xaxtoo -> RE: =EC 2010= Sky Arena OOC (6/23/2010 15:35:41)
This is the initial locations of the contestants that people on irc have figured out: Minotaur, Gohlin, Russel, No one, Hass, No one, Marcos, Florindo, and Minotaur again. And since the fighting started the movements recorded are: Minotaur moving closer to Russel and Hass moving towards Marcos, and DWeird's charry descending from above the arena. So to answer your question Eltaka, it almost doesn't matter which one of the 2 remaining locations you take, because you'll have the backs of Hass and Russel, the falling DW as a target and possibly the back of Gohlin. And as for who you should target, you can figure out which one would be least capable of dodging arrows.