Q&A resolved option (Full Version)

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rykuu -> Q&A resolved option (6/8/2010 12:54:57)

after reading a similar thread i have come up with this idea. when their question is answered the original poster can click a button saying resolved. thus telling the mods that they can lock the thread. and if possible you could also have it where when you press resolved it locks the thread.

please discuss

Chii -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/8/2010 13:06:48)

The poster could just as easily edit the title of their thread to say "Resolved," too.

rykuu -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/8/2010 13:40:04)

true but that takes more time and typing and is impossible to do when your on a PSP. a button will be easier

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/8/2010 14:48:48)

I think there's potential for this to be an awesome idea. The main thing that I like about it is that AKs could see much clearer which threads needed locking.

However, the point I made in the previous thread that I'll make again in this thread, is that the Original Poster, thinking that they have the correct information would click the 'Resolve Button' and then an AK comes along and locks it one of two things would happen:

a.) 'Resolved Button' Gets Attention of AKs but doesn't Lock: This would say be in the form of a Symbol at the end of the thread to get the AKs attention, the AK would still have to go into the thread, post an Edit Message, then lock. It would still take that amount of time with or without a 'Resolved Button'

b.) 'Resolved Button' that Locks: Is the same as the previous thread. People might be given false information and then it would take more time for the AK to undo these actions and notify the Original Poster than actually being the only ones who can lock themselves.

The only problem I have with this apart from the above is that in my opinion this Tool would turn the Q&A Boards into more of a Factory than a place where people can feel free to ask questions and get good answers in return from other forumites.

Each thread should be read regardless of whether it would have a 'Resolved Symbol' on it or not. Because the AKs are not only there for Locking threads but to also keep the Q&A Boards clean, so whether a certain thread has a "Resolved Symbol' or not should not decide where AKs look first.

Other than that, like I said, this idea has some potential if you modify it a bit, I don't know how though. =/

rykuu -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/8/2010 17:28:30)

well there can always be an "unresolved" button, that the original poster can press if he was given false info. but most people try out the answers they were given before locking anyways.

edit: thanks for your support and telling what you think needs improving on this idea (i rarely get that on other forums like this).

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/8/2010 23:07:56)

=O I like the 'Unresolved Button' idea, that would help balance it up. But the coding involved would be hard to do considering that this is only for the Q&A Boards.

The only down point is what if an Arch Knight find a thread with a 'Resolved Sign' and then locks it accordingly, before the Original Poster can get back and say "No, that was false info". Wouldn't that just spark the same problem as before with the whole personal messaging the Orginal Poster with the correct information? Also, how would the Original Poster get in touch if they wanted there thread unlocked if they were given the wrong information, but the thread was already locked? Personal messaging would be an obvious choice but that is still more time consuming than an AK patrolling and locking what needs to be locked.

P.S Happy to help. =) This idea has potential. Just need to bust out some dents. ^_^

rykuu -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/9/2010 22:12:03)

if an AK locked it, the orriginal poster could still have the unreslove button that auto unlocks it, then he can post saying he got false info.

as for the coding, i know a site that uses half of the, so i could get the coding from them and you guys can just finish it up, if thats possible (i dont know how coding works)


Spy -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/9/2010 22:20:30)


Each thread should be read regardless of whether it would have a 'Resolved Symbol' on it or not. Because the AKs are not only there for Locking threads but to also keep the Q&A Boards clean, so whether a certain thread has a "Resolved Symbol' or not should not decide where AKs look first.

^Which is why I am against the "resolved" button.

The Unresolved button would be abused, especially if it is able to override a lock.

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/10/2010 0:01:01)

And I agree with Spy about the Button being able to override a lock. That would mean that anyone could unlock their thread at anytime which would only be a nuisance as the AKs word should be final.

But, what would make a tad more sense is if you could only use the 'Unresolved Button' if you had used the 'Resolved Button' previously on that same thread. But as Spy said, this would only lead to some people taking advantage of the system and using a 'Resolved Button' then an 'Unresolved Button' so that they could lock or unlock the thread at any given time, which would only lead to the certain Q&A Board being untidier than if the System hadn't been implemented in the first place. =/

But their shouldn't be a Tool that overrides an Arch Knight's actions at all, because that sort of control over particular threads is for the AKs so they can patrol and keep the Q&A Board/s Tidy.

