, when I was little (like 8) I tried Coolkid, taken everywhere, so I changed it while keeping it similar to that. Found Coldkick wasn't taken anywhere, thus I kept it,

Anyhoo, I believe that is all from me. Have a good day! :D
You too!

Jamenja -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/17/2010 7:22:21)

Greetings! :p
Hi there!

Congratulations on the AK post.

Here's a question to a question you've already answered =D.

Favorite proffesion in Guild Wars *mines dervish*
Dervish is pretty awesome but I'm an Elly at the moment

Good luck and hope you have fun here in the DFpedia
Thanks again!

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/17/2010 7:30:53)

Hiya. Grats on the AKship. That's about it. ^^

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/17/2010 8:44:22)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.

Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.

1. What is you Element?
My element would be Ice hehe

2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
If by edge master you mean having to have the best equipment? The in most cases yes.

3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)

4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
Soul Calibur 4

5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?
I do.

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?
If I have the time :P

7. What is your Dragon's element?
Whatever is need at the time of battle

8. Do you believe the power of the human spirit?
Sure, why not

9. What is you Base class of choice?

10. Are you a tratior to AE, by playing any other Online RPG's/MMO's?
A traitor? No, but I do play other games.

11. What is Cysero to you?
A person who helps make the games we play.

12. Gorrilaphants?

13. What ore your feelings on The Ebil Togmaster, Rolith, the Tog Challenges he continues to come up with, and Togs in general. Also DOOOOOM it's #13!
Togs are awesome. I love the CMC's!

14. Don't you hate when people do DOOOOOM for that Question?

15. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?

If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.

If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my HSRoD and my BBLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.
Don't get carried away there....geez :P

That's about it. Congrats, and as I always say...

(N)ightmare Zero

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/18/2010 10:37:28)

Coldkick!! (Yeah, let me call your name as if I know you xD)
You do :P

Good luck with the DF Pedia. I hope it won't be as hard for as it with us AQ Pedia'ers
I'll manage :)

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/18/2010 11:59:09)

Put your hands up! Put your hands up!

Move in now move out!

Hands up now hands down!

Back up back up!

Tell me what you're gonna do now!

Breathe in now breathe out!

Hands up now hands down!

Back up back up!

Tell me what you're gonna do now!

Well, old Limp Bizkit songs aside, congrats on becomin' an AK!

How's them shackles?
Great somehow!

Who's in the cage next to you?
Niki :P

Choose: A dollop of melted chocolate on a heaping of vanilla ice-cream on a chocolate cake, or a huge dollop of melted chocolate on a chocolate bar covering a vanilla cake?

Well, enough torture for now! Bye, and keep on rollin'!
Talk to ya later!

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/21/2010 4:48:30)



The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/21/2010 4:55:18)

Hey Coldkick! :D
Congrats and welcome to the AKs. ^___^
We ish growingz in numberz. >:D
INdeed we are, a lot!
Good luck with the DF Pedia!
Thanks again!
/me congratulationgoodluckhugglewugglefarewellglomptacklesnuggles Coldkick
/me "" :P

SoulStice -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/21/2010 18:05:32)

Hey ColdKick!
I last saw you as a member!
You mut be happy!
Not sure about mut but I am happy ;)
ArchKnight status is cool, right? (with your newfound powers)
Indeed it is.

AEgamer15 -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/23/2010 22:54:26)

Hi ColdKick!
How's The expression when you have promoted to AK?
Excited expression :P
O rly?
Ya rly!
I didnt say something..
You said something right there!
I think Gorgok said that..
Maybe so.
A long Spear out of violet aura and a black scarf,who is it?
Pardon? :P
Has a Green,Yellow skin that is awful to jokes who is it?
I'm terrible with people ;(
What if someone has ColdKicked you?
I'll HotPunch them back ;)
[X(] [X(] [X(] Tnx for ur Pedia Entries! HahAHAHahAHAHa!
Your welcome!

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/24/2010 1:46:25)

Its a Coldkick!! Catch em'!
So, how do you like being an AK so far?
It's great!
Is your refrigerator running?
You'd better go catch it! Hahah!!
You tricked me!
Wait, first off, congratulations! On your AKstatususisnsenesisis.
So, here's a cookie. I mean you deserve it. ^_^
Wait no you don't give it back!, *noms on cookie*
No wait, thats mean, here's another cookie, with a glass of milk.
Well I'm done for now Happy Aking!
Thanks again!
Ok I'll start giving each AK there own poem in their MTAK

I've done 3 AK's and your name is fairy easier than Neodiabolus' :P

Hey Coldkick, so cold, it makes me sick, with that cold kick me trick, arithmetic!
My teeth have food stuck in them, I may need a tooth pick, oh no the food is growing mold, I'd better take it out quick!
Reminds me, I do not like ticks, better get them off me quick, as time goes by, it goes toc, tic, tic, tic.
I'm done here ColdKick, this thread is so cold it makes me sick, see you later in another thread, I might go and click.


