RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (Full Version)

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Beowolve -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 6:33:08)

Hey guys!
Hey Beo.
Hihis Beo

Congrats to Trog, you too money even though you sort of have been an AK for a while.

How does it feel?

Is your cell nice?
Yeah. Pretty good for a cell.
Kinda... :S

Who came from the shadows at took you from us?
*Points to Skydrite*
*what he said*

Favorite AE game?

Don't expect to see me in this forum much, I just dropped in to say "Hello" and "Congrats". I may be back with more questions.
I figured as much! Bye! Thanks!
Thanks and bye! Maybe seeya on the next few pages!


Razgriz -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 9:50:15)

Oi Souls!

I shall proceed with nagging and nagging, and more nagging until you get my your work done, capiche?
>:O >:O
O:< O:<

So that's no slacking for either of you, and all your cookies are mine aswell >=D
>:O >:O >:O
O:< O:< O:<

So congrats and welcome, it'll be fun I'm sure ^^ for me >=)
>:O >:O >:O >:O! Thanks! Wait what?
ThankyousWe're doomed


I -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 9:53:17)

Hello ''trogdoooor'' V20X6 and moneybags.
Hi I.

Congrats on your promotions

Hope j00 have fun serving skydrite
I will!

So,i take it you're one of 'dem serious people are you?
Depends. What have you done!?

So,in that case,you guys wouldn't like kitten photography * cough*
I like pictures of kittens with hilarious captions.
Them ish no kitenz. Them r lolcatz

Toy -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 10:10:57)

Oh hey its you. :o
It's a toy! *plays with*

Oh say,since money bags is here im going to take the money out of the bag.
That ain't nice >.<

Does you like hello kitty,I WUV HELLO KITTY
Yes, I'm an avid fan of Hello Kitty!
Not really...

Vamp Says:I expect Power abuse
I heard. >.>


Angel of Grief -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 10:28:04)

Heya Trog and Money!
...This was not unexpected, haha. Congrats to you both!
It was to me! Thanks!
Heh, same here. Thankyous!


Nightly -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 10:54:49)

Hiyas Troggle! I mean Troggeh... Ermm..
>:O. Hi Nightly.

You to moneybags, but I already did your MtAK so I'm skipping you ;P
Yup. Nice to see ya around still :D

Great parteh yesterday (For me, don't know bout you ;D)
Meh, nothing I've never done before.
I party every night!

Again, good luck, stop bye and visit every now and then. Moneybags you're welcome to.
Thanks! I might.
I'm sure I will

See ya around Nightleh!

Valosity -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 12:06:42)

Trogerizie :D You had it comin' for you all the way, have a great time! Your rank was well deserved :)
Thanks a bunch!

$Baggerippers! Quite well earned, you've done well everywere else! 'Hope the AQW AS is fun for you to AK
Thank you!

Once again, both of you, congratz!
Thanks again! :D


coolboypai -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 12:13:22)

Hey trog, hey moneybags!

Gratz on the AKship, and moneybags for the promotion-thingy
Thanks a bunch!

Think you guys can handle the job, especially moneybags with 2 sections
I think I'll manage ;D

Many AKships these days. Coincidence?
I believe so.

Any of you do any kind of art?
Me art? I tried once. Turned out to be a girly version of me. I also made a polearm once. I mean they weren't horrible but they weren't godly either. I doodle! That count?
I only do art for school projects, but IMO, it turns out pretty nice :D

Reminds me. I should really open my gallery soon, any advice on it?
Put your best pieces of art in it and amaze people!
And don't forget to read the rules XD

See you guys around then, and congratz again
Thanks again! Later!

Jason -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 12:14:29)

Troggeh! Were's my unnificial warning :o
Behind you?

Anyway, As I already said the other day, Grats Troggeh, and Grats to you Money!
Thank you!

Trunks Strife -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 12:43:41)

Yay! -clap clap clap-
Is this a party!? Woo!
Thank you! Thank you very much!

Grats Trog! [:D]
Grats Moneybag! [:)]
Thanks again!

User -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 13:35:20)

Sweet, I made page one and two. :D
:O Pure skillez

For both, so... i guess only 10 questions eh?

1. Which one is the better AK out of you two? :P
$b's has more experience so him! For now! >:D

2. Yes

3. Like any art suggestions you've seen so far here?
Yeah, I've seen a lot of cool ones. Some people are really talented.
Yeah. A lot of em, in fact.

