=KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (Full Version)

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CaelCryos -> =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/17/2005 18:05:29)

Well here we are folks, it's my turn. Returning from a (semi) long absence, I'm here to answer your questions, be they personal, professional, or nonsensical.

So ask away, I'll edit in my answers in bluish-cyan.

M300 -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 18:37:42)



How is it now that you are mod?

Not a mod actually, still full-time KoO. I just do a little mod work in KoO and Bugs form, less than your average AK does still. No mod perks.

Are you going to be able to post like before?

I'm back to stay now, no more five-week absences any more.

Well thanks for answering my questions seeya later.

My pleasure!

Reens -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 18:45:36)

*squeeee!* It is teh CaelCryos!

Yay for me? ^_^;

So, where were you during your semi-long absence?

Out roaming the hills of South Dakota for four weeks then dashing about Wyoming and Idaho for one.

Was it fun? or work?

A bit of both. It was my final class before graduation with my degree in Geology. It was a lot more fun than a normal class, but a lot more work and a lot more intensive. All in all, I'm glad to be back, but I had a good time.

Kumquat? Or Guava? Just in sheer amusement of sound, although you can weigh in your appreciation of one fruit over the other if you wish. :)

To be honest, I prefer mango. However, of those two? Probably Kumquat. Although when drinking just the juice, it'd have to be guava. ^_~

Having fun as a KoO?

oh, always. ^_^

*snuggleshuggleswuggles CaelCryos*

Yay! *Return snuggleshuggleswuggles*

Mars Phoenix -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 18:48:26)

Who's colder? You or Khold?

Let me put it this way, Khold is cooler just knowing me. Before meeting me he was known as "The Unpleasently Chilly One. Yeah, that's right, I went there. =P
Die you gonna!..Wait, that's not right. Gonna you die! >.> Still not right. YOU ARE A DEAD MAN! - Khold

Since X chucks oranges and Khold chucks coconuts, what do you use as a weapon?

An Ultra Ice Katana, duh. What, you thought all those ice statues in my yard were carved? <_<

*throws Poelala in front of you*

Gah! Stabbity-stab!

I got a really bad sunburn. Can you use your cold power to soothe my sunburn please?

No, but you may wish to speak to SPF45 the Aloe Vera Knight.

Melee, Ranged, or Magic?

Personally, I'm fairly unbiased, but I do have a slight soft spot for Archers, so I'd have to say Ranged.

That's all for now!

You make it sound so ominous!

Yerameyahu -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 19:14:00)

Hi CaelCryos, it's good to have you back.

It's good to have me front too. Otherwise my guts would spill on the floor.

Do you still have your 'Smasher?

Considering it's the best Fire melee weapon in the game? Heck, yes. And besides GIANT HAMMER! How cool is that?

What music, movies, and books do you like?

Music: Goth rock, J-Rock, J-Pop, and a bit of indie. Not a big music buff though, I tend to stick to visuals. Besides, if you looked at my music playlists you'd think "Half-suicidal geek" which isn't quite the truth, I just have odd tastes. <_<
Movies: Godzilla. Rawr! Other than that, standard Sci-fi and fantasy fare. Saw War of the Worlds recently which was most enjoyable. Other notable favorites are the Spiderman movies, Batman Begins, Star Wars III-VI, Hellboy, martial arts flicks of all kinds (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, The One, Enter the Dragon, the list goes on...), and anime flicks of all kinds.
Books: Big fan of Mercedes Lackey, Douglas Adams, and J.K. Rowling. I read comics books and manga by the crate, in both english and japanese. Fantasy is my favorite, but I do dip into sci-fi occasionally. Jurassic Park, The Time Traveller's Wife, Starship Troopers, and Bardic Voices are some examples of my choices for the past month.

Same question, hobbies and sports.

Hobbies are restricted to Japanese things of all sorts, anime and manga, and video games. I do collect MTG cards though, haven't played in a loooong while though. I'm a partial TV and Movie buff, but not enough to be called a hobbie.

What brought you to AQ initially?

A banner from the comic Adventurers! I wanted to see how tough the Demon Panther he was having trouble with was. XD

X -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 19:48:21)

Hello Cael

'Lo. ^_^

How goes it?

