Gaiden III (Full Version)

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Baron -> Gaiden III (5/26/2010 4:08:28)

Gaiden III

Also see other Gaidens ( Scaling, I, II Z, IV, Guardian V)

«Standard guest; attacks for Water/Melee damage, or heals you if you're low on HP»

Level: 67
Power Level: 67
MP Level: 67

Location: Summon Gaiden III spell
Upkeep: 43 MP
  • If you do not have enough MP on the first combat round after you obtain this guest, then he does nothing for one turn* (without costing MP). On every other round, if you do not have enough MP, then he leaves.**

    *Gaiden requires magical energy to be sustained. (##MP required or he will dissipates next turn)
    **Gaiden dissipates into the ether. (Not enough MP: ##MP required)

    ATTACK #1
    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: Water
    Damage: 18-54 damage, plus 444% Stats
    BTH: +16 plus Stats
    Rate: «See Below»

    ATTACK #2
    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Heal
    Damage: 14-41 damage, plus 340% Stats
    BTH: N/A (always hits)
    Rate: «See Below»

    Gaiden does Attack#1 (YourCurrentHP / YourBaseHP) of the time. The rest of the time, he does Attack #2.


    Stats thanks to Aelthai. Image thanks to manu buhay. Attack type for attack #2 thanks to Kosefira

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