4. Favorite AE game? o:

5. Are you two in the same cell together?
No, but we are neighbors.

7. See what i did thar?

9. *spam*
*Leaves it for Trog*

62. Running out of things to say. :x
I can tell by the 62, also this is not a question!
Lol, I can see.

11. Whats it like losing your soul? o-o
I don't feel pain anymore!
Awesomely horribl

938. Have any of you tried submitting art suggestions?
Yeah, I've submitted one weapon in the past.

Hm, well. thats all I got I guess. See you on page three! >:D
Alright, Cya! Maybe.
We'll see... Bai


Aguila -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 13:53:18)


How does it feel like to be an AK?

Do you like pie?
Only cherry.

I like all kinds of cake!

I own 2!


Timhortanz -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 14:10:24)

>_> Hey!!!
Hey, hey!



Congratz to you Trog.

Congratz to you $B!

What are your color codes? D=
#9900CC bolded.

I just downloaded 314 songs in one torrent file. Any guess on what they are from? Hint! It's a soundtrack to a game. BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
I wouldn't know.
*random stab* Yugioh? XD

Ouh Trog, I have a picture of you somewhere saying "IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I say that a lot. Nothing special. :P

Fear me. And eat a low fat celery stick. *Hands* They make you lose weight! Wee!!!
*Eats grudgingly*

$B... >_><_<.... Here's a low fat celery stick for you too.. *Hands* Eat it and you lose weight.
Oh my >.<

Do you liek mah sigsauce?
It's really nice.

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 14:16:09)

Trogdor! and Moneybags! ^_^ Congratulations both of you! and a RE-congratulations to Moneybags perhaps? I've seen you around already ;P
Thanks Toki!
Thanks (again)!

Here are questions for both of you guys:

So, Who's your favorite Bunny?
You of course!
You know the answer to that :P

What is your favorite AE Game?

What happens when you go to a place that doesn't exist?
*___ is not a recognized map name* =o
I'm... dreaming?

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.
For funzorz

Why did the chicken cross the road again?
He forgot his keys.
For even more funzorz

Why did the chicken cross the road!?
To get to the other side.
Becuz hez bordez

Why did it!?! Tell me! >:O
I told you four times!
For funzorz

Well, I'm off for now, good luck both you two on Aking! ;P
Thanks, Toki!
Thank you!

I leave you with this:

Trogdor and Moneybags, both AK'ing the same section, who is the president, this is the election
This is a poem you see, it rhymes, oh look I can't post anymore I'm running out of time.
But in the meantime, I threw you a cooked grenade, oh wait that was a detraction, I'm really in your MtAK, stealing your lemonade. ;P
I love it!
o.O Seriouz skillez! :D

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 14:45:57)

Hey Trog, Money!
Hiya Zhukai

Good luck on your new positions here!

Hopefully things won't get out of hand...
*reads below sentence*

Wait... nvm.
Ha ha. Funny.
o.O Trick question?

Well have fun and good luck to you both.
Thanks again!

Bye :D
See ya!

Kueninja -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 17:58:09)

Hiyas Trog and $$$$$$$Bags xD

hey wait a sec i thought money bags was already a AK????
*Waits for $b to explain*
New board. WFGD was my first ^^

anyways Congratz on AKship

IDK what to say so Adios and Sayonara
Au revoir!

Veonyx -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 18:00:12)

Congrats again!

I leave the questions to the others, I'm just here for the moral support :D.
Haha! That's always good! :D
FINALLY! Aid has come! :D

Good luck!
Thanks again!


SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 18:37:40)

Hi guys! Sorry I have no questions...
That's ok
That's fine

Anyway... congratz on becoming AKs!
Thank you!

Oh and before I leave...


/me chokeslams Trodger and money. >:D

That's all I wanted to do!
Alrighty then.

Ok, bye! ^^
See ya

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/27/2010 22:22:22)

Still missed the first page. D:<
It's ok!

/me cries in the corner.
*hands over a lollipop*

Anyway, no questions from me. Congrats and good luck!
Awww.... Thanks!

Velvex -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/28/2010 1:25:58)

:O I almost missed the 2nd page!?
Relax, you made it!
Almost ain't good enough XD

So, how's it go-PREDATOR MISSILE!
Is inbound!
O noes

Now that I got that out of the way, the following questions are for both of you:

Trog how does it feel to be a new AK? And Money, how does it feel to -Oh my god, a dragon!! Errm, how does it feel to be an AK for the AS? ._.
Well, I'll tell ya Velv. It feels very much like being an AK feels. AKish.
Super duper!