Very well! A little sleepy, so I might take a nap in a bit, but otherwise good. ^_^

I left a serious query in your PM box BTW

I saw! Gashp!

the_wotism -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 20:31:06)


'Lo friend!



Do you like Inuyasha, FMA, The WOT, or DBZ?

Yes, manga was better, never seen it, and used to. Respectively

Ummmm thats all.

Oh is it?


Lies! I knew it! Ah well, for huggles, I shall let it slide.

Shagronicus -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 21:35:11)

Been a while, Cael.

Long while...

You know, I've no idea why you are still using that avatar when you could use...


You know, 'cause he's Chilly. And a...Willy...

Chilly Willy! Whee!

So how's life treating you?

Well, you know. The Man's trying to keep me down.

What's the thing you'd like most to hit with a nerf-bat at the moment?

At the moment? Hmm... Well, from what I understand Nightmare Plate may be a bit of a problem, as may Arrow Assault. Overall, I'm mostly just a bit behind at the moment. Trying to catch up.

Sporks: Be they Gods...or just men?

There is no Spork. You must seek instead to bend yourself... Besides, Kniforks are better.

When running the abreviation "KoO" through your mind, what pops up? Knights of Order? Someone screaming "COO!"?

I always thought Koh actually. <_<

What irratates you more, people demanding you change something without any reasoning (Heck, just demanding it is enough...), or people using =[Insert nonsense here]= tags by their topic title?

Demanding I think. The tag thing never bothered me that much.

I think that's it. I'll edit in more if'n they come to mind.

Sure, sure. Feel free.

Have a great day, Cael.

Well, it's almost over, so I think I should be able to manage it. ^_~

Justin Toms -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 22:01:33)

How are you doing

A common question...

With your experience in geology are you planning on knighting stone golem and such?

Hmm... Stone Knight. An interesting suggestion.

Because you are a KNIGHT of order is becoming a level 10 knight important to you?

Already am!

Do you want me to stop asking questions or do you want me to ask 50 more?

Ummm... 42?

Mars Phoenix -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Online!* (7/17/2005 23:46:50)

Back. Ever seen my suggestions thread?

Once a long while ago.

In a three-way battle between you, X, and Khold, which one would win and which would fall first?

I would, on both accounts. I'm quite klutzy. I would howver turn it into an awesome crazy breakdance move and whip 'em both. Totally served.

If you could have the Eisseg Falchion, would you?

I can and do. XD

I've seen some of your ideas, and I like.

Thank you.

Who's probably the next Knight to be questioned? :P

The Knights of Ni of course.

Have you seen the totally and 100% messed-up anime "Paranoia Agent?" That entire show freaks me out.

Part of it, missed some while I was away. I love a go mindscrew. X)

What kind of psychopathic kid runs around on rollerskates and carries a half bent bat around, whacking people because they have problems in their lives?

I would if I could...

Not to mention the freakish opening title thing and the credits just creep me out.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Umm... I looked at your character under your name and didn't see the UIK. Do you have another character?

I have about seven characters altogether now.

Do you have a favorite monster?

Avalurch! He's sooooo cute!

Do you have a favorite pet?

Ice Crystal Flutterby. Sense the trend?

Umm... I think that's all I can think of.

But you're not sure?

No wait! Do you like spaghetti without meatballs... just with tomato sauce?

Meatballs are best eaten seperately or in a meatball sub. I like untainted spaghetti.

Oh! And I asked Khold this. If you're the "Icy" part of the "Icy-Hot Sleeve," who's the "Hot" part?

The fictional so-called "Ladies." Mrowl.

OK. Now it's over.

*Hums a few bars of a related song*

necromancer -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/18/2005 0:53:00)

**A column of smoke form,minutes later,Necro appears and the smoke dissappears**

Disappearing smoke! Wow! You should bottle that.

Can you show my all your chars?

All of them? Yeesh... Let's see...


Meh!If you want,visit and post here.It's my suggestion^_^

Hmmm... Maybe a bit later, going to bed soon.

Is Moglin best cooked in pasta bolognese or with chinese dish?

Everything tastes good with enough MSG.

Are you wishing for a "Freezomancer" class?

