=WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/13/2010 17:02:54)



FRIDAY, JULY 16th RELEASES: Release is Live!

-- Dark Madder's Engine of Destruction has been activated above Lore! It is up to YOU to board the Engine, face Dark Madder,
and save your homeworld in the dramatic action-packed final battle! (Queen Pra'Mithia on the bridge)
-- You may have defeated the Bounty Hunters, but their master has come to finish the job!
Now you will have to survive-- the Leviathan! (Travel to Satiren via the Hangar Deck)

New mission items:
-- Call Leviathan skill!
-- Veritos blaster gun!
-- Dark Madder's Eldritch Staff!

PLUS: The Level Caps will be raised! Free players will be able to level to 58, and WarpGuardians will be able to level to 75!

WARPFORCE is open for everyone to play! WF is the official sci-fi expansion of AQ.
Right now there is a super-special WarpGuardian offer for all upgraded players of AE games!

If you are already a Guardian in AQ, a Star Captain in MechQuest, a DragonLord in DragonFable, or a Member in AQWorlds,
you can get a huge $10 discount on the WarpGuardian upgrade in WarpForce!!

Unlock all WarpGuardian features and support WF! http://www.battleon.com/warpforce/guardian/

Z-TOKEN ITEMS! Z-Tokens are a special currency you can get that allows you to buy elite Z-items inside AdventureQuest and WarpForce!
Z-items are far more powerful than regular items at the same level and help you defeat tougher monsters. http://www.BattleOn.com/aq-tokens.asp

Go to Manage Account and select the Invite-A-Friend option to get a special link to give to friends.
For every friend that signs up using that link, your character will get a bonus of 5% of the XP and gold your friends earn in-game.
Plus, for every friend that upgrades to Guardian or X-Guardian status, you'll get 250 free Z-Tokens.

Battle on!
Galanoth & the AQ/WF Team

Digital X -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/13/2010 19:09:57)

Another ranged weapon! fantastic, i'm always in need of those, and 3 more levels :D

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/13/2010 19:11:32)

"Veritos..." Hopefully I'm right and it IS Light Element. :)

afsoc4life -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/14/2010 1:53:39)

Can the Eldritch Staff be something that against players who attacks with light - it seeks elements - that would make more sense for Dark Madder.

general greivous -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/14/2010 18:09:31)

2 quests and 3 rewards? And no new level 35 quests? Dang, no play for me then =/

nosey123 -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/15/2010 9:11:35)

And not training (again) have came back to bite me (again).

I sense a pattern. XD

moneybags -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/16/2010 15:03:35)

Release is live everybody! ^.^

Zephyros -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/16/2010 15:14:27)

I recommend finishing the Battle of Satiren before going into the Engine. Some comments might make a bit more sense that way.

element resistance -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/16/2010 19:50:46)

Well since I always like this release, I'm having a hard time picking which Darkness spell would I keep either WarpGuardian Drawing Vacuum level 63 or Leviathan's Bite level 65.[>:][sm=icon_confused.gif]

Jakau Ryuu -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/22/2010 16:29:15)

Looks like there's a TON of inventory updates alongside the release... 17 items in the level 73-75 range at my last count. Including the level 73 Astramorph! :D

Unfortunately, both of my characters are behind on their levels, so I'd better get to farming. >_>

Lord of Nightmares -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/18/2010 8:13:25)

Anyone managed to play the Dark Madder finale yet? ;_;

Doomsday -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/18/2010 11:36:55)

Just completed the Finale, we get our very first Magic weapon in WF. This quest is one of the hardest to date, you have to fight 2 bosses, some high level Nefadons in between and other stuff.

netosmar -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/18/2010 15:41:02)

Well, the Satiren quest was cool. It's hard to believe that the Leviathan didn't even noticed me climbing it. The ending was great. I just wish I was high level enough to do the Final Battle.

Kaelin -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/18/2010 15:53:55)

The Nefadons themselves aren't so bad (they're difficult, but you don't face two of them between heals). The nasty part is going up against two bosses that are higher level and that you don't have effective gauntlets to protect yourself with.

