=MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (Full Version)

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Tris -> =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:25:22)

Hey everyone! Ashluv, here. I'm the newest AQW General Discussion ArchKnight and I thought it would be fun to take a challenge and set this Meet the ArchKnight thread up. My fellow AK's think I would regret doing this, but heck, I love challenges as this will be none like others! (Maybe.)

Here's a few rules before you start jumping and stepping on the newest precious flower.

1. The Comprehensive Forum Rules apply.
2. If I find the question to be personal, I will leave it unanswered. Lotus Business is LOTUS BUSINESS!
3. I'm allowing 25 questions per post with a maximum of 2 posts per page.

I'll be editing in this color.

Now... ASK AWAY!

It seems that some of you are getting confused with rule #3. That's only the max per post, you don't HAVE TO have 25 questions to post, heck, you don't need questions! A cookie will do ;)

Kain -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:27:27)

Is this a trick question?!
This is fun!
Thank you for your time, and good luck!
No, THANK YOU for helping with me first, and thanks! I'm gunna need it... I can tell already. :P

blackowl -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:28:49)

first off gratz on your promotion!:)
then how long have you waited till this day to be an ak!?
I never suspected it.
are you excited?
Is there another One-Eyed Doll Show!? =O
well now you have lot of responsibilities on you now, are you stressed?!
Quite frankly, as it's almost dawn.
in the end, are you happy today?

Trog -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:29:41)

Hey Ashluv! *pokes*
Heeyyyyy! *Pokes back*
So you went and did it anyway. 25 posts and 2 posts per page! Might as well had made it unlimited!
You bet I did! Now that you mention it... I'll think of it. ;)
Why a lotus?
I'm not sure really sure.
Why a white lotus?
It's purdy.
Where did you come up with the name Ashluv?
It's a longggg story. Well, first off I had to go up this store and I saw this magazine, and like... Yeah, well. It's a combination of "Ash" plus "Love" that got manipulated into "Luv" ^^
Are you a peasant or a person who lives in a thatched-roof cottage?
Wouldn't I still be a peasant either way? ~x~
Well, since you said two posts per page I'll come bother you later!
Oh noes!
Bye for now!
Byee. ^^

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:30:04)

Is that another version of calling a pig? o.0
Lookit this!
*Looks, but sees nothing*
Ash has become part of the chain-er....um.
Great, just what I needed, cut-off sentences!
I mean Ash has become part of the team.. yeah.
Ahh. /mindispleased
Wat'cha lookin' at?
Ooh. A lovely shade of color.
It is. Isn't it? :D
>.> Shhh.. Their watchin!
AHH! Spies!

Death -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:32:34)

Hi Ashluv, i think i remember seeing a couple days ago with just friendly under your name. xD
Hiya! I remember that too!
What was your first impression when you were promoted to AK status?
Oh look! There's--well, something.
Where did Ashluv originated from?
Your local neighbor that planted that shiny new White Lotus. Oh look I see you now!
Are you a fan of flowers?
Not a fan, but they do catch my attentions.

kingpriestthe4 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 1:44:20)

what do u plan to do since you are a AK
Like any AK's need to do.
i knew some one like you is a beautiful LOTUS
Aww, thanks! ^^

Pulveriser -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:08:38)

how long have you played aqw for
2 years, about the end of beta.
do you like the one eyed doll music
Actually, I do. They're catchy. ^^
would you like to be a moderator
Do I get Mod Powahs?! =O
do you know artix in real life
No. =P
thanks, pulveriser

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:13:49)

One word, only seen in an edited post:
I can see it when you highlight it. =P


Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:14:44)

Ash :D
Jonzee =D
First of all congratulations are in order and it is WELL deserved.
That means a lot! Thanks!
I'm having a stalker question block so I'll put some questions on the next page
Can't wait! no one has really asked questions yet... =P
For now I'll just leave with a congratulations :)

Super Secret Congratulations >:D

Super Secret Thanks!

Hehe, you're a sneaky boy.

