Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (Full Version)

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AoW -> Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (6/22/2010 16:38:32)

Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough

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Welcome to Soluna City. This is the hometown of everyone in MechQuest. This city links every planet in the game. This city is constantly expanding. For those of you who have just landed there is so much to do so let’s start with GEARS University. To get to a certain point in this guide hold (CTRL + F) and type in the code

Table of Contents
A1: Main Screen
A2: Jobs

  • A2.1: Mecharoni Pizza
  • A2.2: Specific Hospital
  • A2.3: Soluna Police Department
  • A2.4: Soluna Museum
  • A2.5: Ghost-Hunting

A3: Gears University

    A3.1: Energy Blade
    A3.2: Mecha Combat 101
    A3.3: Advanced Combat Theory
    A3.4: Mecha piloting 101
    A3.5: Dean Warlic

    • C.1: Tibattleonia
    • C.2: Rescue
    • C.3: Meet the Kingadent
    • C.4: Starship Parts
    • C.5: Powercells
    • C.6: Rebel Leader
    • C.7: Cure Sys-Zero
    • C.8: Ambush
    • C.9: Espionage
    • C.10: Boss Fight
    • C.11: Rewards
    • C.12: Soluna Outpost

A4: Teks Mechs
A5: Cinemech
A6: Knife and Spork
A7: Star Captain Club

  • A7.1 Floor 1
  • A7.2 Floor 2
  • A7.3 Floor 3

A8: Shopping District

  • 8.1 Hals
  • 8.2 Lazer Eye for the Space Guy
  • 8.3 Lights Blades

A9: Starship
B1: Pontimech

Main Screen

This is the screen you start on. On this screen there is Teks and the entrance to GEARS University. There are also people you can battle that have the Newbatron mech equipped. If you go straight up you will see the bill board. There are several things to do here. First is the C-Mail this gives you hints about how to proceed in the storyline. Next is the news screen. This provides information about the current release. Next is the map screen this shows all the planets. You can visit them in any order except for Lagos. To get to Lagos you have to complete Gark. After you beat Gark you can then visit Lagos. Now on to the job section.


Mecharoni Pizza

This was the first job ever released. There are 20 ranks total to achieve. The rolls start at 6 and cap at 72. There is a uniform that adds 5 to rolls. And then there are 4 hats. They unlock at positions 5, 8, 14, and 17. The hats give a roll bonus of 1, 2, 5, and 15 respectively. When you hit deliver pizza one of two things happen. One thing that may happen is you may fight a ShadowScythe or Rusty Rat. The other thing that may happen is your mech appears on the screen. When you walk across the screen you fight a random enemy. After that you deliver a pizza and you could get some extra credits (usually a number less than 10). Don’t worry about the enemies because they only scale to level 3. There is a quest called Order 66. You fight a level 5 rusty rat that is as strong as a level 8 enemy. There are three shops that unlock at position 10, 18, and 20. The shops that unlock at rank 10 and 18 are weapons shops. They are the Sauce and Recipe shops. The weapons in the sauce shop have no specials. At rank 20 you unlock a mecha shop that has the revived Pizza Mechs. They were updated with new specials some time ago. Here are the ranks
  1. Dish Washer
  2. Pizza Delivery Pilot
  3. Cheese Runner
  4. Lead Dough Stretcher
  5. Pizza Topperator
  6. Pizza Pirate
  7. Pizza Assaultist
  8. Heavy Cheese Specialist
  9. Flower Power Ranger
  10. Tomato Blaster
  11. Prank Call Assassin
  12. Slice Sprinter
  13. Advanced Pepperoni Cutter
  14. Pizza Delivery Knight
  15. Pizza Top(ping) Gun
  16. Pizza Delivery Crusader
  17. Sauce Commander
  18. Elite Pizza Transport Technician
  19. Head Seasoner
  20. Deep Dish Commander

Specific Hospital

This is the second job you can take. In this job there are 32 ranks. When you hit emergency there are 4 things that may happen. One thing that may happen is the autopsy quest. This is a famous farming spot you can gain several levels by doing this quest. This quest is a minigame where you click on an organ and drag it to the red dot. When you complete this quest you earn an amount of credit equal to the number of sides you hit. If you hit 0 sides then you get 100 exp. and 500 credits. If you hit one side then you get 80 exp. and 400 credits. The amount continues to decrease by 20 exp. and 100 credits for every side you hit. The next thing that could happen is you fight a ShadowScythe unit. A third thing that could happen is a quest where you walk across one screen and fight a ShadowScythe unit to deliver supplies. The final thing that could happen is another minigame. In this minigame, you move a helicopter with the mouse and shoot by clicking; you have to hold the helicopter in position to rescue doctors then bring them back to the repair truck. After time is up you fight a ShadowScythe. When you volunteer the scrubs are unlocked. At rank 12 the doctor’s hat unlocks. When you reach rank 20 the doctor’s uniform unlocks. There are two shops in the hospital. They are the Gift shop and the EMT shop. The gift shop has weapons and the EMT shop has the revived Valkyries. The gift shop unlocks at rank 12 and the EMT shop unlocks at rank 30. There are two quests in the hospital. They are the Nano quest and Shadow base quest. The Nano quest unlocks at rank 30 and 31 respectively. Both of these are required to complete the hospital. In the Nano quest you learn about the ShadowScythe virus, and then you go inside this patient and fight 4 germ things and then a ShadowScythe scorpion. After you beat them you go to rank 31. In the Shadow base quest you click around on a map and then go to the base to rescue a brain surgeon. After you rescue him you have to go back to the base and destroy it. After you complete this quest you rank up to rank 32. Here are the ranks
    1. Volunteer
    2. Candy Stripper
    3. Intern
    4. Bedpan Scrub
    5. Scrub
    6. Disorderly
    7. Orderly
    8. Thermometer Master
    9. Masseuse
    10. Nurse’s Aid
    11. Physical Therapist
    12. Emergency Medical Technician
    13. Research Assistant
    14. Lab Technician
    15. Researcher
    16. Counselor
    17. Trustee
    18. Physical Care Assistant
    19. Registered Nurse
    20. Head Nurse
    21. Physician’s Assistant
    22. General Practitioner
    23. Cosmetic Surgeon
    24. Pharmacist
    25. Dermatologist
    26. Optometrist
    27. Anesthesiologist
    28. Orthopedic Surgeon
    29. Pediatrician
    30. Neurologist
    31. Resident
    32. Chief of Staff