Cryomancer and Cryic Knight. ^_~

Akilroth or Drakonnan?

Both are sissy Fire scum.

What do you think really needs to be whack with a boost bat?

Avalurch! Ahem... Errr... Most Ranged weapons could use significant boosts.

Am I evil?

Ummm... Peach Cobbler.

Or good?

Ah, Cherry Cobbler.

**Flings a large skull at Cael**Ha ha!Eat that!Jerk!

*Munch, munch* Needs salt.

Favorite weapon,armor,sheild,spell,pet?

Monster Smasher, Magna, Monster Claw, Freeze, Ice Crystal Flutterby.

Ugliest Weapon,armor,sheild,spell,pet?

Umm... I dunno. I tend to not keep the ugly things long enough to worry about it. <_<

Favorite monster?

Didn't I answer this once?

Ugliest monster?

The old Sphinx.

Well,that's all!**dissappear**

So many have claimed, but none can back it up.

TheKholdOne -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/18/2005 3:19:26)

I can kill Teh Cael? >.>

Mebbe... But then I become the Ghost of Chilly Toes to haunt you continually at night.

Did you know that magicdog is my rival and I'm going to get him to come here to torment you? ^_^

Ooh nifty, torment. Delightful!

Can I sign for that package that has Congo written in blood on it? o.o

Only if you wear the banana suit.

I'll kill yeh soon as look at yeh >.>

Don't look while I'm changing! Eeeee!

More later.

How can one have more later? Assuming time is finite, later is decreasing proportionally to how "back then" increases. And if time is infinte, later is a set value of infinity, which there can not be more than... Thus, to have "more later" is impossible as Later either never increases or continually decreases. Conundrum!

cosinemaster -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/18/2005 16:57:55)

What is your favourite quest in AQ?

I've always been most fond on RA, but as far as quests go I thik I probably like Mage Quest the best, I dunno why really.

What is your least favourite...

The War of the Fangs Intros are kinda boring by now...


Arkridge for looks, UIK for power.




Crystal Magic




Mini-Avalurch, doesn't exist, but someday... Other than that, Summon Friend. It was my idea. ^_^


Ice Crystal Flutterby


Occaisionally, but mostly RA.

Do you recognise me? (I doubt you do, none of the other KoOs do)

Heck, I don't even remember your name and I saw it thirty seconds ago... What was I just saying?

None of those characters have Eissig Falchion, whose character have you stolen?

I forgot I sold it. Whoops. That's what happens when you're gone for five weeks. ^_^;

Are those three low level characters really yours, or are they just test characters?

They're my test characters. <_<

Which one item/monster reward (bar Poelala) needs the biggest nerf?

None really. Major nerfs that are urgent are taken care of quickly, most things are just tweaks beyond that. The low level spell scrolls if anything.

There may be more, there may not. Either way, good to see you back.

Ooh, the uncertainty!

Guardian Of Death -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/18/2005 17:11:06)

OMGZORS! Its teh uberness of uber, CaelCryos!


Hows the KoO?


Coconuts or Oranges?

One evening I was there, down at an english faire, when a showman shouted out for underneath the flair. I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedle-ee-dee, here they are a-standing in a row, bum-bum-bum, big ones, small ones, ones as big as your head, give them a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said, HEY!

Do you play AQ alot?

Not as much as some, but more than most.

When did you start?

Sometime in the past immorium... Sometime in September 2003 I think. ^_^;




Answered already...


Answered already...


Answered already...


Answered already...


Yup, answered already...


Guess what? Answered already...


Something new! Ice! Duh! =P


Hmm... Robina... Aquella... One or the other.


I dunno. <.<


Currently, Metroid Prime.


Croucing Tiger, Hidden Dragon I think.


Fettucini Alfredo


Chocolate Milk


I would say I like them all equally, but Kal would lock me in the box again.
*Sniffles* See this is what happens when you don't have a Twinkle Wand substitute to keep them in line. <_<.


I don't even know who is in the AKs anymore. O_o


Artix. He doesn't know he's a member, because we haven't told him, but trust me. <_<

Staff member?

Umm... The one on the left.

I think I am done... for now... *evil maniac laughter of doom*

So you say... And yet!