Squirrels or Chipmunks?

Bunnies or Rabbits?
*is confused*
Bunnies sound cuter

Seals or Sea Lions?
..Sea Lions?

Dolphins or Porpoises?
*is confused again*
No one says porpoises, so dolphins!

Steak or Bacon?
Steak with bacon!

How many prime numbers are there between 211 and 1,061?
Don't feel like looking it up at 5 in the morning so I'll guess. 34?

Which direction does your bed face?
Towards my TV!
Towards the middle of nowhere.


mr mcfluffykins -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/28/2010 1:30:22)

Nice job on the AKness! QUESTION TIME!
Yeah! Let's duel! answer!
Fire away!


TROG TIME: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
According to your comment below, I did! :o
Do you like lizards?
I have a pet leopard gecko. I once had a common lizard but you know they don't make good pets! I like to catch them though. :P
How many times have you been chewed up by a dragon (don't be shy)
Two or three times.

MONEYBAGS TIME: Do you think Trogdoooor stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Most likely
How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
What's your favorite snow clone flavor?
The artificial flavoured one

BOTH TIME: Can you solve a Rubik's cube?
With the power of Youtube.

How many feet do you have?
I have 2 feet. I'm also 6 feet tall. So 8 in all!
Er. 2?

Edward or Jacob?
Twilight? I know nothing but that Burger King commercial. I like the name Jacob a bit more if that helps.
Edward sounds more vampire like... But then again, I don't watch Twilight.

See ya

Eliminate -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/28/2010 2:59:38)

Avast, how come ye've never drunk cider/rum?
Ya know? I think I recall trying apple cider and remembering it was ok. But... I'm not sure.
Cuz I'm no pirate :D

Nay, I'm not from a ship, I'm from the Caribbean, but guess which country in the Caribbean?
I wouldn't have the faintest clue. Geographically impaired.
Erm. Dunno... Um... China? Oh, no, it's Japan, because it's closer to the ocean! :D

Belay that hornswaggle. Sailer's can be drunk.
Haha! Proved me wrong.

What'd ye think of the song, lad?
Was nice.
Kinda odd...

Oh right, and congratulations on being an ArchKnight.
Thank yous!

*Steals Moneybags and sets sails*
Pirates >.<

Toxic Chill -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/28/2010 3:23:16)

Hiya... you... umm... Trog... Trogdor! thats it, isnt it?
Yes, that's right! No E's or anything!

Well, heres a cookie for both of you!
Ooh, awesomeness

Uh oh... they were poisoned!
$b, don't eat the coo- *chokes*
*nomnom* whatchoosay Tr-- *chokes*

In that case... plz dont ban me! :O
How am I supposed to respond while under that said offense!?


Mah cookies are either evil or poisonous, so here, take a banana!
Oh, nice of you to include an antidote in that banana! Appreciate it!
Mmm... banana!

Ok seeya later.
See ya!

Btw whadda ya think of my char Toxic Chill?
He looks pretty awesome!

Bye again!

Broken Dreams -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/28/2010 16:47:20)

Congrats Troggeh!
Thanks 350!

How does it feel to be an AK?

Learn the powers yet?
For the most part.

I'm active and out to get you. D:<


Biya? I'ma still stalk you. >:C

Did you know that I had more questions prepared than what I PM'ed you?

Surprising eh?

Final Question: Is this a question or not?
I see a question mark.

I kinda lied about the last question thing, this is the real one, do you like pie? I edited this post before you, how do you feel? :D

drDOT -> RE: =MtAKs= Trogdoooor V20X6! Oh, and Moneybags is here! (6/28/2010 17:03:03)


Well, I think I'll post on each page just because :/
That's cool.

Describe your happiness to see me! :D
I'm as happy as a pig rolling around in mud.
I'm happy as a unicorn running into the galaxies on a rainbow!

/me throws a mirror
No! Not the mirror!

Describe that, now >.>
It was hard to see it coming what with it's reflective properties and all.
The mirror broke.

I want to see one art from each of you guys! D:
I tried finding some but I can't remember my photobucket account name at the moment. I'll probably edit here when I get it. I have one on twitter but it's not going here!
o.O Imma think about it.

udoartsliekcrazirait? :O
Not really.
Nope, not really

And also.. prepare for a wall-o-text on my next post :D
Oh dear.

*stares intently*

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