Soluna Police Department

This is the third job available. In this job there is a ton of energy battles so completion of energy blades 101 will be helpful. You are a Police Officer and you check out strange werewolf activities. There are two things that can happen when you go on patrol. The first thing that can happen is just a single mech battle. The next thing that can happen is a mech battle and an energy blade battle. As you rank up you come across clues that will make sense as you get more. When you get clue 8 you will go to falcon reach and as you get more clues you see a tower being built. When the tower is complete you get to go undercover as a wolf. Answer the questions the wolves ask you like a wolf would. If you don't answer them correctly you fight in an energy blade battle. After you find out their plan Sherriff Duncan blows your cover. So you fight in an energy blade fight. Afterwards go to the Knife and Spork and fight off the werewolf and then you have stopped the pie shipment. Afterwards the wolf gang is mad at you so fight off the wolves and then enjoy the werewolf mecha it is great for lower level players. Here are the ranks and the weapon shops.

    1.Crossing Guard
    2. Hall Monitor
    3. Neighborhood Watch
    4. Rent-a-Cop
    5. Rookie
    6. Traffic Officer
    7. Meter Maid
    8. Flatfoot
    9. Police Officer
    10. Patrol Man (or Woman!)
    11. Peace Bringer
    12. Officer of the LOL
    13. The Fuzz
    14. Enforcer
    15. COBRA
    16. Inspector
    17. Super Sleuth
    18. Super Trooper
    19. Gumshoe
    20. Investigator
    21. Detective
    22. Highway Patrol
    23. Bobby
    24. Mountie
    25. State Trooper
    26. Deputy
    27. Undercover Policeman
    28. Sheriff
    29. SWAT
    30. Police Captain
    31. Police Lieutenant
    32. Police Chief

Soluna Museum

This is the fourth job you can take. This is the second longest job in the game next to the ghost hunting. In the jungle, you have to fight a dinosaur or ShadowScythe mecha. Then you have to enter the temple and avoid traps (there's a hint button that tells you what to do). Afterwards, you must fight a ShadowScythe pilot in an energy blade fight. Walk up to the stone and either you get the ice crystal, or you do a random roll for a Triceratops fossil. The desert is much the same as the jungle, you fight a mecha, then you have to go inside a temple, only this time there's no hint button and only one trap, where you have to move forward to escape the flames. Then there's an energy blade fight and you have to touch the middle flame and then stand completely still. Afterwards, you get a fire crystal shard or a you randomly roll for a triceratops fossil. In the ocean, there's only a diving minigame, a mecha fight, an energy blade fight, and another mecha fight. Afterwards you get the Pearl of Katchoo or a random roll for an Itchyosaur fossil. The shops unlock after you get 8 pieces of the first fossil. The weapons are pretty good for there levels. The mechs are unique and are unlocked after you complete the first fossil. The mechs have high HP and low EP and EP regen.
here are the fossil pieces:
    1. Ancient Ruins Revealed
    2. Ice Crystal Shard
    3. Triceratops Right Toe
    4. Triceratops Right Foot.
    5. Triceratops Right Shin
    6. Triceratops Left Toe
    7. Triceratops Left Foot
    8. Triceratops Right Femur
    9. Triceratops Left Shin
    10. Triceratops Left Femur
    11. Triceratops Torso/Fire Crystal Shard
    12. Triceratops Tail
    13. Triceratops Neck
    14. Triceratops Shoulder
    15. Triceratops Right Arm
    16. Triceratops Left Arm
    17. Triceratops Right Hand
    18. Triceratops Left Hand
    19. Triceratops Jaw
    20. Full Zardasaur Skeleton Completed
    21: Pearl of Katchoo
    22: Icthyosaur Torso
    23: Icthyosaur Hip
    24: Icthyosaur Right Arm
    25: Icthyosaur Left Arm
    26: Icthyosaur Right Backfin
    27: Icthyosaur Left Backfin
    28: Icthyosaur Right Fin
    29: Icthyosaur Left Fin
    30: Icthyosaur Tail
    31: Icthyosaur Neck
    32: Icthyosaur Right Backfin (What?)
    33: Icthyosaur Jaw
    34: Full Sharakasaurus Skeleton Completed

The Art museum is right next to this job this is where you can buy the top ten artworks each month. If you want to submit your own art go to this link
Mysterious Emporium Ghost Hunting

Out of all the Jobs this is the longest and in my opinion the worst job ever. This job starts with you letting all the ghosts out when you go to get these mysterious glasses for Mysterious J. After this you have to go catch all the ghosts. This is done by buying mysterious J's ghost hunting arms. When equiped while you are fighting the ghosts when they glow red use the arm and there is a certain percent of caching the ghost. If you capture the ghost you when the fight. Each level requires a certain number of ghosts to catch. When you reach rank 21 you join the mysterious club. There are a series of missions you have to complete. After you are level 20 you will get acess to the ghost hunter mechs. If you go outside you can upgrade these mechs by turning in 13 ghosts to the stranger and buying a doom cell. This turns the ghost hunter into the Hunter Eidolon. Here are all the ranks for Ghost Hunting.