Another line!

*Goes around in a circle 5 times, eats a mango, then vanishes*

And still more! Ooh, mango.

Rai Spellfang -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/19/2005 0:27:12)

*evil deep voice* And now, let eternal torment begin! MWAHAHAH-er *cough* *hack* wheeze*

Is that anything like Eternal Tortellini?

Right, where was I... oh yes! AHAHAHAHA! Hey, I've made a ritual of posting long lists of questions, especially in the meet the KoO topics... humor me :P

Good humour man!

As I was saying.

Cough, hack wheeze?

Garden Gnome or Calzone?

Calzone with Garden Gnome filling.

Cheese pizza or Free soda?

Free cheese soda?

If you could be a type of lunchmeat, would people eat you?

Definately not, no one likes hairy lunchmeat.

Coldest eh? So does that mean you're incredibly slow?

Entropically so!

Raisin Bran or Prune Smoothee?

I like Raisins. <_<

Cheese Whiz or Fake Vomit?

On Nachos? Fake Vomit of course. Now spraycheese from a can, that stuff is good.

Shaken, Stirred, or Pat Buchanan?

Pat Buchanan in a can!

Purple, San Fransisco, or Tungsten?

Trick question! They're all the same thing.

Bo Staves or Sticks of Beating?

Bo Staves, because Bo knows baseball AND football!

If there's a computer mouse, why not a computer guinea pig?

Because it squeaks too much when you squeeze it.

If the square root of yogurt is 5.85B, then how many double A batteries can be launched through the eternal vortex before universal implosion reduces TAB to pants?

42. Duh, get to the difficult questions.

When Khold foretold of me coming, did you think it would be worse than this, or easier?

Significantly more squishy.

If a C+ is a crap grade, why is C++ a computer language?

Because it's Double Plus Good!

Java-script or half-soy latte?

What's the other half?

If pie are squared, does someone need a processor upgrade?

No, but they shall need a new baking pan.

Did the people who designed data sizes for computers(nibble, bit, byte) also make DBZ(Bibidi, Babidi, Buu)?

Akira Toriyama invented the universe in a massive Ki blast.

Why are level-scaled zards tougher than Carnax?

Because Zard's will one day rule the universe, once the Godzard is reborn on the third Ribarg. (Hence why Dadric only says "Ribarg, Ribarg." Only two, as the time has not yet come.

How many lists of questions do you expect from me?

42! Of course. Sense the pattern, machinations of the Illuminati.

Did you read the type of questions I asked X and Khold?

I try to not evesdrop.

Are you... AFRAID of gophers?

Only when golfing.

Ultra Ice Katana or Reaper's Toothpick?

UIK of course, unless we're having broccoli for dinner.

Speaking of the Reaper's Toothpick, if that's so amazingly strong, does that mean that the Reaper's Dental Floss would be even more godly?

Only for choking people in a Ninja-type fashion.

Does anyone seriously brush their teeth 3 times a day?

Four out of five dentists.

Minty fresh or S'more of Doom?

I kinda like mint chocolate in my s'mores.

If you could no longer eat with your mouth, what would you use?

My nose of course, which would evolve into a trunk-like proboscus eventually.

Some guy told me he'd give me a million dollars if hell freezes over... if I give you half, will you help me steal Satan's keys?

Satan doesn't use keys, he's all thumb-print and retina scans nowadays. I could get you a deal on the Devil's eyes however.

Xy-fragged, or Skyboyed?

Xy-fragged, n0ob.

What is the purpose of pants?

Festive party hat.

If I eat my shoes, will they appear on my feet?

No, but the constipation will be dreadful.

Gamecube, PS2, or Xbox? Be aware, the third option is electrified... with 1,000,000,000,000 gigavolts.

PS2, unless I feel like playing something very pretty, in which case Gamecube.

If you were fried like chicken, would you be edible?

Well, at the very least crunchy.

Do you like chair?

Me like table better.

What about Sunny D?

Californian surfer vomit, it's a proven fact.

Does Charlie and the Chocolate Factory make you want to burn any movies you might own with Johnny Depp in it?

No, just makes my skin crawl. Never liked Depp much to begin with.

