RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (Full Version)

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Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/10/2010 19:22:56)

I'm in your MtAK stealing all your somethings :o
Nuuu my somethings! You took them D=

Good luck have fun blah blah blah ;P
halb halb halb Thanks

<-- Cute huh?
/huggles and cuddles

Seriously though, have fun and be the best you can be!
I will, and therefor I will have to ban you ^-^

Ebil Banana -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/10/2010 20:42:01)

Hey Razgriz (:
Hola Evul nanners

It's been awhile, you probably don't even remember me.
I have so many people I need to remember e.e

My AQW name WAS JackisEbil, which might ring a bell or two.
The second bell rang because of the first one ringing =P

Good to see you were promoted to AK, I know you'll do good things with that title.
Thanks =3

Welcome back.


gia monic -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/10/2010 21:45:37)

I dont really know you, but welcome back! :D Shall I propose a celebration?
Celebrations are good yesh! I liek teh parties! =D

Scourge -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/10/2010 21:52:50)

Razgriz do you have any specific persons in your attic?

The reason I ask this is because I am the grammar enforcer and am here to delete this topic due to a terrible title.

Errr yeah.
Clearly you do not understand the concept of intentional silly spelling...

solo rogue real -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/11/2010 1:58:59)

Hay razgriz
Hay is for the Hay, and only Hay can receive Hay because it's Hay... but Hi =D

First time i met you was in bludrut4 sir vier server..we killed the boss together, doubt you rember me :P
Nope, but I recognize you from this thread though ._.

you ares till doing youtube videos right?
I have one in the making

because you havent made many in a while.
Call it school and stuff...

what if i think your cool
Then you think that =P

what if i said you are cool
Then I would have to thank you for complementing my coolness

what if i eat all your cookies!
Then I'll have to ban you =|

can i have a cookie ._.?
You can.. but not from me >=O

can you make a youtube vid with me some day..
We'll see, maybe

can i have <.<! (just kidding)
Ye..... NO! D:<


~solo rogue real~

Kueninja -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/11/2010 14:26:48)

Heya Razeh ima back for page 5 =)
Oh dear, so many are back! D=

Whenz you gonna continue twilight of liberation?
You have no idea

i dnt have anymore questions cya!
kay bye

*steals raz's cookies and runs away quickly* =)

coolboypai -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/11/2010 14:52:51)

Back for moar!
You too -.-"

So how do you feel about the change in the suggestion forums?
It's alot more work then it used to be ;_;

would you like the old one back?

Do you get scourge's reference?^
I don't think so, not a fan of such "jokes"

How do you like your new AK mates ($bags and trog)
They better be doing my job! >=O
I'm working! You better like me! >:o ~Trog

shouldnt your title read as Wyverny AK of AQW Su? its not all art anymore (noticed azjurai did it)
It's changed already, no title stalkz! >=O

in fact shouldnt the whole group be like that?
Aren't they all like that?

You didnt get a plushie eh?
Orlyeh? mabye I did and I'm just not using it

you want one?
I have one

well see ya then, and check out my gallery!(clicky sig)
I'll see

Ninja assasin676 -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/11/2010 21:17:53)

HI Razgriz welcome back =)
I'm back? =O I thought I was gone <.>

First question Are you having fun?
I haz teh banhammerz! That's pretty much fun =D

Last question How does it feel to be back?
Nostalgic... great though =P

See you later



Hero Demon -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/11/2010 23:20:45)

Hell-o Razgriz!
The cereals from hell? O_o

I'm bored so I gonna torture you with incredible weird and hard questions! MUHAHAHA
OH noez! D=

When do you know if the cake is a lie?
When you try to eat it, but you can't

Bruce lee vs jackie chan vs chuck norris vs an old man in the age of 99, Who wins?
The old man, obviously

Why do you always throw ur iyerris (did I spelled it correct? aw whatever) away on the forum for ur banhammor?
The Iryerris is my trusty monster slayer sword, the banhammor... is used for far worse individuals =p

Artix vs Warlic vs Zhoom vs Robina vs Galanoth vs a new born baby, Who wins?
The new born baby, because no-one dares harm it =p ...him...her...

Do you know why people stalk you on AQW sometimes? (Cuz they can :D, im not one of them)
They want to be in my videos D=

Do you remember me from that Mount Frost war? U were there killing Frost Dragon in same map as me :D

If you must choose to take 1 item to a island without living creatures.... What will it be? (ps not something that can fly, drive or something like that)
Genie in a lamp?

What is worse? Glitcher or Hacker?
Hacker, they ruin the game =|

I am half Lycan and half Human.... Do you know someone who is a weirder combination?
Yes I do (Zeo *cough*) =P


What is ur favorite house item in AQW?
My golden dwarfhold door

What will be easier for you to kill? Master in Kung Fu or master in all types of martial arts?
both at the same time! I just make them fight eachother

What is the worst thing on AQW? (War is worst I know but something else!)
People stalking me! Dx

Ok I'm bored now too.... I gonna torture someone else with weird and hard questions.... CUZ U DIDNT PROTECT HIM!!!!