1. Skeptical Spook Investigator
2. Spirit Chaser
3. Haunt Hunter
4. Casper Crusher
5. Spook Smiter
6. Ghost Trapper
7. Banshee Banisher
8. Ghost Hunter
9. Ghost Beater-upper
10. Supernatural Sleuth
11. Spectre Spyer
12. Poltergeist Plucker
13. Ghastly Grizzler
14. TAPs Dancer
15. Chain Rattler Silencer
16. Ghost de-Shell-er
17. Apparition Attacker
18. Spectre Spooker
19. Phantasm Farmer
20. Paranormal Investigator
21. Club Membership Applicant
22. Club Membership Applicant
23. Club Membership Applicant
24. Club Membership Applicant
25. Mysterious Club Member

Gears University

How do you start? To start at GEARS go to the lady (Admina) with the exclamation point and click take exam. After some dialog you will fight the University Test, it has 55 HP and 100 EP. If you don’t beat it in three turns it automatically destroys itself. Then you fight some Lv3 enemies. Nothing happens if you beat them, you just get more money. After you are accepted there is much to do at Gears. The first thing to do is join a house. There are three houses that are all different. All the houses are covered in the How to Choose the Right House for You guide. Then there are the classes. There are three classes and then a class to train your stats.

Energy Blades 101

There are 35 ranks to achieve. You get new weapons every 5 ranks. The class requires you to give up 1000 credits. This class is very important since there are a lot of energy blade fights and you need a high damage energy blade. Here is some more info on the class from PD’s guide

At rank 35, you are also given access to the “Nova Blades” Shop. This contains the Phantasm Scimitar, the first buyable and permanent energy blade.

A higher color in this class will also increase the difficulty of enemies in energy fights. Higher colors also give access to certain items found in Light’s Sabers, explained later.

The weapon rack can also be found at the Museum. All weapon rack items are temporary, and are unequipped when putting on a uniform or logging out.

List of Weapon Rack Items
Rank 0: No Belt, Access to Default Laser Sword (1-8, OR damage of previous energy weapon)
Rank 1: Lily White Belt, Access to Sword (1-8)
Rank 3: Access to Energy Weapon Training Uniform
Rank 5: Old Yellow Belt, Access to Tanto (2-6)
Rank 10: Crushing Orange Belt, Access to Machete (3-9)
Rank 15: Envious Green Belt, Access to Sai (1-10)
Rank 20: Little Boy Blue Belt, Access to Kama (1-12)
Rank 25: Brown Noser Belt, Access to Axe (4-12 SC-Only)
Rank 30: Crimson Red Belt, Access to Double Saber (5-14 SC-Only)
Rank 35: Master Black Belt, Access to Partisan (5-15 SC-Only), Phantasm Scimitar (8-24 NG)

Mecha Combat 101

In this class you will fight battles with special conditions. No shops unlock when you beat this class. Here are the battles in this class
Class 1-Fight one enemy
Class 2-Fight two enemies without healing
Class 3-Fight three enemies without healing
Class 4-Fight a Teacher’s Assistant
Class 5-Fight two enemies without healing
Class 6-Fight three enemies without healing
Class 7-Fight a Teacher’s Assistant – warning don’t use ballistic weapons, they will do no damage.
Class 8-Fight two enemies without healing
Class 9-Fight three enemies without healing
Class 10-Fight four enemies without healing
Class 11-Fight a Teacher’s Assistant- warning don’t use laser weapons, they will do no damage

Advanced Combat Theory

A much harder version of Mecha Combat 101. These enemies have advantages. At the end there is a shop with weapons that have bonuses against shadowscythe. These are the enemies and the special effects they have.
Class 1- Advanced Runehawk - reflects 30% of criticals
Class 2- Advanced Mystraven - can’t be stunned
Class 3-Advanced Wolfblade - lowers your damage by 50%
Class 4-Orbo - has max accuracy
Class 5-Hugh Munn
Class 6-Slitz - can’t be stunned
Class 7-Floaty - lowers your damage by 60%
Class 8-Hover - has max accuracy
Class 9-Rusty Rat - reflects 50% of critical hits
Class 10-Hugh Munn
Class 11-Orbo - reduces your damage by 75%
Class 12- Slidz - can’t be stunned
Class 13-Floaty - has 50 defense and your damage is nerfed 50%
Class 14- Hover - max accuracy
Class 15-Hugh Munn
Class 16-Rusty Rat - reflects 60% of criticals
Class 17- Slidz - 50 defense and lowers your damage by 75%
Class 18-Rusty Rat - Reflects 75% of criticals
Class 19-Hugh Munn be aware there is an energy blade fight here

Mecha Piloting 101

In this class you train your stats. Star Captains can train 6 points per battle while non-star captains
can train 5 points per battle. The enemies in this class have the same stats as you.

Dean Warlic Quests


At some point you will receive a c-mail that tells you to go to Dean Warlic’s office. When you enter his office he will tell you that Sys-Zero has been captured. Then he sends you to Tibattleonia. You fight two enemies then you get healed. After that you fight a kaiju scythe nothing to difficult. Then you get to watch a video. The video shows the Soluna defenses being wiped out by the ShadowScythe.


In this mission you fight two ShadowScythe and then sys-zero the repair truck will fully heal you 5 times. Sys zero is a little difficult to beat. before you fight him you learn the ShadowScythe have taken control of his mind.

Meet the Kingadent

After that mission the Kingadent has a mission for you. The problem is you don’t have a car to get to the white castle. So head over to Pointimech and buy the van for 10,000 credits. Now go to the white castle and a minigame will start. Just avoid the cars and you win. When you reach the castle, the Kingadent wants you to go to the moon. He says there are rebels on the moon. There is but one problem the starship doesn’t work.

Starship Parts Quest

Head back to Dean Warlic and click on starship parts. There will be several objects. You have to do this quest until you get all the parts. After you get all the parts there are weapons at the end of that quest.
One important thing to note is after you complete this quest you can go to any planet in the game.


To start go to the moon via the billboard or the starship. When you get to the moon click on the powercell quest you have to do this quest until you find 10 undamaged powercells. Don’t worry about time since the power cells save. Meaning if I find one then logout I have 1/10. After you do this quest you have do this mission one more time to find the black box. Watch the clip and then continue to the next mission.