Doritos or Cheetos?

Doritos, less radioactive cheese dust.

Gwak-a-mole or Cham-pag-en?

Whack-a-mole of course.

White Mage, Red Mage or Black Mage?

White Mage, because Hammer's roxxorz my boxxorz.

Whose art do you prefer, J's or Oishii's?

Oishii for character design, but J is the master of backgrounds. Big fan of Rockman though.

Cell Phones or Ice Cream Cones?

Ice Cream is god among deserts.

What's your favorite type of weapon?

Hammers! Big ones!

Offensive or Defensive?

Offense is the best defense.

Passive Aggressive or Violent Pacifism?

Violent pacifism, I enjoy being fiercly aggressive with my inaction.

Which do you think looks cooler: Nightmare Plate, Elite Dragonslayer or Golden Plate?

EDS, NmP would be best if not for that darn off-color hand.

Digital or analog?

Digital, takes too long to decipher those little hands.

PHD or MP3?

Considering I only just finished my

Vephy or free pie?


And now for the final question: Why the heck are there all those "why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes?

Because you can make them up in the spur of the moment without any forethought. Like so...

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because of the accursed communists! McCarthy forevaaaaaaaaaah!

necromancer -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/19/2005 1:33:34)

**A column of smoke appears 10 metres above the ground,later,Necro drop down from the column and slam his skull against the ground and misshaping his skull even more**OW!

10 metres! No more, no less! Pinpoint precision, like a LASER.

Do you like the banana?


Most uber stinkin' person you know on the boards?

Uber stinkin'? That'd be B.O. Man.

Do you like spongebob squarepants?

Is a chicken musty after bathing in mustard?

What happends when a paladin is magically fused with a necromancer?


Frogzilla rox!

So it does, so it does...

Heard of BTN?


If you could have a custom weapon,what would it be called,how will it look like and what is it's special?

Ice Spirit's Warhammer, a giant Warhammer composed entirely of crystalline ice. The special would summon a Avalurch to do twelve fist-pounds of 100% base and random, with a final hit of 50% base and random, which also freezes the enemy. For a total of 13 hits, 1250% base and random.

AQ smilies are mere replacements for the banana[:@]

Accursed banana. <_<

I have to go,I'm breeding undead dancing bananas!


Mars Phoenix -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/19/2005 11:30:40)

Hey Cael! I'm back again!

So I see!

Check out my suggestions thread again, I made you a special pet. :P

I already noticed. ^_~

If you were a monster in Battleon, what would your elemental resistances be?

Not invincable? Hmm... Probably 90% across the board, but -200 to Ice and 150% to Fire.

Why is ice your favorite element?

Because what's cooler than cool? Ice Cold.

What's your view on those, as X calls them, "sissy mages"?

They're all right... And stuff.

Since you like ice so much, what do you think about fire?

Buncha pansy light-weights.

Do you think it's a huge mistake to keep putting FD(D) in the Void? People are farming him like crazy.

Eh, he was never that great to farm from the beginning. Calladus, now that was a problem.

If you were an NPC, what would your purpose be?

To train Servents of the Ice Lord in the ways of Elemental Alignment of characters.

Since you're so icy cold, when you drink soda, does it automatically cool in your mouth? Now THAT would be a handy ability.

And other beverages too! Hot Chocolate doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned, it just tastes like Chocolate Milk... With marshmellows!

That's all again for now...

Love em' and leave 'em, I see how it is.

EDIT: Oh! Now that I think about it, did you get my PM?

Um... Maybe? I'm horrible with PMs, sometimes I read them, sometimes I forget to reply to them, sometimes I just look at a full inbox and go "Blarg!" and everything disappears.

EDIT 2: Oi, then I'll just ask you here. Do you like talking small talk and such? If so, do you have MSN Messenger or AIM?

Gauldoth -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/20/2005 16:23:28)

Whats one piece of advice you would give to mankind?

Chill out.

Personal mantra?

Do unto others as they would do unto you, if you gave them a chance.

Phoenicians or Assyrians?

Phoenicians. I'm a big fan of phoenetics.

Ketchup or mustard?


Would you steal candy from a baby if no one was looking?