The Legendary d4 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:16:40)

Heyyy ashluv :D
Congrats my man. .
I prefer the adjective "woman" =P
Im not good at making questions so i will not ask anything :D
We're not all good at everything. ^^
Have fun and Goodluck ^^
Thanks and Thanks!


Sora To Hoshi -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:18:08)

Hey Ash! Now you can tag the DN threads and make them as well!
Hey! I can, but I'm going to leave it it off for others now.. going to be busier than ever. :P
I dont have anything witty to ask sorry!
Aww, still no questions.
Gratz though!
Thanks! :)

Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:20:10)

Pablo! 8D
Snicker! :D
/me gives Ashluv a snickerdoodle
*Om nom nom nom*
Do you wake up or open your eyes first?
Neither! *Trolololol*
Why can't donuts be square?
Maybe because you can fit more rounds donuts in a box than a square? Or simply like a wheel can't be square... They can't roll!
If you blew a bubble in space would it pop?
Bubble? What BUBLE?! Ooh.. shiny bubbbbllesss...
Why do they put holes in crackers?
Don't you read the back? It says that it may have diges-- Just no. :P
What type of animal is Snuffaluffagus?
A Sniffer that Luffs a Gus?
What is another word for "thesaurus"?
Dictionary? DINOSAUR!...That's gotta be it. :D
If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?
It's a longggg way down, and no way back up... so, Who wants to go camping in the core?!
Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
To build up speed. Also, if you don't move your arm back and forth, you may end up throwing the ball at the wrong end. :P
I don't want to have too many questions, so I'll be back. Adios.
Awww, least you're the first to ask the most!

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:33:25)

Hello. :)
Are you Chinese?
Nope! I'm a White Lotus ;)
Do you like lions?
Yes, they're adorable. <3
What about potatoes? Chocolate?
Mash Potato, Mmm. Chocolate, delicious!
Would you like to read my story? Click on my sig.
Would love to read it!
Nice lotus.
Thanks, grew (cropped) it myself. :P
Do you know Arrakis?
Cya around.
See you around! ^^

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:40:54)

Hiyas and welcome!
Thanks! I feel welcomed :)
Quite quick to make your MtAK :P
Trogdor made his, and I became anxious with everyone else in the IRC, so decided to set it up now.
Favourite word?
Is a vampiric cupcake better than a regular cupcake?
Yes! Especially vampiric cupcakes made by you. <3
Favourite aspect of AQWorlds?
Surpises. ^^
Anyways, I can't think of anymore. Good luck and bye!
That's okay! Seems like no one can. Good luck to you too and bye ^^

Sneevil Slayer -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:42:25)

Hard.. Bark? O.o
On a more serious note: What is your favortie AQW class?
Berserker. :)
What is your favorite armor?
Naval Commander
I can has request?! =O
Ooh, another request! =O
Requests just keeps on coming! :D
Combonation of the above?
That would be 4 requests in total.. I can has them by tomorrow? :D

Jun...... -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 2:48:30)

SHH! ...I'm hearing voices... >.>
Weren't you just another normal forum member hours ago? <_<
Mm? Lemme check. *Checks* Oh, yup. ^^
Congrats anyway! :D
Many thanks! :D
You say potato, I say?


Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 3:04:44)

How are you.
Pretty good. :P
You went to Nightly's War Party. Me two.That makes us Party Buddies.
Cake or Cookie
Mechquest, Adventurequest or Dragonfable
DragonFable all the away!
Warpforce or Epicduel
Is there a third option? :o
See you
See you then!

Links -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 3:18:11)

Favorite song/genre?
Don't know if I have a favorite.
Any online games you play besides AE games?
Does Facebook count? O.o
Anime? [:D] If so, which ones do you like?
KAWAIII! Bleach all the way! <3
Manliest way to hack a computer, right?
Remember: The Lights In The Sky Are Stars
AMG, really?! I thought they were little space dogs, just messing with giant fireflies. =O

Envy and Jealousy -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 3:31:31)

Thanks ^^
Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh?
Not a fan of both
Favorite server in AQW?
Nythera, Cysero, or SirVer
Toilet Paper or Paper Towel?
Which is more durable? =O
Envy and Jealousy?

