(AQW) Voyage of Champions (Full Version)

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Wxo -> (AQW) Voyage of Champions (7/7/2010 11:48:16)

The Voyage of Champions

Long ago, there was a player named Black Luster Soldier, a noob that started in beta an had no idea where to get new swords. After missing most of the beta rares because he couldn't find any weapons other than the swordhaven weapons, he ran around screaming, "GIVE ME NEW SWORD OR GIVE ME DEATH!". This noob eventually became one of the elite but bored level 20 players that had nothing to do. He went on a quest to obtain starsword.

The Great YouTube Trader

He started up a youtube trading business to get it. Through this business,he became the most famous trader on youtube. Why? Because he was the first honest one. Later on, he traded v3nom away for an upgrade. Later on, he wanted the account back . Being that he upgraded v3nom, he could just recover it at any moment, but he decided to be honest. He agreed that he's trade v3nom back for a PL account. About I took the time to get it, he started being difficult and said that he wanted the full pumpkin set. After giving in to my friends, they said just take the account. The bad side of me wanted to do that all along, but I didn't decide to do it until I worked so hard to get the account that he wanted just so he'd change his mind.

The Name "Wxo"

After recovering my account, he recovered my account. He had kept the transaction ID number, and was able to get my account whenever he wanted. Shortly after, he deleted every single item out of his inventory, drained all his acs, and drain all his gold. He was only left with unarmed and beast warrior rank 1. Shortly after, he recovered his account and started over. He changed his name so he couldn't recover his account anymore. His name was going to be "Zvo", meaning The Evil in an accent, but he created a noob account with that name to see if the name was taken. So he settled for Wxo, as it was the last name that was event remotely closed to it.


Tawe Saga

One day, he met Naitzabez. He Recruit him along with two others into a clan named TAWE (The AdventureQuest Worlds Elites).He tried his best to advance through the clans ranks, though he was clearly overlooked becuase of Queen_alaina outshining him and becoming site manager for them. He tried time a time again, while doing every thin alaina was doing, but he was overlooked simply becuase he was more well known and liked more. He simple gave up on it and accepted just being a member. though he couldn't do much, he still did everything he could to keep his rapidly declining clan from falling apart.


Shortly after, this clan fell apart and bls changed his name, he went to battleon-1. He stayed there trying to become "a reg", because he wanted to be accepted so desperately. That was also the reason he chose to change his personality along with the name change. Before that, bls never completely spelled a word the right way. He stayed there for more than 6 months, visiting almost every single day. Scottrick95 (a famous green alpha pirate) introduced him to the forums and gave him his first sig. He tried his best to put on a decent outfit with what he had. He didn't have much since he just had gotten hacked. He was forced to wear noob items for a while. He had already created a forum account before, but just didn't use it.

PTR Testing

When PvP came, everything changed. He actually had something better than sitting around b1 to do. After having the time of his life, he eventually stopped going to b1.

During a time where it was just us or them and no stats, he began using doomknight. After becoming quite good at PvP, I decided to write I guide on Doomknight. he also included tips such as moving while attacking, potions, and wearing bodyless horseman morph.

Afterward, he met "the best berserker", ZombieLord. He and I decided to make guides on all classes. I proposed we ake a team that does it, and he agreed. We proceeded to make Team Testbuild, a guide making team. TT successfully made a guide for most of the classes. During this time, he started to meet other good PvPers, one including a better Doomknight that didn't like darkwound spamming as much as he did, Two Warriors that loved prepared strike, A paladin that loved to run as much as he did, and alot of others. Some time during this period, Goldslayer had been trying to recruit Wxo, for he seen the potential he had. But since Wxo was busy, he signed up for his site but never came back. He was too busy with the "PvP Champions List" and The Guide.

The Rise of Guild Testbuild

After PvPing for a while, He decided to make a PvP-Oriented Clan. He went on to recruit some members from TT. After a couple of members joined GT from TT (This includes carly9467, velmur, zanathos, and thanaetos.) He moved to recruit the best PvPers he could find throughout PTR. This included Omega xix, Touben, XR1, and Cutepants. He remembered meeting cutepants once before and adding her and deleting her because he thought she was just another forums stalker that wanted to meet him. Lol. Who would have known she would have become so important to him today. He also remember brutally beating XR1 in PvP and him catching an attitude and cursing him out just before he asked him to join GT. But then XR1 later apologized and joined GT with great hopes for being the best.*

Wxo introduced the idea of wearing uniforms when he made GT to make them standout from the others in PTR. (This was during the luck warrior domination era) He wanted his members of be proud of wearing the uniform and for celtic warriors + black hood players to be feared in PvP. When people saw a crown of celtic warriors, they quickly wanted to join and I signed them up. XiX also went on a recruiting spree. There is a story inwhich he had gotten into an a disagreement with The Legion and started recruiting his members. Wxo was unaware at the time, but The Legion was falling apart because GT was recruiting all of their members. Before hand, Wxo had offered a merge back when he had about 20 members while gold about 50. Due to merging issues and naming issues, they decided not to. Wxo later on offered a merge again when GT exponentially grew to double that of Thr Legion.