Rebel leader

After completing the powercell quest, the kingadent sends you after the rebel leader. The rebel leader is strong but when you get her health down to a certain point the Shadowscythe come and destroy her mech. Then select rescue the rebel leader to save you some time. Odessa tells you that the rebels are the Soluna defense force. Then you discover that Slugwrath is the traitor. He then sends a Shadowscythe Centaur to destroy you. After you defeat it you and Odessa go back to Soluna.

Cure Sys- Zero

In this mission you have to drive your minivan and dodge cars and a mech until time runs out then you have to fight a bloodhound mech. This mission has the roll system like at the Mecharoni Pizza. Beat the roll 10 times and then do the quest 1 more time. Watch the cut scene and Sys-Zero will be healed. If you're having trouble go to the Hospital and equip the uniform and hat because they give bonuses on the roll. Also if you hate the driving minigame do it once and then hit skip and you will go straight to the fight with the bloodhound

Surprise Attack

In this mission you have to fight a Shadow E3 5 times. Not every battle will you fight a shadow E3. You could fight any of the Shadow E series. A way to complete this quest quickly is to eject if you don't fight a Shadow E3 since you recievea full heal after every battle. The enemies scale up to level 20


This quest is just for fun. At the start there is a roll, if you pass you start the quest if you don’t you fight a shadowscythe enemy. After that there is a minigame.

Boss fight

This is the final quest Dean Warlic gives. In this quest you fight Slugwrath and then watch a cut scene. After the cut scene we need a new leader, so Odessa is named Queenadent and then you are named a hero.


In this shop there are the Shadow E2 models. They have a body weapon. They can’t equip any weapons at all

Soluna Outpost

This mission can only be accessed after you beat Lagos,The Kingadent and are grand champion on planet 51. This is a rather simple mission. You learn about the M'era and how they were destroyed by Korin's Dragonoid. After the race fled to space the ShadowSycthe attacked them. After that you go and fight three ShadowScythe enemies. When they are defeated the second part of the mission starts immediately. You are now aboard the M'era ship and it is crawling with ShadowScythe. You will need a good energy blade. After you destroy the ShadowSycthe you will learn that the M'era are gone. This is the first mission of the Dragonoid Saga so this guide will help you. After you beat that mission the M'era weapons unlock

Soluna Outpost

Teks Mechs

Tek sells some low leveled mechs. She also sells upgrade for the Skullcrusher mech. You can also find the Star Captain Monthly Mechs in Teks shop. She also sells ammo for certain weapons.


You can find the Cinemech one screen to the left. You can get free credits or nova gems by watching ads. The amount of credits you get is based on your level. You can get 5, 10, 25, or 50 nova gems by watching. You can only watch the ads ten times a day.

Knife and Spork

The Knife and Spork is a challenge area. There are 10 challenges with each challenge being stronger than the last. This is one of the most famous farming spots. You can buy mocha-cola that increases your health for 24 hours. Here is a list of challenges with rewards, number of enemies, and enemies. Please note you can encounter any of enemies in the challenge more than once. This is setup as
Challenge # # of Battles Totals Earnings Level of Oponents and earnings per battles. refer to the list of enemies below

Challenge 1: 5 Battles. Total Earnings: 50 EXP, 1000 Credits
-Level 3's: EXP Gained: 10. Credits Gained: 200.

Challenge 2: 6 Battles. Total Earnings: 60 EXP, 1200 Credits
-Level 5's: EXP Gained: 10. Credits Gained: 200.

Challenge 3: 7 Battles. Total Earnings: 210 EXP, 2520 Credits
-Level 8's: EXP Gained: 30. Credits Gained: 360.

~3rd Place Shop opens after Challenge 3~

Challenge 4: 8 Battles. Total Earnings: 240 EXP, 2880 Credits
-Level 10's: EXP Gained: 30. Credits Gained: 360.

Challenge 5: 9 Battles. Total Earnings: 630 EXP, 5670 Credits
-Level 12's: EXP Gained: 70. Credits Gained: 630

Challenge 6: 10 Battles. Total Earnings: 1250 EXP, 10000 Credits
-Level 15's: EXP Gained: 125. Credits Gained: 1000

Challenge 7: 11 Battles. Total Earnings: 1870 EXP, 13090 Credits
-Level 17's: EXP Gained: 170. Credits Gained: 1190

C1: Diner Contestants1-5: Level 3
C2: Diner Contestants6-10: Level 5
C3: Diner Contestants11-15: Level 8
C4: Diner Contestants16-20: Level 10
C5: Diner Contestants21-25: Level 12
C6: Diner Contestants26-30: Level 15
C7: Diner Contestants31-35: Level 17

--Diner Contestant1: Default Newbatron V1(100HP, 50EP)
--Diner Contestant2: Default Battle Hammer(140HP, 70EP)
--Diner Contestant3: Default Katana V1.0(120HP, 60EP)
--Diner Contentant4: Default Battle Hammer(120HP, 60EP)
--Diner Contestant5: Default Battle Hammer(140HP, 70EP)
--Diner Contestant6: Default Volt Thorn(100HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant7: Default Hunter Wraith(120HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant8: Default Battle Hammer(140HP, 70EP)
--Diner Contestant9: Default Gingerbread Mecha(150HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant10: Default Gingerbread Mecha(150HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant11: Default Kurosawa(140HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant12: Default WolfBlade(160HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant13: Default RuneHawk(140HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant14: Default MystRaven(150HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant15: Default Rebel Mecha(180HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant16: Default HammerHead(200HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant17: Default [Unknown Mecha from Frostvale](200HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant18: Default Bunzilla(200HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant19: Default MystRaven(150HP, 150EP)
--Diner Contestant20: Default Doom Witch(180HP, 120EP)
--Diner Contestant21: Default WolfBlade (220HP, 110EP)
--Diner Contestant22: Default RuneHawk(200HP, 200EP)
--Diner Contestant23: Default MystRaven(210HP, 120EP)
--Diner Contestant24: Default Candy Elf(205HP, 105EP)
--Diner Contestant25: Default Tyrant(280HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant26: Default WolfBlade(290HP, 130EP)
--Diner Contestant27: Default RuneHawk(270HP, 270EP)
--Diner Contestant28: Default MystRaven(280HP, 150EP)
--Diner Contestant29: Default Shadow E3(290HP, 160EP)
--Diner Contestant30: Default WolfBlade(290HP, 130EP)
--Diner Contestant31: Default Rebel Mecha(300HP, 170EP)
--Diner Contestant32: Default Rebel Mecha(315HP, 180EP)
--Diner Contestant34: Default Rebel Mecha(300HP, 170EP)
--Diner Contestant35: Default Rebel Mecha(315HP, 180EP)

Star Captain Club

This is where star captains can go to get weapons mechs and quests. There are three floors in the club.

