BlueRage -> RE: =MtAK= Hey, it’s Hay! Hay… an AK? No way! (B.Y.O rhymes) (5/23/2010 8:17:01)
I'll start with a formal "Hi!"./bows and says "Hello.A Good Morning,Afternoon,Evening or Night to you.(This does not count as a question right?) Hi! (I'll let it slide ;)) 1.Is it tiring to reply questions in such threads of Meet the ArchKnight since you will still have to look for the font you have to use etc. ? Not with copy and paste! Also, sometimes forumites put in the tags for me, which is very nice. ^^ 2.Do you want an ArchKnight prize if there is and what will it be? I think being an ArchKnight is a privilege already. 3.Do you watch World Cup/La Liga/Europa League/Champion's League/Barclay's Premier League?And your favourite players? Nope, I don't. xD 4.Your country of origin? Personal question! ... Are we even allowed to discuss these things in the forums? I swear there's a rule against it x3 *looks around for help* *Elnaith hoots* 5.Do you want to move to another planet? Nope. 6.Favorite things?(NO summary,detailed structure) Uhh. Lots of different things? 7./squashes your head into human juice.Grinds you into small pieces of human meat. ... e.e 8.(Evil smile)Here's a glass of liquor or coke,you choose.(Thinking of how to set you up....No,it's how to "take good care of you" and prepares to summon someone to you...) I'll stick with the oxygen for now, thanks. 9.Change of scenario."Now all of your properties are mine....HAHAHAHA!You know what,YOU SNATCHED EVERYTHING FROM ME 20 YEARS AGO!YOU CHEATED ME OF ALL MY MONEY AND PRETENDED TO LET ME BE A SHAREHOLDER BUT YOU TRICKED ME AND OCCUPIED MY MONEY BY FORCE!NOW,IT'S RETRIBUTION AND VENGEANCE! Not according to the contract. >:) 10.Does this count as a question?I think no. Well, you've already decided that it's not. 11.This is again not a question but I'm giving you a rest.Bye./RUN FOR MY LIFE BY GTA.SNATCHES A CAR AND DRIVE AWAY."BANG BANG BANG BANG!","UHHHHHHHHHH...(gets weaker then silence)" Alrighty then... o.O