=MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (Full Version)

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PD -> =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/23/2010 23:03:08)

Why hello there people.......

Before you say, "Who in the WORLD is this guy!?" I will first off tell you that my former name was venturer90. (That should ringing a bell in your mind)

Now, back to business. This is my MTAK. Here are the conditions of this MTAK:

  • All Forum rules Apply
  • No Question limit per post
  • No Post limit per page
  • If There's a Question that's too personal, I will not answer it.

    And just to make this easier, here's a few things about me:

  • I am 15 (and a 3/4ths (Birthday is in less than a month))
  • I <3 Pomeranians
  • I am Korean-Amercian by decent
  • I am from the USA. My Time Zone is Pacific Coast Time (EST -3 hours)

    Now that all the basic stuff is now done..... I will now queue the Posting Signal.

    Ready, set, POST!!!!

    BTW, I'll post in this color. Also, this MTAK will last until 6/1/10

    The soul of your thread has been hi-jacked! - Zanpaku-tô
    Hijacked for me. >:| Mah thread nao! ~Icy
    The soul has been reclaimed! - Zanpaku-tô
    /me sends the Pomeranians to bark the intruders away ~PD

  • forumlogin -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 0:55:35)

    First of all,

    I now now (delete one now) queue the Posting Signal.

    Couldn't resist. XD
    It's now fixed
    By now, you should've already gotten your PM.
    I did
    I repeat: Re-congrats!
    Why yellow Pomeranian?
    Actually, I like Black Pomeranains more, but, I couldn't find an image of one
    Do you actually have a Pomeranian?
    My neighbor next door does.
    Did you sign up for this? *looks at PD suspiciously*
    No, they abducted me
    Lucky dog...what a lucky dog. :P
    See you later!
    EDIT: Forgot to mention that I got first post. :P
    I know it's spam, but can't you let if off for this one post?

    legomaster00156 -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 0:57:48)

    You're back![:D]
    Nothing much, so congrats on your reinstatement, and bye.

    moneybags -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 1:01:06)

    Nice ta have ya back!
    I like prese canarios more... :P
    Eh... fine by me.
    Don't be leaving so quick this time... Seeya around! :D
    k thx bai!

    The Forgotten -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 1:01:16)

    Hey PD. :D
    I don't think we've met before....
    We have a long time ago, it's just that you don't remember when. :P
    Anyway, I don't have anything else to say. Congrats and good luck!
    Thank you!

    Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 1:06:25)

    Welcome back PD! :)
    Congratz on your reinstatement!
    Another Thank you!
    No questions here, have fun!
    See ya!

    Trog -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 1:12:38)

    So.. That's what PD stood for, I've been curious a little.
    Don't worry, a lot of people didn't what PD stood for either
    Anyway, Hey PD!
    Yo yo yo
    No questions here either, just a good luck and congratulations!
    Thanks and Bye!

    Tokijin -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 1:12:44)

    Its a PD! Catch em'!
    Not on my wacth
    So, how do you like being an AK so far?
    Wait, first off, congratulations! On your AKstatususisnsenesisis.
    So, here's a cookie. I mean you deserve it. ^_^
    Can't eat chocolate cookies...
    Wait no you don't give it back!, *noms on cookie*
    No wait, thats mean, here's another cookie, with a glass of milk.
    Well I'm done for now Happy Aking! [:D]
    Ok I'll start giving each AK there own poem in their MTAK
    Give me one! XD
    SO PD, do you like Bruce Lee, he was really famous, hey! is that Kim Chee?
    Yeah, Bruce lee is full of win. /me searchs for Kim Chee
    Kim Chee is great for the body and soul, heck, maybe it gets flee's off of dogs merrily?
    Kim Chee has quite a bad smell, but... It's full of essential nutrients
    That probably didn't make sense PD, but you got to power up, save your chi!
    Oh look an alien! Big scary, and blue, oh no wait, he's just that one monster from Monsters Inc, Mike Sully.
    /me yaps Mike away
    So I'm probably done for now PD, I need to run from these threads, here I flee!