Floor 1

The first floor just has the assault mecha game. That is where you type in an id number and you fight that person.

Floor 2

The second level has the weapons and mechas. The weapons in this shop are for the lower leveled player, except for the Icy Starfires. These weapons go up to level 32. In the credit mech shop there is one mecha the level 3 Volt Thorn. If you upgraded when the game first started then you get access to the Knightron series. In the Nova mecha shop there is the level 5 Kurosawa. Also on the second floor is a shop that makes certain NSC mech SC and can equip 2 mods.

Floor 3

On the third level there is the extreme challenge and the flying minigame from the dropship. The extreme challenges are 4 challenges of 12 battles. The enemies have the same hp as the enemies on extreme in the battle button. The enemies are just random enemies from each zone. The rewards are the Kelvin heads. The kelvin heads have a chance to reduce your cooldown to zero. The Kelvin 75 has a 25% chance to reduce cooldowns, the Kelvin 50 has a 50% chance, the Kelvin 25 has a 75% chance, and the Kelvin zero has a 100% chance.

Shopping District


This is where you can change your hairstyle and hair color.

Lazer Eye for the Space Guy

This is where you can equip all the uniforms you have unlocked. The shop doesn’t have the vampire and ninja uniform. You can also equip the hats you have unlocked.

Lights Blades

This is where you can buy permanent energy blades. Certain weapons are only unlocked when you reach a certain rank in the energy blade class. Here are the weapons and the ranks. Weapons in this color are SC only.

White Belt
Vorpal Short Blade
Energy Burst

Orange Belt
Antiquity Blade
Relic Sword

Blue Belt
Light Flayer
Energy Razor

Black Belt
Broken Blade
Brute Blade

Nova Gem Blades
Energy Reaper
Soul Sapper


For nsc there is not much to do but go to another planet. For sc you can decorate the ship with items. You can buy these items from the shop onboard the ship and from war's. One important thing to note is action figures. Action figures give extra credits like the enemies from the war.


Not much to cover here. This is where you buy the car to go see the Kingadent in the storyline.



Do I need moon reputation to continue in the story?

No you do not need to gain moon reputation.


How many powercells do I need?

You need 10 powercells then do the quest to unlock the black box. The number of powercells is displayed on the cmail.


How many times do I have to do cure Sys Zero?

You do the quest until the required roll number reaches 68. Then do the quest one more time after that roll to cure him. The hospital scrubs give you a boost on the roll.


Why are all the starship pieces broken?

This quest is one that requires luck to get it like the powercell quest.


Forumlogin- For telling me that the enemies scale the classes and surprise attack quest, giving me tips on the surprise attack quest,Fixing typos,Informing me of that the hospital uniform helps with the Cure Sys-Zero Quest.

Avantir- For helping me reorganize the table of contents, fixing some typos, helping me with bolding

PD-For his guide

Jgamer- For the information, suggestions and his guide, and museum quests

Drakyloid- For helping with the knife and spork challenges

Apparition- For suggesting I add the soluna outpost quest

DragonYugi- for Ghost Hunter Ranks

Everyone else who made This guide what it is.

Update Log

6/22/10 Started guide
6/23/10 Made changes suggested by forumlogin and Avantir,Mecharoni Pizza section added, Ranks added,credit section added.
6/24/10 Made changes suggested by jgamer and forumlogin, Starship and Pointimech section added, energy blade links added.
6/25/10 Hospital section added
6/27/10 Hospital ranks and update log added, corrected a few things.
7/1/10 Star Captain Club added
7/6/10 Shopping District added, Star Captain Club organized by floors
12/13/10 Ghost hunting Finished, Guide Finished Submitted For Approval

Drakyloid -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (7/25/2010 18:06:39)

Here's a compilation of some K&S data:

Challenge 1: 5 Battles. Total Earnings: 50 EXP, 1000 Credits
-Level 3's: EXP Gained: 10. Credits Gained: 200.
Challenge 2: 6 Battles. Total Earnings: 60 EXP, 1200 Credits
-Level 5's: EXP Gained: 10. Credits Gained: 200.
Challenge 3: 7 Battles. Total Earnings: 210 EXP, 2520 Credits
-Level 8's: EXP Gained: 30. Credits Gained: 360.
~3rd Place Shop opens after Challenge 3~
Challenge 4: 8 Battles. Total Earnings: 240 EXP, 2880 Credits
-Level 10's: EXP Gained: 30. Credits Gained: 360.
Challenge 5: 9 Battles. Total Earnings: 630 EXP, 5670 Credits
-Level 12's: EXP Gained: 70. Credits Gained: 630
Challenge 6: 10 Battles. Total Earnings: 1250 EXP, 10000 Credits
-Level 15's: EXP Gained: 125. Credits Gained: 1000
Challenge 7: 11 Battles. Total Earnings: 1870 EXP, 13090 Credits
-Level 17's: EXP Gained: 170. Credits Gained: 1190

C1: Diner Contestants1-5: Level 3
C2: Diner Contestants6-10: Level 5
C3: Diner Contestants11-15: Level 8
C4: Diner Contestants16-20: Level 10
C5: Diner Contestants21-25: Level 12
C6: Diner Contestants26-30: Level 15
C7: Diner Contestants31-35: Level 17