KoibatlupeSnowager -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (5/24/2010 2:30:07)

*offers a selection of delectable veggies and sweets, (not on the same tray of course!)*
What can I get for you? Tea? Cookies? Coffee? Sweets? Veggies? I have an excellent platter of fresh-grilled broccoli here!
I love broccoli!
Do you like anime? If so, which ones?
Death Note, Code Geass, Reborn!, there is others.
Byes! *drops a platter of fried onion rings, somehow managing to drop the onion rings so that they stay on the platter, and runs away*
I like Onion rings too! Thanks!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (6/4/2010 6:03:55)

Congratulations with your ArchKnighthood Coldkick.
So you like Garth Nix, the Keys to the Kingdom?
My favourite series!
Who's your favourite character in this story?
Hmm, Arthur Penhaligon?
Which is your favourite day?
Lord Sunday :D
How does the story end?

Read it yourself to find out :P I did, Leaf becomes bald and Arthur gets split in two after he becomes *spoiler*.

Have you read Sabriel and/or Lirael?
Yeppers, I have all of Garth Nix' books except for Shade's's gross!
Good luck.

Ellial -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (6/15/2010 12:39:37)

You have a cold foot Coldkick?
You could say that. ;)

Brega -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (6/16/2010 19:34:15)

Hi and congratulations to the promotion!
I don't know you, did you not know that?
I don;t recognize your name either. Hey! :)
*Summons fire dragon breath on you* You're a puddle of awesome now!
I'm way too cold for a dragons fire to melt me!
Do you think I should try and call artix? (I found his phone number weirdly enough, but thats what happens when you look up his name on the white pages)
So, how do your toes feel now?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint and chocolate chip.
2+2 Is?
A GIANT TACO IS ATTACKING JAPAN AND ITS EATING GODZILLA 0_. WWYDIYWG*? *What would you do if you were godzilla?*
Eat the taco!
What would you do if I ran up to you with a treasure chest then I open that treasure chest then I pull a link and have a taco float above my hand and have it rotate then a GIANT Box pops underneath you and says


Stand there thinking "What...just happened??? o.O"
And that is IT, I think. see ya soon :D
¿31qqolqɹ374ʍ ɥ37 ɹo '5nɔ1ɟ'51ɥ7 p43ɹ u4ʞ oɥʍ 3ɯo53ʍ4 ɥ37 ɹoɟ uo1753ʍʞ 73ɹɔ35 ɹ3dn5
All hail the ficus!
That was leet speak with only the letters turned upside down, decode it for the most important question you will answer as a Archknight. Good luck.

EDIT: @Below They only died cause of spam! One guy made a giant doom text which made the screen flatter then a pancake.

Acient J -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (6/16/2010 20:02:35)

Want to find out how to keep an ArchKnight in suspense?
...then keep reading until you get to the spoiler. (I'm assuming you said yes: if no, I hope you still get the joke.)
I did. :P
Favorite breed of dog? Cat? Moose?
Wheaten Terrior, Savannah, Moose :P
Favorite type of pie?
The type without an e :P
If Einstein was a genius, why did he use water to shave when he knew about shaving cream?
Water opens the pores.
Is this question too personal?
Ever been to Mars? Saturn? Pluto? Krypton?
I've been to MakeMake!
Are you ready for the spoiler? (Pointless, I guess, because you're editing this; spoiler tags mean nothing to an ArchKnight.)

Want to find out how to keep an ArchKnight in suspense? Read the first question!


Seriously, though, congratulations! I saw you around DFGD once, and you deserve the position.
Thanks a bunch!

EDIT: @above: I'm no ArchKnight, but I read it. I say neither. Rise, togs!
Togs are great too!

basho -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (7/13/2010 13:36:27)

Hey Coldkick!
Am I Advance Wolf?
If you say so!
How is this promotion?
Fun! Pedia entries can by huge sometimes though.
What is the meaning of life?
To reproduce to keep the ecosystem alive.
233 times 5468 muliplied by 3 minus 4 =?
Nothing elese to ask have fun :D
Thanks! You too!

Alisa -> RE: =MtAK= It's chilly in here! (7/17/2010 7:20:02)


Congratulations for being an ArchKnight

*Gives a cookie* ^^

So hows taste of cookie?

My brain question got blank, It means See Ya!

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