Ick, no. Baby spit on everything.

Who warms the iciness in you up?

Currently single. =P

cbouncerrun3 -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/20/2005 16:28:30)

Hiya CaelCryos!

Hello concerned citizen!

Are you exited about Carnax becoming Full Form in August?

I'd be more excited if Carnax was a sexay lady. As it is, meh. I'll just poke it with pointy things. I fear it'll end up like UMAD and the Frozen Claymore.

Have you seen the picture of the Full Form Carnax yet or is Artix the only one?

Nope, we KoO aren't given previews.

Do you and Khold have a rivalry or something?

Just a playful joking rivaly originating from the fact he knows I'm better.

Why do you like Ice so much?

Ice is Nice.

If Ice is just Water that is frozen shouldn't you like Water instead?

Well, shouldn't Fire and Light be Energy then, as they're only forms of energy? And Wind isn't even a thing, it's a process of moving air. Ice is unique and owns Water. It's more like fraternal twins.

What about Dry Ice? Do you like that?

Ice is ice, Absolute Zero forever!

Do you wish you had an Eissig Falchion; The ultimate Ice weapon?

Nah, I could have it if I wanted, but it's kinda boring. Looks cool, but makes battles boring.

Have you read the new Harry Potter book; Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince? I just finished reading it yesterday ^_^

Working on it, a little over a hundred pages in.

Bye for now!


Mars Phoenix -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/21/2005 1:55:42)

Gah, I guess you didn't see my edit. Aw well, the question is... do you like small talk?

Whoops. I didn't check for an edit last time I was on. Missed Kal's little contribution too. Small talk... Hmm.. I don't mind it, but I'm not very good at it. Especcially since I commonly do about eight things at once while on the computer (Three Firefox Tabs, playing Star Control II, keeping an eye on mIRC, playing one to three instances of AQ, TV on in the backround, and possibly reading a book at the same time.) so sometimes I forget to answer people when they talk at me and they think I'm ignoring them. ^_^;

If yes, do you have MSN or AOL Messenger?

Why yes, yes I do.

If yes, what are your screenname(s)?

I'd tell you, but on a public board, the noobs would eat me alive. And I do get so tired of people saying "You're a mod right? Why was my topic in GGD closed!?" <_<

See ya.

Meep! Have you been watching me from the bushes? Stalkers!

Suikoman444 -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/21/2005 2:47:51)

Hiya Cael!

'Lo Suiko!

Ever played Suikoden?

Nope, kinda wanted to, but money dissappears so quickly.

If you could be any animal what would you be?

A Dragon I think. One that's capable of flying long distances and breathing liquid nitrogen to freeze my foes. That'd be nifty. ^_^

TankHunter -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/21/2005 4:21:03)

Prepare for an oblvion (via Halo questions) for which there is no proper reason! haha! (note: I know the answers this is a quiz to test your Halo knowlege)

Hmm... This shall be fun as I do not own an X-Box, and thus have never played Halo or Halo 2. I guess I'll have to rely on my knowledge from watching too much G4TV and Red vs. Blue. =P

What was the Covenant Elite called after recieving his new armor after getting torched to near death in Halo 2?

Matchstick by his buddies. He didn't like that much.
TankHunter: Arbiter

How do you kill a Covenant Scarab?

Shoot it. Lots.
TankHunter: set the reactor to critical

Was Instellation 05 destoyed?

Everything gets destroyed eventually.
TankHunter: It wasn't

What was the name of the two Super Mac platforms that were destroyed in the begining of Halo 2?

Spot and Rusty.
TankHunter: The Athens and the Multza

If you could have any weapon from Halo or Halo 2 what would it be?

Plasma Sword? Something like that.
TankHunter: Saber sword same here

What is the Flood master called?

Ol' Drippy.
TankHunter: Gravemind

Who survived the destruction of Halo despite impossible odds that was a human?

Master Chief?
TankHunter: Master chief (duh) and Sargent Johnson[:-]

What would be your second choice for the any weapon from Halo/Halo 2?

TankHunter: Do you mean the needler?

Who would win in a battle between Master Chief and you?