--Diner Contestant1: Default Newbatron V1(100HP, 50EP)
--Diner Contestant2: Default Battle Hammer(140HP, 70EP)
--Diner Contestant3: Default Katana V1.0(120HP, 60EP)
--Diner Contentant4: Default Battle Hammer(120HP, 60EP)
--Diner Contestant5: Default Battle Hammer(140HP, 70EP)
--Diner Contestant6: Default Volt Thorn(100HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant7: Default Hunter Wraith(120HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant8: Default Battle Hammer(140HP, 70EP)
--Diner Contestant9: Default Gingerbread Mecha(150HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant10: Default Gingerbread Mecha(150HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant11: Default Kurosawa(140HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant12: Default WolfBlade(160HP, 80EP)
--Diner Contestant13: Default RuneHawk(140HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant14: Default MystRaven(150HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant15: Default Rebel Mecha(180HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant16: Default HammerHead(200HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant17: Default [Unknown Mecha from Frostvale](200HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant18: Default Bunzilla(200HP, 100EP)
--Diner Contestant19: Default MystRaven(150HP, 150EP)
--Diner Contestant20: Default Doom Witch(180HP, 120EP)
--Diner Contestant21: Default WolfBlade (220HP, 110EP)
--Diner Contestant22: Default RuneHawk(200HP, 200EP)
--Diner Contestant23: Default MystRaven(210HP, 120EP)
--Diner Contestant24: Default Candy Elf(205HP, 105EP)
--Diner Contestant25: Default Tyrant(280HP, 90EP)
--Diner Contestant26: Default WolfBlade(290HP, 130EP)
--Diner Contestant27: Default RuneHawk(270HP, 270EP)
--Diner Contestant28: Default MystRaven(280HP, 150EP)
--Diner Contestant29: Default Shadow E3(290HP, 160EP)
--Diner Contestant30: Default WolfBlade(290HP, 130EP)
--Diner Contestant31: Default Rebel Mecha(300HP, 170EP)
--Diner Contestant32: Default Rebel Mecha(315HP, 180EP)
--Diner Contestant34: Default Rebel Mecha(300HP, 170EP)
--Diner Contestant35: Default Rebel Mecha(315HP, 180EP)

I'll get the rest of the data later. That's a lot of enemies, though.

tflo -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (7/28/2010 1:08:00)

Hey there AoW. Great work with the Guide. If I may say one thing with GEARS? Would you mind adding a piece in on there about the Soluna Outpost Missions? I feel that since it's part of the actual storyline, it would have a nice place in your guide. If you need Encyclopedia entries for information, here they are.

Soluna Outpost
Mer'a Rescue Attempt

AoW -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (7/29/2010 10:24:25)

drakyloid thank you so much for that information

apparition ok thanks i will add it soon

everyone update cming soon sorry for not updating in a while

jgamer -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (8/13/2010 20:03:52)

Here are the Soluna Police Department ranks:

1. Crosing Guard
2. Hall Monitor
3. Neighborhood Watch
4. Rent-a-Cop
5. Rookie
6. Trafic Officer
7. Meter Maid
8. Flatfoot
9. Police Officer
10. Patrol Man (or Woman!)
11. Peace Bringer
12. Officer of the LOL
13. The Fuzz
14. Enforcer
16. Inspector
17. Super Sleuth
18. Super Trooper
19. Gumshoe
20. Investigator
21. Detective
22. Highway Patrol
23. Bobby
24. Mountie
25. State Trooper
26. Deputy
27. Undercover Policeman
28. Sheriff
29. SWAT
30. Police Captain
31. Police Lieutenant
32. Police Chief

And Ghost Hunting Ranks:

1. Skeptical Spook Investigator
2. Spirit Chaser
3. Haunt Hunter
4. Casper Crusher
5. Spook Smiter
6. Ghost Trapper
7. Banshee Banisher
8. Ghost Hunter
9. Ghost Beater-Upper
10. Supernatural Sleuth
11. Spectre Spyer
12. Poltergeist Plucker
13. Ghastly Grizzler
14. TAPs Dancer
15. Chain Rattler Silencer
16. Ghost de-Shell-er
17. Apparation Attacker
18. Spectre Spooker
19. Phantasm Farmer
20. Paranormal Investigator
21-24. Club Membership Applicant
25. Mysterious Club Member

forumlogin -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (8/13/2010 21:14:29)

Make sure to scan through that with spell-check first before copy-pasting it.
Right off the bat, I can see Rank 1 Police is Crossing Guard, not Crosing Guard, and Rank 6 Police is Traffic Officer, not Trafic Officer.

AoW -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (8/16/2010 18:05:21)

thank you so much jgamer that is very heelpful

police section is added thank you for being patient

and please DO NOT delte any of the above posts

All right! ^^ ~Dudu

oh and ineed the museum rnks as i havent completed it

Drakyloid -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (8/28/2010 21:44:11)

1. Ancient Ruins Revealed
2. Ice Crystal Shard
3. Triceratops Right Toe
4. Triceratops Right Foot.
5. Triceratops Right Shin
6. Triceratops Left Toe
7. Triceratops Left Foot
8. Triceratops Right Femur
9. Triceratops Left Shin
10. Triceratops Left Femur
11. Triceratops Torso/Fire Crystal Shard
12. Triceratops Tail
13. Triceratops Neck
14. Triceratops Shoulder
15. Triceratops Right Arm
16. Triceratops Left Arm
17. Triceratops Right Hand
18. Triceratops Left Hand
19. Triceratops Jaw
20. Full Zardasaur Skeleton Completed
21: Pearl of Katchoo
22: Icthyosaur Torso
23: Icthyosaur Hip
24: Icthyosaur Right Arm
25: Icthyosaur Left Arm
26: Icthyosaur Right Backfin
27: Icthyosaur Left Backfin
28: Icthyosaur Right Fin
29: Icthyosaur Left Fin
30: Icthyosaur Tail
31: Icthyosaur Neck
32: Icthyosaur Right Backfin (What?)
33: Icthyosaur Jaw
34: Full Sharakasaurus Skeleton Completed

josh_et -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (8/31/2010 6:36:23)

@AoW: Sad news. From now on, players can only watch Cinemech up to 4 times per 24 hours.