EDIT: Got given an Idea that instead of a 'Resolved Button' someone could just edit the Title e.g

J6 Area Question
could be turned into
J6 Area Question [Resolved]

So it's sort of like the best of both sides, you could get the AKs attention but without the Locking Process. But as I said before the [Resolved] Sign shouldn't affect how AKs do their job. At it's the same if not easier to post a Lock Request because that way, you cut off any more posting (In most cases) and the AK sees the Request and knows to lock the thread.
So really the [Resolved] is just a glorified Lock Request that doesn't stop others from posting.

Spy -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/10/2010 8:51:34)

Perhaps the "Resolved" & "Unresolved" should inform non-AK's that the question either does not need an answer or needs an answer. I have seen many questions that were answered vaguely and then locked right away without taking into consideration whether that answer helped the thread starter or not. In this case I would agree with an "Unresolved" option that won't override the lock but will inform the AK's monitering that board that the thread starter still needs some help.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/10/2010 11:42:37)

I do agree with Leu about what he said about us AK's. just something to add in reply to spy's comment. It is also possible to pm the ak and inform them that a mistake was made or the answer wasn't clear.

It does seem like something that should at least be given a little thought, but there are a few ways to already tell us AK's that the q and a answer wasn't all that clear or didn't make sense, etc.

rykuu -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/10/2010 12:23:40)

ok the AK should have final answer, but what if the question wasnt answerd. yet the AK thought it was, thatsa where i have gotten complaints and hate mail in other forums i was a mod in...... but still the resloved button would be of more conviniance to the orriginal poster (have you ever seen a 10 year old get frustrated over the "difficulty" of editing). i dosnt have to necciseily lock the thread

Rhia Shirubia -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/11/2010 0:26:24)

Which is why AK's should be placed in forums they know things about, for example AQW Q&A should contain AK's specializing in the AQW game (at least having an understanding) it isn't a hard task to find out who knows what about the game, this way the AK's would be able to identify a proper response, or provide one if there isn't one currently present.

The only issue is the constant complaint i hear from AK's which is they are short staffed, and are spread thin as it is.

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/11/2010 1:33:08)

And that is why there are the AKs that are in the AQW Q&A now, because they know what they're talking about...
And that is why I think that although this Idea has potential, it isn't necessarily needed because the Arch Knights of those Boards know what they're talking about and are there to do a job.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/11/2010 1:35:25)

ArchKnights are chosen based on the forum or game they have the most knowledge in. That is good management tactics in order to create the optimum forum experience and help. AKs are not just pulled out of a hat and assigned to where they are needed the most. We are very careful with those who we pull up to assist us in the forums. We do everything possible to ensure that those who help out and serve in each forum know what they are doing.

Those that I bring up to AK rank in L&L are those who can write, who enjoy writing and who can provide appropriate and educated feedback for those who desire commentary on their writing. They are also individuals who know, understand and obey the rules of the forums. Head mods watch their forums very carefully.

It is hard to imagine that any AK would air any kind of statement concerning staffing numbers in public. Such posting would be unbecoming a forum staff member.

Everest -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/11/2010 3:22:06)

What I know has been said is that sometimes AKs and moderators move quickly through forums, and that we are in fact human and might miss things very occasionally. If you developed your point of view from these posts, you misunderstood them. These statements are in no way constant complaints that the forums are understaffed. If we felt they were, we would rectify the situation; it's as simple as that.

rykuu -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/11/2010 17:38:10)

@leumas: so what your saying is, you like this idea it's just not needed at this time as there are enough AK's to take care of the Q&A...... is that right???

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: Q&A resolved option (6/11/2010 22:47:17)

Indeed, at least with the AQW Q&A Board I can be sure. We're handling it fine and a I think a fair call to make is that the other Q&A Boards are fine too.

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