Eukara Vox -> OFFICIAL RULES — Poetry and Lyrics (2/15/2018 15:38:12)
Poetry and Lyrics — Official Rules In order to keep Poetry and Lyrics in good order, there are important rules to follow. Below are these rules and failure to follow them can result in any form of punishment starting with thread deletion and locking, and leading up to a permanent ban from the forums. This sub-forum is where you post all your poems or verse! The "Legends and Lore" Boards are part of the Artix Entertainment Forums: you must follow the Universal Rules. The Universal Rules are exactly that: Universal. They apply everywhere, at all times, so even L&L participants are expected to know and follow them. Claiming ignorance to rules is not a defense for breaking them—all forum members are expected to read the rules before posting anywhere. If you have questions about the Universal Rules and how they relate with rules specific to Legends and Lore, please contact Master Samak (Head Moderator for Legends and Lore) or any forum administration staff via a forum PM. This [The Bookshelves] Board is for posting written work only. The Works Discussion Board is for feedback/story discussion. Only the author's written work goes here. Do not post commentary in this section. Threads for commentary are required with the written work, but they belong here: Creative Works Discussion. When contributing to [Legends and Lore], write properly. Remember that any story or verse you post is viewable by everyone. Grammar exists so that your writing can be understood by all. Ignore grammar, and few will intuit how to follow along with your writing without working really, really, really hard at it, and that tends to lose readers' interest. Therefore, to make your posts easier and more enjoyable to read, use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your content can be valuable to readers and writers alike. If they struggle to comprehend what you're writing, you get in your own way. To help with this, double-check your post before posting. Reading it through once before posting is an excellent way to catch grammar and spelling errors, and it is even more effective if you do so out loud. A spellcheck program can help catch the spelling errors, but it may not fix grammar problems. Do not ask people to rate, rank, or grade your poetry. Constructive Criticism/Commentary does not involve a system of ranking. Please do not ask readers to rank, rate, or otherwise score that your text meets "X" qualifications. Examples include grading (A-, B, C+) or declarations like, "On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the best, I give this a 2 because yeah it is interesting but there are minor issues that need to be dealt with." This is not very constructive. We should be focused instead toward education and striving to improve. Do not plagiarize. Do not steal poetry or ideas posted here, and give credit for someone else's creative writing when given permission. Posting writing here does not mean it will be used or included in AE's games. Any stories, and/or ideas, which are posted to Artix Entertainment, LLC (AE), are free to be used by AE as desired. Any stories, ideas, art, works, or suggestions submitted to Artix Entertainment, LLC (AE), or a member of, become property of Artix Entertainment, LLC (AE). Posting writing is a privilege AND a responsibility. Taking advantage will result in disciplinary action. Legends and Lore is not a writing forum that will support posts aimed towards any person/group in a derogatory manner or otherwise intended to cast hate, pain, or harassment on a person/group of people. This is also not a place to get others to do your homework for you. If you are caught using this forum to dishonestly get your homework done by others, action will be taken. Maintain the family-friendly atmosphere of Artix Entertainment. Keep all content PG-rated. A slight allowance of above-PG is allowed in Legends and Lore, but not by much. Please keep the following in mind: - You cannot use excessive profanity, actively promote drugs, overly detail violence, or have explicit scenes on the forums. Profanity is automatically blocked, usually, but that does not mean your CHARACTER can’t curse. You just have to be creative (For example, a popular one in Anne McCaffrey's Pernese world: "By the First Egg!") or take the easier route and simply edit your forum version appropriately.
- Since your writing is posted on the AE Forums, content MUST be appropriate for a younger audience. Alcohol and tobacco are barely tolerated, therefore you must be discreet and not promote their use.
- Regarding violence, crime, or similar subject matter, writers MUST note that extreme detail, overly grotesque or gory material, or act descriptions going beyond insinuation/inference can get you in trouble. Yes, writing such things provides for good storytelling and plot development, but we must remember that there are people out there who can be hurt by what you write. Keep details to a level where the reader relies more on their imagination than your words.
- In regards to sex, it is not outright forbidden, but again it is a subject best left to inference. You cannot be explicit about it. When in doubt, imply; do not specify. For example, characters can enter a bedroom for the night together... but that is as far as you take it.
Artix Entertainment's Copyrighting policy quote:
11. USER CONTENT. You grant Company a license to use the materials you post to the Site or Service. By posting, downloading, displaying, performing, transmitting, or otherwise distributing information or other content (“User Content”) to the Site or Service, you are granting Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives a license to use User Content in connection with the operation of the Site and Service. Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives, including without limitation, a right to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate, and reformat User Content. You will not be compensated for any User Content. You agree that Company may publish or otherwise disclose your name in connection with your User Content. By posting User Content on the Site or Service, you warrant and represent that you own the rights to the User Content or are otherwise authorized to post, distribute, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute User Content. User Content, in this clause, is the content submitted for in-game consideration. Those who post in L&L, aside from those who are purposely posting Quest writing, do not have to worry about AE claiming writing as theirs. In theory, if a staff member was perusing L&L and found a story they liked, the story's author would be spoken to about its possible in-game use. Posting in Legends and Lore has no influence on publishing, aside from a publishing company itself. Many publishers will refuse to use the writings of an author that is found in the public, which is why you may have seen certain writers pull stories from L&L on occasion. If someone is looking to publish a work they've posted in L&L, it will most likely need to be removed before submission to the publishing company. Do not include your forum signatures in your prose/verse threads. Art inclusion should be minimal. You are not allowed to use your signature at all in your story thread, please and thank you. Title banners are restricted to 600x200 pixels and a maximum file size of 50kb. Art illustrations should be of reasonable size (at the discretion of the forum staff) and have a maximum file size of 100kb and be no larger than 400X400 pixels. The maximum number of images embedded in any story is six. Images should not be animated. L&L DOES allow double posting, but only by the author. This is an essential part of updating a story thread. Writers frequently post chapters using individual posts, and that is acceptable and even encouraged (to break up walls and walls of text). If an issue arises within L&L (be it clarification of the rules, an issue with a specific user, or reporting rule violations), the following is a list of individuals to contact: If you wish to report threads in violation of the rules, contact any L&L ArchKnight. If you have an issue with an ArchKnight, please contact the head moderator of this forum. If your issue is with the moderating staff, please contact [image][/image] Zyrain. Head Moderator: [image][/image] Master Samak L&L ArchKnights: [image][/image] Dwelling Dragonlord