Whaaat? There's nothing for me envy, nor to be jealous at >.<

ChaoX -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 3:51:26)

Hey! ^^
What was your first reaction when Kim shouted "Battle OooOoOn"?
"Wowwwww!!!! Lemme try!! *BAAAATTT-*cough* I don't have lungs like that. :P
Rose > Lotus :D
No wheyy!!
I liek cereal!, huw but joo?
I liek cereal too! Especially when you put tomato, and ..well, HEYY! Are you trying to steal my secret recipe? =O
What is Chaos on your opinion?
A little purple flower that grew by your window shelf, who eventually packed up and.. well, I don't know! My Granny never tells me stories like this :(.
Can I haz AK pet?
Is this similar to "Can I be a Mod?" O.o
OOh, careful! Flies might go in your mouth! =O
Am I a good whistler?
...Aw, too late. Pretty good, though. =P
Oh well It's time to--LOOK!, A Distraction! /me runs off.
OMGOMG *Looks* ...Where'd he go?
*Leaves a ticket to OED's future concert as a congratulations present*
=O *Treasures it*

Never got to say "Bye!" but I'll do that now. =P Also, my color is white too! ^^

Kevinza -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 4:04:19)

25 questions and 2 posts a page. Thats just asking for trouble. Good luck with that.
There's not much trouble right now. =P
Congrats on your AK-ship.
Thanks! ^^
Since your limit of 25 questions is pretty high I won't ask anything.
Good luck with your AK-ing
Aww, That just makes me want to change it. :( You don't need to ask exactly 25 questions, that was just the limit of questions in total. Thanks!

Fahed -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 4:22:13)

hey Strange ashluv!
Why hello there! =D
hmm.. who are you
I'm Ashluv. ^^
I can't tell my name..
That's okay =P
why :O
B-But... Wait.. *confuzzled*
Because this is my job i'm here for you Strange ash!
ok what you need for me ?
Now that you ask... *Prepares long list*

I need you help and I will give you what you want
I'll try my best to help and thanks for the offer :P
I need 3 Jewel Special
Jewels are shiny!
why you want this Jewel ?
:O Are you saying I'm a thief? :(
I can't tell u now Strange... Ash...
OOh, sounds like story time!
ok where can I get this Jewel ?
O.o I thought you wre the one looking for it, not me.
first you have kill the Belrot The Fiend you have get the blood
Belrot = SCARY!
ok I will get the blood
Eww, blood!
good job Strange ash now u have kill the O-Dokuro you will get the Jewel
Me no like Giant bones!
ok I will go kill the O-Dokuro now
YAY! I don't have to hurt him =P
wow thnx Strange... ash now you have go in Greenguard and try get green Jewel
Aren't we already in greenguard? =P
ok I will go and get
I can has sleep nao?
cool..good job Strange now the last Jewel you will get in the Red Dragon but is hard to get so Be careful
:( I'm not strange!..Oh yay! Last jewel! ^^
it's ok my friends will help me xD
You got yourself some nice friends then =P
wow Strange..thnx very much for help me ok see my shop and buy what you want
OOH! That look shiny.. that too! *Buys your whole shop*
take you time Strange
but I wanna buy the whole shop D:
thnx for wep and armor and helm :D
O.o It's a package deal =P
you Welcome all time bye now
It's my own shop now! >:D
ok bye and thnx for shop
Bye! Come back to my shop anytime =P

Storm -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 4:42:45)

o.o 0.0 O.O
?! Did I kill the moment
Oh, I did. =O
It should be like" YAY!"

^^ Good luck
Thanks ^^

SoulWing -> RE: =MtAK= Ashluv has bloomed! (6/27/2010 4:56:59)

Just stopping by to say Congratulations! (I might come back a bit later ;D)
Thanks! ^^ (See you then! :D)

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