Me, because Samus Aran has the hots for me and would rip him apart.
TankHunter: Master Chief his awsomeness would distract Samus and he would pay Samus to kill the Prophet of Truth

In Halo what was the Marine's name who owned a helmet recorder that Master Chief used to find out what happened to Captain Jacobs Keys?

Spy Guy. (I'm just being horribly cheesy now. XD)
TankHunter: Privet Jenkins

What captured Captain Keys?

I dunno, I lost my keys.
TankHunter: The flood

What was the Moniter of Installation 04 called?

Komodo Dragon. (Monitor Lizards, get it?)
TankHunter: 343 Guilty Spark

What was the AI's name who helped Master Chief all through the game?

HAL 2000
TankHunter: Cortana

How was Halo destroyed?

Random Black Hole.
TankHunter: Master Chief + rocket launcher + Pillar of Autuems Fusion Core = BIG EXPLOSION! (escaped using longsword fighter)

What is the scorpion tank's weakness?

BBQ Sauce. Mmmm... Spicy fried scorpion.
TankHunter: Its treads

What is the morter tank's weakness?

Lichen, rips morter appart. Trust me on this one.
TankHunter: Its but (really)

Favorite vehicle on Halo?

Warthog. (Tis the only one I know. XD)
TankHunter: yeah the WARTHOG ROCKS!!

How about now on killing that tank?

What did it ever do to you?
TankHunter: It blew up my warthog.

What is your favorite game?

Probably Chrono Trigger, but I have a hard time choosing favorites. I've played Chrono Trigger more than any other though.

If you could meet any character from Halo/Halo 2 who would it be?

Someone not likely to slice and dice me or shoot me.
TankHunter: That would be Cortana

Your second choice?

Someone who would kill me quickly, instead of slowly and painfully?
TankHunter: Master Chief

What does the index in Halo 1 & 2 do?

Catalogs the page numbers for easy reference.
TankHunter: Activates the rings brining the Apacolyps

How many SMG's can you carry at one time?

Well, I can carry about eight, but I dunno about Master Chief.
TankHunter: In the Halo game 3 (two out one in reserve) Master chief in real life could probelly carry 8.....

what does blind mode in Halo 2 do?

Pokes you in the eyes with a sharp stick.
TankHunter: Removes map, radar, gun, and ammo counter

What Age of Reclamation is it for the Covenant?

TankHunter: The 9th

What is the central activation platform for the Halo rings?

A delightfull cheese crumpet.
TankHunter: The Ark

How many banshee's were in the V formation in the begining of the Halo Start Campaine Movie?

19, but most of them were hiding.
TankHunter: 4 but 1 was late

What is the best weapon for fighting the Flood?

A hairdryer and a terrycloth towel.
TankHunter: Saber sword and shotgun

What was the mining station where you saw that the Flood had survived the destruction of Halo used for?

TankHunter: Testing new ways to fight the flood

What Mark (1-25) (according to the Monitor of Instelation 04) level is the Master Chief's Mjolnir Armor?

Mark 42 actually, but it's a secret. Wait for Halo 3, you'll see.
TankHunter: 2 when he told me that I wanted to shoot him but alas he is invunreble

What does Master Chief destroy with a bomb at the end of the Ciro Station level?

His hand, but that's in a blooper. Lovely prosthetic they gave him though.
TankHunter: A Covenant Carrier

What was the Prophet of Regret's plan?

To make a sandwhich, but somehow he got distracted with other things.
TankHunter: To activate Halo

Whats the nickname for the plasma grenade?

Skippy, well... That's my name for it anyway.
TankHunter:Sticky grenade!

How many Spartans were there originaly?

Thousands and thousands, but that was back during the Persian Empire.
TankHunter: Around 75 but only 42 survived the genetic modifications (ight have been 32...)

How many ships at Sigma Octanus IV did COMMANDER Keys kill?

None, he lied about all of them. It was really his helper monkey that did all the work.
TankHunter: 3. 2 Frigates and 1 Destroyer ALONE quite a feat.

What is Master Chief's REAL name and what is his spartan number?

Classified, I'd tell you, but I'd have to shoot you.
TankHunter: John #117 and I have the security clearence to say that HA

What city on Sigma Octanus IV did Master Chief blow up wth a nuke?

