Hero Demon -> RE: =MtAK= Razgriz, ZOMG I IZ BACK YAY! (Re-opened) (7/11/2010 23:20:45)
Hell-o Razgriz! The cereals from hell? O_o I'm bored so I gonna torture you with incredible weird and hard questions! MUHAHAHA OH noez! D= When do you know if the cake is a lie? When you try to eat it, but you can't Bruce lee vs jackie chan vs chuck norris vs an old man in the age of 99, Who wins? The old man, obviously Why do you always throw ur iyerris (did I spelled it correct? aw whatever) away on the forum for ur banhammor? The Iryerris is my trusty monster slayer sword, the banhammor... is used for far worse individuals =p Artix vs Warlic vs Zhoom vs Robina vs Galanoth vs a new born baby, Who wins? The new born baby, because no-one dares harm it =p ...him...her... Do you know why people stalk you on AQW sometimes? (Cuz they can :D, im not one of them) They want to be in my videos D= Do you remember me from that Mount Frost war? U were there killing Frost Dragon in same map as me :D Gleeeeee If you must choose to take 1 item to a island without living creatures.... What will it be? (ps not something that can fly, drive or something like that) Genie in a lamp? What is worse? Glitcher or Hacker? Hacker, they ruin the game =| I am half Lycan and half Human.... Do you know someone who is a weirder combination? Yes I do (Zeo *cough*) =P Did u know, THAT TEH CAKE BEHIND U IS A HAXOR?!?! IT LIED TO ME! What is ur favorite house item in AQW? My golden dwarfhold door What will be easier for you to kill? Master in Kung Fu or master in all types of martial arts? both at the same time! I just make them fight eachother What is the worst thing on AQW? (War is worst I know but something else!) People stalking me! Dx Ok I'm bored now too.... I gonna torture someone else with weird and hard questions.... CUZ U DIDNT PROTECT HIM!!!! YES! Bye, becides catch /throws a Time bomb wich explodes in 3 seconds /throws it back FIREWORKS :D You blew up nicely =D ________Chapter 2 cuz I was bored again_______ Im bored and the guy who I was torturing ran off. SURPRISE :D But you were blown up D= Chickencow vs Slime vs Miltonius. Who wins? Chickencow, THEY'RE MAGICAL! Can I have a cookie? MY COOKIES! *noms* Okay.... Then I take your soul and sell it on the internet!!! Skydrite already has my soul! >=| What are you going to do now? You cant hurt me cuz I dodge everything :D You can't dodge a METEOR SHOWER! LAWLAWLAWLAWLAWL BWAHAHAHHAHAHA Dude ur sword is a HAXOR!!!!! I mean ur banhammer..... :[] The banhammer is legit yo! Here have a Guard Pizza (made of Swordhaven guards)! Yum yum What is your signature line? (mine is .... Idk yet sorry) BECAUSE I CAN! Congratulations (or how the hell u spell it), you survived untill the last Question wich is below here: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Who is your favorite AQW mod (type the number 1 before his/her name) and ur favorite AQW stuff designer (type 2 before name)? 1. Skydrite (totally not because he's my boss <.> 2. Tomix, no doubt there, amazing art Kthxbai, (throws poison over the cookie) Here have a cookie. I see you put poison on that cookie, and still you think I'll eat it?