Standard Torch Z (Full Version)

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Baron -> Standard Torch Z (7/13/2010 2:24:47)

Standard Torch Z
Also see Basic Torch, Standard Torch, Guardian Torch, Original Torch, Classic Torch

Level: 11
Power Level: 45
Price: 700 650 Z-Tokens
Sellback: 630 585 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 350 325 Z-Tokens after 48 hours
Location: Zardmaster: Evolution!

Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 3-21
BTH: 6%

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 282.68% Base and Random each
Stats: 110.26% each*
BTH: +19
Rate: 20%

*Stat damage only applies for luck strikes.

  • The special deals 0.74* the listed damage to compensate for the burn effect (already factored in).
  • If at least one of the hits of the special connect, there is a chance that the enemy will be inflicted with a Burn status* for 4-22 damage. Fire monsters are immune to the effect**. The Burn lasts for 5 rounds, although it may fail***, for the monster gets a save:

      Level: 45 vs MonsterLevel
      Major: 105 vs MonsterDEX
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster takes -20 to its save if both hits connect, or -0 if only one hit connects.

    ***The torchfire catches a flammable part of your foe and sets it aflame. It's a riot!
    *** Fire monsters cannot be set on fire
    ***Your foe puts out the torchfire before it spreads!

    The classic, the original. When storming a mad scientist's lair, accept no substitutes. As powerful as the Level 45 Torch!

    Write-up thanks to Crimzon5. Picture from balubamboto. Stats from Media Res. Damage effect from Chii (via devbhargava); burn effect from Xrai and Sol. Description from Koree.

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