    KoibatlupeSnowager -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 1:16:51)

    *walks in, telemporting into this room/dimension via a door-linked planar pathway*
    Do you like anime? Or even watch anime?
    Only Fighting Spirit
    If so, what ones do you watch?
    See above
    What gender are you? I'm female. I only ask that because some girls play AQ games. And some guys.
    100% man
    And because I wanna know whether to address you with the pronoun "he" or "she", if some case comes up that I should quote you.
    It's ok
    How much do you love Pomeranians?
    A lot
    What's your favorite food?
    Korean BBQ
    And can you please link to the forum rules page? I want to review them.
    This should satisfy your desire
    That's all for now, thanks.
    You are very welcome
    *walks out via the same door, returning to her home dimension/world/planet/galaxy/multiverse/reality/insert place here*

    LFAL -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 2:29:12)

    hey dude! Hey
    glad you got the job, you deserved it ^^ Thanks
    earlier today i was looking at your title and said: hes going to be an AK any minute now. ohhh the irony xD You Knew?! :O
    well if pomeranians didnt exsist what would you do? Well, I would continually selectively breed the German Spitz until I have created the first Pomeranians
    thats all for now mate ^-^
    Ok then, see ya around

    I am 15 (and a 3/4ths (Birthday is in less than a month))
    thought you had to be 18 to be an AK o.o
    All long as the Moderators deem that you have the responsibility to be an AK, then age will not matter as long as you are over the age of 13.

    Zyrain -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 2:39:31)

    About time you returned as an AK. :3
    About time? Well, I just got an alert from some special person, so yeah, I'm not sure if "About Time" is the right term to say
    No questions, I'm affraid. Just popping by to an old friend. ;)
    That's fine
    Good luck and have fun!

    mechquestlord -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 2:49:10)

    pomerians... bah! dont like them... and i have a MINEFIELD!
    /me destroys minefields

    krataa Overlord -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 3:02:21)

    Congratulations on your promotion! (again)
    I won't bother you now, and I wish you the best of luck.
    Thanks and bye!

    flame80010 -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 3:18:17)

    o.o you again!
    ya you you should really get on AQW more X3 so i can harrass you and people harrassing you o.o
    Eh... I'll play as much as I can
    Anyway... you owe me a cookie for last time >:3
    Definately. How could I forget you saving me from those mean people a while back!
    alright alright... srs questions now
    Bring it on!
    C4N Y3W R34D TH15?
    Yes, I can read it
    Now a Hard one... how good is SL class in AQW (hint! it sucks)
    It's good if you use it correctly. Also, it's powerful for Non-members
    umm really i dnno what to ask you o.o
    Think of more soon
    but since you dont have a question limit this can go on FOREVER!!!!
    ive never understood your obsession with Pomeranian's... were does it come from?
    Well, where I grew up, my neighor had a Pomeranian
    I may or may not be back with more >.>
    See ya around!

    SoulWing -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 4:10:39)

    YAY! Woot! Venturer is back! *cheers*
    Alright, here I go!
    Bring it on!
    1. Favourite animal besides Pomeranians?
    German Spitz
    2. Favourite flavour?
    3. Favourite salt?
    Sea Salt
    4. Favourite game?
    Any/All AE games
    5. Favourite anime?
    Fight Spirit
    7. Favourite computer brand?
    8. Favourite name?
    10. Favourite colour?
    1049029. Favourite song?
    Michael Jackson's Beat it
    9490194019528. Can I count?
    You sure can!
    Finished :P
    Anyway, have fun AKing again, and I gotta say, it's good to have to back! :D

    runer -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 4:44:31)

    One word : Again?

    this is not going to be like last time Venturer right ? AK for a month and a half then left the forums for 3 month's with no explained reason ? dropped all your six guides and stepped down as an AK ? Pretty much as the same time as last year ?

    Anyway , Congratulation *Again* , i hope you are enjoying the position *Again* [;)]

    Though a PM with the reason why you left your friends here *ehm* and the forums last year would be nicer than a to leave me floating in mid-forum's(Or mid-air) ......

    Well , since you are probably busy with all those nice delouses looking threads to edit , and all those questions Soul posted for you to answer , and await the minute i open the forums and see a pop-up with a PM from you *Or a thanking letter from an anonymous forumer that i helped , both can work[:D]*

    Good luck , and i hope you enjoy this (And try not to do like last time) , also , we could use a little more help at the Q&A , Soul and forum login are working extra hard from what i can see along with Sheriff Duncan and tero , especially that i will be unavailable for the rest of the week :) *Crosses his fingers that no new AK is going to be assigned , so he can bother him in the MtAK thread as much as he would like* [;)] .

    Soo , later !