AoW -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (9/9/2010 21:26:49)

UPDATE UPDATE Museum added thanks drakyloid above can you get me that quote for my guide please and thanks for informing me

sorry for not updating in a while

Please Do not delete posts

and to everyone i would like some suggestions for a FAQ section if you think it is needed

DragonYugi -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (9/10/2010 6:50:49)

A job you missed...

Mysterious Emporium:

1. Skeptical Spook Investigator
2. Spirit Chaser
3. Haunt Hunter
4. Casper Crusher
5. Spook Smiter
6. Ghost Trapper
7. Banshee Banisher
8. Ghost Hunter
9. Ghost Beater-upper
10. Supernatural Sleuth
11. Spectre Spyer
12. Poltergeist Plucker
13. Ghastly Grizzler
14. TAPs Dancer
15. Chain Rattler Silencer
16. Ghost de-Shell-er
17. Apparition Attacker
18. Spectre Spooker
19. Phantasm Farmer
20. Paranormal Investigator
21. Club Membership Applicant
22. Club Membership Applicant
23. Club Membership Applicant
24. Club Membership Applicant
25. Mysterious Club Member

forumlogin -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (9/10/2010 20:33:32)

Yeah, you should have an FAQ. :P
Because there are lots of people who get stuck on the Dean's quests, the Kingadent's quests, and the moon.
One might be, "Do I need Moon Reputation to continue with the story?" with the answer being "No, you have to talk to the Dean." and other various questions regarding numbers such as how many power cells to find for the Kingadent (10, then do it again to find the black box; you can check how many you have with the C-Mail.), how many times you have to roll to cure Sys-Zero (Keep doing it until you finish the roll where you have to hit 68 or higher, and then do it again to complete it. The hospital uniforms help.), how come a person can't find any working starship parts (it's dependent on luck, just keep on doing it), and other stuff like that. ;P

jgamer -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (9/11/2010 9:43:51)

You might want to add more information on what you do in each museum mission.

In the jungle, you have to fight a dinosaur or ShadowScythe mecha. Then you have to enter the temple and avoid traps (there's a hint button that tells you what to do). Afterwards, you must fight a ShadowScythe pilot in an energy blade fight. Walk up to the stone and either you get the ice crystal, or you do a random roll for a Triceratops fossil.

The desert is much the same as the jungle, you fight a mecha, then you have to go inside a temple, only this time there's no hint button and only one trap, where you have to move forward to escape the flames. Then there's an energy blade fight and you have to touch the middle flame and then stand completely still. Afterwards, you get a fire crystal shard or a you randomly roll for a triceratops fossil.

In the ocean, there's only a diving minigame, a mecha fight, an energy blade fight, and another mecha fight. Afterwards you get the Pearl of Katchoo or a random roll for an Itchyosaur fossil.

AoW -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (12/13/2010 18:42:50)

FINISHED Submitted for approval please look through and post any suggestions

Drakyloid -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (12/17/2010 22:41:44)

Alright. I've looked through the guide, and I see quite a few grammatical mistakes, mostly capitalization.


A2.1:Mecharoni Pizza
A2.2 :Specific Hospital
A2.3:Soluna Police Department
A2.4:Soluna Museum

Always place one space after each comma. Also, there's an unneeded space before the comma after A2.2.


This is the screen you start on. On this screen there is Teks and the entrance to GEARS University. There are also people you can battle that have the Newbatron mech equipped. If you go straight up you will see the bill board. There are several things to do here. First is the C-Mail this gives you hints about how to proceed in the storyline. Next is the news screen. This provides information about the current release. Next is the map screen this shows all the planets. You can visit them in any order except for Lagos. To get to Lagos you have to complete Gark. After you beat Gark you can then visit Lagos. Now on to the job section.

All names are capitalized, including mecha names, such as "Newbatron".


One thing that may happen is you may fight a ShadowScythe or rusty rat.
The next thing that could happen is you fight a ShadowScythe unit. A third thing that could happen is a quest where you walk across one screen and fight a ShadowScythe unit to deliver supplies... After time is up you fight a ShadowScythe... In the Nano quest you learn about the ShadowScythe virus, and then you go inside this patient and fight 4 germ things and then a ShadowScythe scorpion.

Again, all names are capitalized. ShadowScythe is a name, though it is technically two capitalized words in one.


The mechs have high HP and low EP and EP regen.

Out of all the Jobs this is the longest and in my opinion the worst job ever.

If you go outside you can upgrade these mechs by turning in 13 ghosts to the stranger and buying a doom cell.

fter some dialog you will fight the University Test, it has 55 HP and 100 EP.

Class 7-Floaty - lowers your damage by 60%

Just a few typos, and "HP" and "EP" should be in all caps. The bolded parts are the typo'd areas; I just corrected them.



At some point you will receive a c-mail that tells you to go to Dean Warlic’s office. When you enter his office he will tell you that Sys-Zero has been captured. Then he sends you to Tibattleonia. You fight two enemies then you get healed. After that you fight a kaiju scythe nothing to difficult. Then you get to watch a video. The video shows the Soluna defenses being wiped out by the ShadowScythe.


In this mission you fight two ShadowScythe and then sys-zero the repair truck will fully heal you 5 times. Sys zero is a little difficult to beat. before you fight him you learn the ShadowScythe have taken control of his mind.

This quest is just for fun. At the start there is a roll, if you pass you start the quest if you don’t you fight a ShadowScythe enemy. After that there is a minigame.

This mission can only be accessed after you beat Lagos,The Kingadent and are grand champion on planet 51. This is a rather simple mission. You learn about the M'era and how they were destroyed by Korin's Dragonoid. After the race fled to space the ShadowScythe attacked them. After that you go and fight three ShadowScythe enemies. When they are defeated the second part of the mission starts immediately. You are now aboard the M'era ship and it is crawling with ShadowScythe. You will need a good energy blade. After you destroy the ShadowScythe you will learn that the M'era are gone. This is the first mission of the Dragonoid Saga so this guide will help you. After you beat that mission the M'era weapons unlock.

