Not much of a big deal, but I noticed on other forums that I go to there is a list at the bottom of people viewing that forum. I thought that would be a great idea for this forum. Especially when it comes to the Q&A Forums, this way people can see if someone and can answer their question before they post.
Dundas -> RE: Viewers Per Forum (6/9/2010 18:01:28)
Sounds sweet. (:
Denolth -> RE: Viewers Per Forum (6/9/2010 21:14:23)
The forums already have something similar: if you click the "Active Users: There are X members and Y guests." button, at the bottom of the main forum page, you will see a list of online users and what they are doing.
But that's only similar to what you're suggesting, and is not very useful most of the times. For that reason, I support your idea.
Ilø€IMPERIAL€ølI -> RE: Viewers Per Forum (6/11/2010 5:56:00)
The idea is great. Though, if it's to hard to do, I wouldn't mind a modification on the "Active Users: There are X members and Y guests" list.