    Good to hear your imput


    Edit : No post limit , man , this is a bad , bad bad idea ...
    It's not like people will abuse it or anything......

    mechquestlord -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 4:55:23)

    not to be annoying but... RETURN OF THE POMERIAN FAN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE0UA8RREX4&feature=related
    Bizzare, but thanks

    sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 18:50:28)

    Hey look! a Pomerian! Zap it!
    /me runs
    /me dodges
    Welcome back!
    Would you eat dog food if you were a Pomeranian?
    No way, they're mostly By-products + Grain
    Yup lolz
    Why did you come back?
    The Pedia needs all the help it can get

    Digital X -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 18:58:38)

    Hello PD!
    Nice to see you've returned as an AK!
    Have TWO Pomerians :D *hands over.
    Fave colour?
    Best/Worst type of music?
    No favorite types
    If you had to choose between a lifetime supply of Mars bars, or Sour sweets which would it be?
    Why not Both?
    All from me, Cya around. :)

    UltimaKomoto -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 19:39:45)

    Uh...huh...So..."Who is this mysterious, dog-loving man?" (Joke), but, really...
    Someone who was once an AK left, came back, changed their name, Re-became an AK...um...ok then!
    Sure is wierd eh? XD
    So...'Pedia work, eh? I can say that this particular forum could use extra posts (It seems to be lacking in that department), so...good luck...
    That's what I love about my job! XD
    I don't think I said this last time (was I here last time? I forgot) but (Re)Congratulations on the Archknight-ship.
    This is usually the time where I'd ask questions, but I'm in a generous mood so...not on this post. Next post on the next page (because I'm a nice person, I tend to only post Once-Per-Page)
    Even if I gave you guys a No Question-and-Posting Restriction? Wow, you are nice.
    But! You may forget the Review, but rest assured, it'll remember you. Have a good time now! *disappears, leaving behind Peanut-Butter Cookies*

    CommanderHawke -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 19:45:40)

    Hey New AK
    Not really new, but I'll take that complement
    Crash Bandicoot or Spyro? Both
    Ratchet or Clank Both
    TARDIS or DALEKS I have no clue who these are, so I'll just say "Both" for the 3rd time. :P

    LFAL -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 20:01:18)

    ello again!

    1. is there anything better than pomerainians?
    Probably not
    2. is this cute? http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx33/lfalinc/yeahyeahyeah128527397481093750.jpg
    No, it's magnificent Hair has been Shaved off! D:
    3. i can haz cookie?
    Only if I become too full for them
    4. if you could be any object in the world. what?
    A Device that lets dogs talk in human tongue
    6. what happend to 5?
    You ate it?
    7. are you a pomeranian in duisgies like lazy is a racoon in duisgies?
    PD has no affliction to Lady Azjurai
    8. wait the kid AK... is that saying that tflo was a kid when he became an AK o.o?(aka 13-15?!) thats scary ._. very scary...
    He joined a little later, so I'm a special case.
    9. whod win in a fight, a giant polmeranion or chuck norris?
    Even though I'd want to say the Giant Pomeranian, I'll admit Chuck Norris is the ONE of the TWO things that are better than Pomeranians to me.
    10. i made you a small gift. your welcome :3, do you like pomeranion gifts :3
    If the Gift is a Lifetime-supply of food, then yes
    your welcome, its just alil welcome back ;)
    EDIT: i can get it not to apply image, sorry but my comp bugs sometimes like this, if you dont like it please remove the image tags, theyre not even there on my post.... GOT IT TO WORK :3

    War Hero -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 20:08:31)

    Hey... You're kinda familiar...
    LOLZ! XD
    Ah, just kidding. Welcome back to the Grindstone, I suppose.
    Hehe, thanks
    Well, Congratulations are in order of course.
    Another Thank you here
    Now, watch as when an AK posts in the Let's Party Thread, instant people + "R U A MOD? CAN I B ONE?!?".
    I was always afraid of that
    Anyways, seeya around Vent.
    See ya

    Bomber of Justice -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 20:10:02)

    Ok I got a few questions...I hope you're ready. :D
    What inspired you to like pomeranians so much? Why not pitbulls?
    My neighbor has a really nice Pomeranian
    Blue or black?
    depends on the situation
    Purple or black?
    Blue or purple?
    Favorite color?
    Red or Black
    Second favorite color?
    See above
    Favorite show on t.v.?
    Family Guy
    Favorite animal other than the pomeranian dog breed?
    German Spitz
    Why is the sky blue?
    When the Sun's Rays hit the water, the color of the water is reflected torwards the sky due to the Sun's Rays bouncing back upward to the atmosphere
    AND final question...what is the secret of life? :o
    Anyways I wish you luck in your new position and congrats. Also, I hope your parents get you a pomeranian for your birthday, they're one of the best dogs ever. :D

    Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MTAK= Pomeranian Domination (5/24/2010 20:12:28)

    Ohaidar! :D
    Welcome back! :D
    You can consider yourself lucky... not having to polish my axe, and what not.
    What color are the shackles?
    I have a leash instead
    Who's your shackle-boss? :o
    Cell neighbors?
    Well, Terosin is to the Right, To the left is Einhander, and across from me is Hogo
    I heard uliak pomeranians? :D
    Wai ye huuuurd corictly'! XD
    Well tis all, time for you to get back to work!
    You too![;)]
    Welcome back! :D

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