Fleur Du Mal -> RE: That's Life Comment Thread (6/8/2010 15:04:15)
Hiya! Well, first of all, your short story does not suck at all. I really enjoyed the dialogue, you managed to pull me right in with that and it felt very believable. =) Regarding the ending, I'm partially agreeing with what Xplayer wrote above, but I guess for slightly different reasons. I'm not as much questioning the end solution itself. Rather, I am wondering how can that make sense to the reader within the world of your story. You see, since I'm not in the character yet, the ending really does feel more of a shock value than something that would feel understandable from the character's point of view -- or how his POV has come across to me. To fuse the solution to the story so that it would seem more believable to me, could probably be done by fleshing out the characters, something that Xplayer suggested to you. You see, a part of what makes the ending feel so rushed to me is because I cannot see and feel the connection between the two characters to the point where one cheating the other would lead to the current ending and so quickly. In my opinion, there's a risk that you are actually selling your main character a bit short now, his whole world, his whole being is undoubtedely crumbling apart but the full extent of why it's crumbling is not communicated to the readers. I'd purrsonally need to see in more detail, description, and/or metaphors why she's his world, to get that. Since I don't, it seems to me a bit like he's throwing a fit and picking up his solution by a whim in rage. The character says that he loves the girl more than anything, but why? Her melodic laughter is mentioned, but not really much else. After the phonecall ended, wouldn't the character think back on anything that made her so wonderful to him? During the phonecall, he kinda lists in his head a lot of irritating things like her ogling of the male characters in the Twilight-series movies. This is fine, imo, as he is approaching and building up rage, but to make the ending believable, imo, I'd like to see some happiness that he feels he's lost and how that is driving him into depression. What are his good memories of her? Why can't he be without her? Why does he love her so much? These questions are especially important, imo, as he admits to the reader having fantazed about kissing the other girl but never thinks back on kissing her. I'm sorry if these comments were a bit of a mouthful. It's just that in my opinion how the ending grows out from the beginning of the story is really crucial, especially when it's a short story. However, having typed all this I'd like to say again that you did a wonderful job with the dialogue and I, too, hope to see you write more. =)