Topeka, Kansas. Interesting story about Time/Space displacement going on there.
TankHunter: Cote de Azur

What were the two Marine bases that got wiped out on Sigma Octanus IV called?

Home, to those that lived there.
TankHunter: Firebase Bravo and HQ

What orbited around the REACH Millitay Instellation?

A lot of space dust, very hard to keep clean, space is.
TankHunter: 20 Super MAC guns (Mgnetic Accelerator Cannon)

What was the weakness of the Covenant ships?

Getting shot too much. Many things have this weakness, so it's understandable.
TankHunter: After a pinpoint Slipspace jump they are temporarily "dead" in space

Who could Pilot the Pillar of Autuem like it was nothing mre than a Yacht?

Han Solo, trust me on this one. He's awesome.
TankHunter: Cortana

What ship could destroy 5 ships in one shot?

The U.S.S. Arizona. Impressive ship it was, back in the day.
TankHunter: The Covenant Flaship

What was the location of the Spartans first real mission?

Shower. It's how every good soldier begins his day.
TankHunter: In an asteriod

On a training mission Master Chief as well as all of the other Spartans in training were dropped into a mountain range what was thier objective?

To drink lots of beer. That may not have been what their orders were, but that was what they wanted to accomplish.
TankHunter: Get to the Dropship and dot be the last one

After the traning mission what was the Master Chief pomoted to from "trainee"?

Boot Scrubber. But that got cut in editting.
TankHunter: Squad Leader

necromancer -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/21/2005 5:00:55)

I'm back!Mua ha ha ha ha ha!


Most urgent balance issue?

I think I answered this. <_<

Most "can wait" balance issue?

Frosty the Snow Golem, it needs fixing, but meh.

If you could be an NPC,how would you look like?

Look at my suggestion thread for a Ice Spirit monster, like that.

Do you like Vephy?I do!He supports the banana!Go banana!**Waves banana flag**


Most greatest most exiting dream you wished you have completed?(You know,for example you are a spy snooping through the enemy HQ and you suddenly found yourself in bed)

Went to Japan for a month, that was a dream come true.

If Carnax-full form and wolfwing battle one-on-one,who will kick the other's sorry butt?

Dunno, haven't seen Omninax yet.

Most scary creepy dream you wished you would have wake up sooner?

I don't have creepy dreams, just weird ones.

Imperial army(from star wars) VS drakel,who will win?

Lasers vs. Swords. Hmm...

I must teach the undead dancing bananas the ways of the force.

Midichlorians for all.

Guardian Of Death -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/21/2005 13:48:05)

Ok, Im back... I think... But am I really... Whatever.

Err... 42?

Pizza or Nachos?


Good or Evil?

Chaotic Neutral

Dude or Hommie?

Fo' rizzle.

Banana or Mango?


Skyboy or Shadowboy? Or maybe even Earthboy...

What about IceBoy?

How many rats does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Two, as long as the lightblub is big enough. Comeon now, bad jokes. Really. =P

Zards or Drakels?

Zards. I wish they'd revamp the Drakel look though.

Who is Khooler? The Kholdest of khold, or you?

Well, Khold is khooler, but I am coldest.

Im done... At the moment...


*Goes around in 5 circles, eats an orange, then disapears*


Mars Phoenix -> RE: =KoO= Meet the KoO! This week, Cael the Coldest Knight in July! *Offline!* (7/21/2005 16:33:16)

*sees a lightbulb joke* Oh! I have one! I'll answer it after you take a guess.

We're degrading into jokes? =P

How many DragonBallZ characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Five. Vegeta would be insulted by the existance of a Light Bulb more powerful than he, train for eight years under 800x gravity then obliterate the earth along with the Light Bulb. At which point Goku/Piccolo/Trunks, Pan/Videl/Gohan, and Trunks/Vegeta would go on a 158 episode series to find the Dragon Balls, wish the Light Bulb back from Hell, then Bulma would screw it in. *Cough* I think I just showed I know waaaay more about the show than I should.

Anyways, I dropped you another PM. If you didn't get it, let me know here! >_<

I mentioned about PMs earlier I think, it's probably there, I just forgot to read it. ^_^;

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