Goldslayer1, Leader of The Legion, in return despised GT for this. He blames his clan falling apart on XiX and swore revenge on GT. When GT reached about 80 members, iut became too much for Wxo to handle, especially when distributing the wars equally. This is when Wxo heard that SG quit while saying that "I want nothing to do with Wxo and his noob clan."

Wxo lightly brushed it off, being that he had about 80 other members to tend to. Being torn between teaching his members sliding, classes, a other things, he was rarely not busy. He didn't pay much attention to a few of the members quitting. But some one GT's loyal members informed Wxo that there had been a secret clan created named Death Screamers that were stealing our members. Wxo, in response, signed up for their site claming to be another quitter from GT trying to join DS. He wanted to gain information on how exactly was he stealing them, though he was later caught and banned form the forums. Though they tried to lie and say they were doing no such thing, He Wxo put a stop to it. But the leader, an ex GT member nicknamed SG had created this clan in hate of GT.

She wanted to make her clan the best at all cost, and therefore stole members from GT. This included Sora, Pison, Lildeathboy, yellowbrightlight, and alot of others. She also made it a point to recruit alot of the remaining PvPers from thr PTR public. This included Saojun and Cadenza. The hatred DS had for GT bought about a rivalry between the two after they started flaming GT upon sight. GT in return, flamed back. The two clans hated each other as a whole. When ever a member from one clan quit, they would go to the other side.

Death Screamers used this to their advantage and sent "pretend quitters" to GT meetings and forums. Members from GT responded by doing the same thing without the knowledge of the leader, whom was busy trying to entertain his many clan members. The two clans hated each other as a whole. When ever a member from one clan quit, they would go to the other side. This bought about alot of betrayal, distrust, spying, and chaos.

Guild Testbuild VS Death Screamers

It wasn't long before the two PvP-oriented clans planned to face off, especially after trying to claim a false victory not only during the practice war, but agaisnt his clan member. She also made it a point that you couldn't do that in her clan as she made it a rule. Since SG was on a new account that wasn't at the old cap (level 20), she asked for a postpone until she reached that level. However, she was willing to fight a practice war right then and there. Guild Testbuild ended up winning the match, but SG had secretly taken a photo of Wxo dieing in a 3v1 challege. Though he tried to run, he was caught by SG while her other members stayed in the other room. She tried to claim a war victory because of this and posted it tfor all to see. She wanted to leech off of GT's reputation to get her clan well known at all costs. However, SG and Wxo came to an agreement and it was later taken down, though she did keep the other one.

Soon after, she did. Upon finding this out, he went looking for her, though he could not find her. He managed to find sora though. We discussed the war date and time. We agreed upon having a war that consisted of 3 PvP matches: 1 PvP, 1 PvE, and one with both PvP and PvE. We agreed to fight an 8v8 clan match on the bludrutbrawl map. When war time came, DS fell short on members. They relied on their ally, TLP. Goldslayer1 and rima, TLP's finest, was sent to aid them since they fell short on members.

Since the video evidence of the second match was lost, it will be explained here. DS and GT had very different strategies. DS advanced most of their members towards GT brawlers, while GT advanced 2 players to DS restorers, kept 2 back, ad advanced 4 to DS brawlers. GT managed to kill two restorers, but DS killed the first brawler. Being that Ninja was glitched at the time, it was nearly impossible to hit ninjas with stacked thin air. Being that very few GT member were ninjas, they were at a disadvantage in that area. But, Since GT dominated the Luck Warrior era, they used their warriors to counter the ninjas when they could, but there was too many of them attacking the brawlers at one time. GT then killed the last restorer and immediately made all advance towards the boos. DeathScreamers quickly finished off the two remaining brawlers, then they all fell back to defend their boss. After a 5 minute heated battle, most of GT members where left dead being that they were piled. But they all ran through the map and comeback, but it was only a matter of time before they died out since the map was so long. The boss came down to about 5000 health with only about 3 GT members left. DS quickly used their numbers to kill the remaining member... just after wxo finished the boss with a 2k+ blood 4 blood critical.

Since GT had already won, most of GT's PvPers left while the lower ranking members swarmed to fill in their spots to fight in the last battle just for fun. The Death Screamers won the third battle.
Afterward, GT offered to have 10 more wars on the same time and date for the next 10 weeks. DS happily accepted being that they were ready for revenge. DS then used this wager to their advantage and tried to say that GT was up 1 in a "mega war" that consisted on 10 mini wars to cover up for their loss. Wxo reasoned with them that that wasn't discussed before the war, and therefore she couldn't do that. They were forced to deal with the loss.

With that victory, GT rejoiced in the continuation of their winning streak. They were the undisputed champions of PvP, though DS put up a GREAT fight. Being that GT were on a winning streak, most of their members bragged about it, though most didn't fight. This enraged the Death Screamers and made GT very popular. PTR players rushed to kill anyone wearing a GT uniform. Countless killed GT's lowest ranking members just to say "GT isn't that good".

To be continued...

Please keep pictures used to a minimum and small so they don't break up the story as much ~superjars

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