Bye, becides catch /throws a Time bomb wich explodes in 3 seconds
/throws it back

You blew up nicely =D

________Chapter 2 cuz I was bored again_______

Im bored and the guy who I was torturing ran off. SURPRISE :D
But you were blown up D=

Chickencow vs Slime vs Miltonius. Who wins?
Chickencow, THEY'RE MAGICAL!

Can I have a cookie?
MY COOKIES! *noms*

Okay.... Then I take your soul and sell it on the internet!!!
Skydrite already has my soul! >=|

What are you going to do now? You cant hurt me cuz I dodge everything :D
You can't dodge a METEOR SHOWER!


Dude ur sword is a HAXOR!!!!! I mean ur banhammer..... :[]
The banhammer is legit yo!

Here have a Guard Pizza (made of Swordhaven guards)!
Yum yum

What is your signature line? (mine is .... Idk yet sorry)

Congratulations (or how the hell u spell it), you survived untill the last Question wich is below here:

Who is your favorite AQW mod (type the number 1 before his/her name) and ur favorite AQW stuff designer (type 2 before name)?
1. Skydrite (totally not because he's my boss <.>
2. Tomix, no doubt there, amazing art

Kthxbai, (throws poison over the cookie) Here have a cookie.
I see you put poison on that cookie, and still you think I'll eat it?

Rickmaster7 -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/12/2010 5:22:31)

hey and congrats on whatever....
Kay thanks on whatever

anyways... Since ur so smart whats the LARGEST

My toe ofcourse



Insane -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/12/2010 9:43:51)

The Sky!

Before You Answer Any Questions Welcome :P
I answered your "Sup" yea

Whats For Dinner :P?

Lets See You Write A Haiku :P
I say let's no


Im Running Out Of Questions!!
Well good!

Have You Noticed That I Wrote Everything In Capital Letters? :P
Not everything, just the first letter of every word

Peace Out--->>~

Addi -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/12/2010 13:20:12)

I hope you still remember me.
I hope so too.. for you?

Congratz on the AK ship

A word for each letter:


01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01001000 01000001 01000100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00101100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00111111
01010111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011 00101100 00100000 01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00101110

Meh... I have nothing more to say so goodbai and goodluck

Alisa -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/12/2010 14:11:57)

Welcome back, ArchKnight :P...
Why thank you Member =P

Here are questions:

1. Do you know how what you play the game most? Df or Aqw?

2. By the way. I just did this color whyz [:)]?, Fits at my name >.>"
Yes, it does

3. Do you think PINK burns your eyes?
Nah, it burns Artix' though

4. Whats your favorite class on DF <- Or -> AQW [Choose Df or AQW]
Alpha Pirate, no contest

5. o.O, I like comedy much at all do you? [:)]?
Maybe I do, maybe I don't <_< >_> *giggles*

6. I like dogs. You do Why? or Why not?
Allergies ;_;

*Rides on the robot spider O.o*
=O I want a ride!

*Gets cookies on Razgriz refriegirator :3*


:o, Wheres the candy world?

O.O, There, Where, Hair, There.
Who dares leave hair on my domain?! >=O

Goodbye *Cookie rains*



Omega Jr -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/12/2010 16:03:32)


Are you sure?

I don't think so?

Ah ok?
Is that a question?

I beleive you?
Well you'd better >=O

No wait I don't know?
*grabs Banhammer*

Ok I know now...


Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/12/2010 16:24:45)

Hai der
red aih

@Scourge: ROFL :D

I have no idea why im bothein to post this....
Then why did you post? <_< >_>

But i realised how pointless my spoiler was to you last time i posted here about 2 pages ago.
Yea, when I edit, spoilers don't work

In fact , i cant hide anything from you.

So i might as well , just ....

Leave would best way to put it i guess.
Yes, that would be best for all of us



No.. i forgot :P
No you didn't! *shoves*


~Shump :P

Qkidm -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/12/2010 18:46:37)


Random question: Do you hate 13375P3AK?
D032 1 N40?

When is TOL chapter two being released?
NEVER!!!!!! Dx

Would you rather have one cookie or unlimited razzles?
RAZZLES!!!!!! First it's candy! THEN IT'S GUM!

Are you grateful for the new /goto toggle in game?
Yes, very much so

Well,bye i'm out of questions.

AnnoyingOrange -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/13/2010 9:16:47)


Want Questions? Okay! HAHAHHAHHA, First Thumbs up if you dont your an apple!
*thumbs ups*?

What kind of fruit do you cut? If you said orange, your an apple! HAHAHHAHHA!

If you eat apple cut it into half!


Knock knock


HAHAHAAHHAHA Who iz the knock knock now? HAHAHHAHAHHAHA
You are

Woot my brain got blank goodbye! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH *Teleports back home*


Orange: Woah! That was crazy to talk with him.

*Wasabi appears*

Orange: Hey who the heck are you?

Wasabi: Im Wasabi


Wasabi: O.o


Toxic Chill -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/13/2010 12:24:18)

Hi Raz! I think ive seen you... do I know you?

Are you sure?

