Crimzon5 -> Oaklore Maul (6/1/2010 20:45:31)
Oaklore Maul Also see other Oaklore weapons: Mace, Hammer, Guardian Hammer, Mallet, Guardian Maul, Bludgeon, and Crusher Level: 83 Power Level: 93 Price: 6,850 Z-Tokens Sellback: 6,165 Z-Tokens the first 48 Hrs | 3,425 Z-Tokens After Location: Z-Token Weapon Shop Element: Light Type: Melee Damage: 18 - 29 BTH: 12 SPECIAL Hits: 2 Element: Light Type: Magic Damage: 613.00% Base and Random each Stats: No normal stats; 357.00% Lucky Strike damage each BTH: +39 each Rate: 15% EFFECTS All normal player attacks (NOT SPECIALS) with the weapon deal *85/81 damage, and take -4 BTH. (Not Factored in.) The Special deals *85/77 damage, and takes -8 BTH. (Not Factored in.) DESCRIPTION This copy of Eselgee's mighty hammer was forged by Yulgar and has been reinforced with powerful Light magic by the Paladin Order! [img][/img] Write-up thanks to Blue Revenge. Numbers, new cost, sellback and location thanks to Scakk. Name thanks to Golden Shadow!. Image thanks to Mystical Warrior. Correction from Khimera and Brohg. Bug Fix thanks to In Media Res.