More capitalization mistakes. Mer'a has an apostrophe in the middle of the word, according to the game. "Dragonoid Saga" is also a name (the name of a saga), so it should also be capitalized.


Floor 2

The second level has the weapons and mechas. The weapons in this shop are for the lower leveled player, except for the Icy Starfires. These weapons go up to level 32. In the credit mech shop there is one mecha the level 3 Volt Thorn. If you upgraded when the game first started then you get access to the Knightron series. In the Nova mecha shop there is the level 5 Kurosawa. Also on the second floor is a shop that makes certain NSC mech SC and can equip 2 mods.

Floor 3

On the third level there is the extreme challenge and the flying minigame from the dropship. The extreme challenges are 4 challenges of 12 battles. The enemies have the same HP as the enemies on extreme in the battle button. The enemies are just random enemies from each zone. The rewards are the Kelvin heads. The kelvin heads have a chance to reduce your cooldown to zero. The Kelvin 75 has a 25% chance to reduce cooldowns, the Kelvin 50 has a 50% chance, the Kelvin 25 has a 75% chance, and the Kelvin Zero has a 100% chance.

Alright, again, all names are capitalized. Each of the bolded parts (other than "HP", "NSC" and "SC") are mecha/weapon names, so they should be capitalized.

Other than that, I don't see too many mistakes. Nice job!

Thiefboy109 -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (12/3/2011 21:51:05)

This guide need some updating with Salvage Quest and Susie's Quest.

King Darius -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (12/8/2011 3:25:08)

Here is some additional information for the Knife and Spork Challenges:

Contest 8:
All Level 20 Mechas
Exp Per Fight: 202
Credits Per Fight: 1414
Exp per Contest: 2424
Credits Per Contest: 16968

Contest 9: 14 enemies
All level 23 Mechas
Exp per Fight: 230
Credits per Fight: 1610
Exp per Contest: 3220
Credits per Contest: 22540

Contest 10: 16 enemies.
All Level 25 Mechas.
Exp Per Fight: 250
Credits Per Fight: 1750
Exp Per Contest: 4000
Credits Per Contest: 28000

ScytheOfShadows -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (12/9/2011 3:25:39)

More K&S Challenge Details.

C8: Diner Contestants36-40: Level 20
C9: Diner Contestants41-45: Level 23
C10: Diner Contestants46-50: Level 25

More K&S Enemy Data from the newer challenges.

--Diner Contestant36: Default Wolfblade V3.0(330HP, 180EP)
--Diner Contestant37: Default Runehawk V3.0(290HP, 285EP)
--Diner Contestant38: Default Mystraven V3.0(310HP, 200EP)
--Diner Contestant39: Default f001(320HP, 180EP)
--Diner Contestant40: Default Shadow E3(325HP, 180EP)
--Diner Contestant41: Default Forensics Defender(350HP, 210EP)
--Diner Contestant42: Default Drakel Power Armor(375HP, 210EP)
--Diner Contestant43: Default Wolfblade V3.8(346HP, 189EP)
--Diner Contestant44: Default Runehawk V3.8(305HP, 290EP)
--Diner Contestant45: Default Mystraven V3.8(326HP, 210EP)
--Diner Contestant46: Kurosawa+Arm of Zeus(280HP, 195EP)
--Diner Contestant47: Default Drakel Power Armor(375HP, 210EP)
--Diner Contestant48: Default Equinox(380HP, 200EP)
--Diner Contestant49: Drakel Power Armor+Arm of Zeus(375HP, 210EP)
--Diner Contestant50: Default Drakel Power Armor(378HP, 210EP)

More info to be added on Floor 3 of the SC Club:

- Necryptos X Challenges - preferably names of enemies like Simu Nosferatu, Simu Minion, Simu Castle, Simu Desmondus, Simu Vladic Knight, Simu Sphynx, or whatever there is to be added as necessary.
- Bragging Rights Challenge - Extreme Teravolt
- Necryptos X Chllenges Rewards - Faerstice 25/50


- Lazer Eye for the Space Guy only provides you access to uniforms gained on planet Loreon/Moon. It doesn't have the Westion Wrangler uniform, Necryptos Vampire/Vampire Hunter uniforms, or the Derizion Data Runner Uniform.

- Pontimech: It costs 10k credits to buy a car that allows you access to play the minigame in order to enter the White Castle.

kim346 -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (12/15/2011 18:20:02)

got something about the museum
when you click on the right fire in the desert temple, you do not need to move at all

Captain Apache -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (3/24/2012 22:00:28)

You forgot the upgrade they mad in the Star Captain lounge upstairs. The one with the ridunculous necro-fighter. How do you beat something that powerful when you are maxed at lvl45? And I'm using a Vampire Hunter so I don't die quicker. But I still die over and over again. Can someone tell me if that is a bug to piss people off or is there an actual way to win?

ScytheOfShadows -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (3/24/2012 23:03:41)

@Captain Apache


How do you beat something that powerful when you are maxed at lvl45? And I'm using a Vampire Hunter so I don't die quicker.

(Psst... To the Thread Starter: you might want to add these into the guide)

- Despite their names and appearance and attacks, the Necryptos X enemies are not classified as "Vampire". Therefore, using V-Hunters will not make the battles any easier, and using non-V-Hunters will incur no penalty. You can use any mecha you like [;)]

- It's not a bug. The challenges are meant for extremely strong high level players who have a lot of equipment and mecha and rares and experience and real life luck to complete. By "a lot" I mean having over 30-40+ mecha and NG rares and more than 50 or 60+++ SC and NG weaponry and rares. Basically, you are going to need a lot of abilities to complete the challenge and not anyone can finish it.

Liuth -> RE: Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough (9/29/2015 9:04:54)

Will you please add in Susie's quest? She keeps mentioning a power disc of some kind and despite fighting three SS Hounds, they never seem to drop the disc, even with a luck boost.

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