No actually not

I know how you hate questions ( lol ) so here's some... (the first 3 do not count)
great >_>

These are about AQW, I'l put my opinions in too :3

Your Favourite Miltonius Armor?
Hex of Miltonius

Fav Milt Weapon?
Something of Miltonius

Favourite class?
Alpha Pirate

OK 1 more question, It's about my art, what do you think of Toxic Champion?
It's inspired a bit by Fiend of Miltonius, otherwise all by me.
Nicely done

Toodles! *poof*

EDIT: Almost forgot, you love cookies, so here, take a bag. *Gives Razzeh dem bag of cookiez!*
*noms the bag and the cookies*


Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/13/2010 12:28:42)

I know

That's me

Me aswell

Ha! Nub =p
No, that's you

So ... why'd ya re-open this, Razmataz? =o
Because I can

Did I post here before?

!NUR ?uoy rof gnimoc akahaD eht taht wonk uoy diD GMO

Do you know what that means? :p
I can read backwards pretty well, so no

frozenfire12 -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/13/2010 15:45:52)


Um Hi?

So um....... do u like ...... um ....... stuff D=




You have alot of these D=

Ahh i only get one post :O

What is your favorite AQW item

Fav server (mines nythera)

Um who is your favorite mod

One of my chickens died D=

Hi again

Bye hi bye hi bye hi





P.s. . . . I forgot :D

Zeo The Ice Elf -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/13/2010 15:52:23)


Razgriz is a pretty cool guy. eh is back and doesnt afriad of anything.

Kay so I liek, have no moar questions.


Toxic Chill -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/14/2010 14:30:10)


Hi Im bak!

EDIT: Sorry, I know it was 1 post each but I forgot... well, I havent posted here on ur earlier pages so Ive posted for only 2 times now, is it that much? :P

Here, take a cookie!

Here, take a cookie!

Here, take a cookie!

Yes, that's NOT spamming. You just got 3 cookies... >:D cantbanmecantbanme hahahahah

Got any suggestions for my next armor/weapon design?


What do you think of my character that I finally got the Fiend of Miltonius? --->
Toxic Chill

Ive never seen you in-game... >:C Where do you live? (To know what time is it there)

Name your one favourite item in AQW (Pet, Cape, Helm, Armor or Weapon)

Ughh... Tired of coming up with random questions to a post that I just want to post before you lock up <,<

Here, Five sacks of Cookies!
*Carries the sacks in front of you and breaks his back*


Well, I'l go see a doctor... Bye! *poof*


201Doom201 -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/14/2010 14:46:51)

Yo razgriz!

Good to have yah again

*gives 3 cookies*

Soooo...hows to be back?

*gives 5 cookies*

Pie,cake or pancake?(answer wrong and a cake mace will appear from nowhere and hit you)

*gives 5 cookies*

Ever wondered why i gave yah cookies?

Math time!How many cookies i gave u?

I'm done with questions and cookies...again good to have yah back and have fun!

P.S. the cookies were poisoned with a poison that has no cure

Emerald Wizard -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/15/2010 10:30:25)

RAWR! I'm Back!

How are you?

RAWR! Again!

How can 1+1=3 (No it's not 1.5, the equation is strictly 1+1=3)

Were you able to figure it out?

*Goes back to twitter* Oh wait I forgot I still had this up , jk

Do YOU have any influence on adding suggestion threads (new ones I mean not just a new wep thread.)

Hmmm... gobleygook? What's up with that?

What's your favorite color?

Do you think I should post my guild idea on Artix's CRAZIEST IDEA EVER Thread?! O_O

Who would you recommend to ask for a chibi like the one that is my avatar ( I WANTZ ONE!! Pl0x)

Recite the 1337 alphabet A-Z

Excited for Halo: Reach

*Is running out of questions here* Any interest in Kingdom Hearts

Errr... Oh I know! Does this make you laugh: Clicky!!

And to close: RAWR! yet again.

Cya around Razgriz (I hope, and just to let you know, I am Emerald Wizard in AQW. (I recently discovered there are other Emerald Wizard impersonators OH NOES!))

Hallie Slidepath -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (7/16/2010 6:37:53)

Hiyas Razy, nice to see you back ^^

How does it feel to be back?
Do you think that Paul the octopus predicts the future or writes it?
Which is the best juice in ze world?
Does the world "bohemian" mean anything to you?
<insert question here that you wish that someone would've asked but didn't ask>? <insert answer of said question>
What do you think about AQW/DF/ED/AQ/MQ/WF fanfiction?
What inspired you to start making AQW vids?
What's the secret with becoming a good vid-maker?
You're going to be stuck in a haunted house for a week, but you get to bring the most awesome person in the world to accompany you there... who is this person? (warning: Chuck Norris won't be accepted as an answer, and if used as an answer there WILL be consequences ;P)
You're in a sinking submarine, your only company is Artix, twenty sheeps and a bottle of orange juice. The air is slowly running out and you get more and more dizzy... what do you do?
If I said that dementors are the coolest creatures there is... would you agree?
Do you like sailing?
Have you read His Dark Materials?

That's that! Enjoy :D

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