Text Colour (Full Version)

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Khimera -> Text Colour (6/14/2010 0:59:11)

How do you get your text colour to act as a gradient, as seen here? I figured it'd be better to post here where I can get answers from willing, knowledgeable people, instead of PMing the poster and risk annoying them or wasting their time.

Baron -> RE: Text Colour (6/14/2010 1:03:05)

You can't, the poster colored each letter separately.

Khimera -> RE: Text Colour (6/14/2010 1:06:15)

Wow... seems like a lot of effort. Insane, but very pretty. Thanks Baron ^_^

*attempts to mimic a mod* ~Poster satisfied, thread chained up and locked away, with the key eaten by a ravenous bugblatter*

Only joking ^_^ This can be squished.

Edit: Oh, a site to do it... cool, thanks Jmill! =D

Verlyrus -> RE: Text Colour (6/14/2010 11:38:05)

Thread locked by request.

Also, remember that annoying text colors are not allowed, so please use discretion when choosing text colors! :D


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