The Magic weapon doesn't have the most useful element, but it's still Magic, so... *yoink*

element resistance -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/18/2010 17:11:07)

Yeah I have 2 new weapons from the finale of ........I forgot. Anyway that new magic darkness weapon......eh........I might as well need it for collection because some of the enemys are not weakness to darkness........okay maybe some. But eventually, there are quite a few monsters that are weakness to darkness with a weak defense to Melee and Ranged. That's about it so I kept that weapon until they would finally put in Darkness spell that can actually do Magic attacks like Adventurequest for instance.

[Edit] All of the enemys are too easy at the finale. Even one of the boss is easy as well when you have that Astralmorph for level 73. But the other boss on the other hand, is definitely hard to beat. My guess is that you have to get the best Energy weapon level 75 which is at Satiren mission um.......the one when you face all 3 hunters.

Lord of Nightmares -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/22/2010 18:56:41)


I can't beat the first boss, she kept dealing 200+ damage to my character during the first few turns, and then an average of 100+ per turn once her MP ran out. Unfortunately, my healing just couldn't keep up with her attacks, although I did manage to knock her HP down by half before I was forced to retreat.

Edit: Okay, this is just ridiculous. I finally made it to the second boss after wasting a couple of dozen Potions in the process, and she decided to get extremely cheap, dealing lucky strikes to me on most turns and hitting me for anywhere from 150 to 200+ damage per turn. I don't think I'm even going to bother attempting to complete this quest until a much later point in time as I just can't muster the motivation again after having gotten so far.

Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/26/2010 6:18:45)

After so many gold farming days, I managed to spend all of my skill points, and finaly beaten the 2 bosses. Dark Madder was easier. The crab queen was a real bad fight, just managed to beat, with some irl luck...(her last sword attack missed when we both had 24 HP)
Sadly, I do not find any good upgrades for my character, since I use melee weapons (and the fishing rod but it acts like a melee, just doing ranged)
My WF char
I know, I should use guns since I have higher DEX then STR, but... I don't know :)

Nex del Vida -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/27/2010 13:29:12)

Hrmph. I beat Nasseria (I thought it was Naaseria previously... am I wrong?) fairly easily, but Dark Madder beat me when I used Mana potions rather than Health ones in an attempt to gain enough MP for a healing spell. I'm farming up 50 Health potions and giving it another go. One thing that irks me--why is the cannon on the minigame broken? It makes it impossible to win.

element resistance -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/30/2010 21:37:41)

To be honest, Dark Madder is too easy for me only because I use Exceptional AstroMorph to transform into Sherhide and using the best light weapon you have and the best shield that I got. Nasseria on the other hand was definitely hard to beat. But somehow I manage a way to get the best Energy weapon called Laser Rod and getting special often times does hit her hard. .....Maybe next time they should make a new shield with Water resistance so that way people wouldn't have a hard time from Nasseria.

moneybags -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (7/30/2010 21:46:11)

The AstroMorph is definitely useful. Unfortunately, I've got no INT... I guess I'll give it another go; this time using my handy health potions. And yeah, a Water focused gauntlet would be helpful-- all the gauntlets in my arsenal don't give any resistances to Water >.<

Naj -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (8/4/2010 21:33:44)

Hummm, after all the postings about how hard it was I put all stat training into END as I went from L72 to L75. Was able to take out both the first time through using lots of potions and mostly blasting everything with the Cesium Warp Crystals, (INT=200). Had to use 32 heals and 14 manas, the pet did a lot of the work while I spending most of my time healing from Dark Madder's attacks.

The Veritos's Gun Z L75 is very much better than my old Ospry light weapon.

Now moving some of that END to DEX and rebuilding my potions supply... [;)]

Rogue Madlibs -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (8/8/2010 17:22:39)

Haha, this is great. I'm uber excited about this, after a day of farming I could probably be up another fifty levels to do this. o.e

Stupid level max. >.>

dukibeng -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (8/18/2010 5:07:35)

It will take some time for me to max out all the levels can you lower the increase of the level cap per month?

DragonYugi -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (8/18/2010 5:18:24)

Dukibeng, they update monthly. And that means that we have more time to wait. The level caps are advancing extremly slow (3-4 more levels for WarpTroopers for example).

So, increasing it with even lower ammounts will simply make me and others, bored of having nothing else to do besides leveling.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =WF= WarpForce Final - JULY 16th RELEASES! (8/18/2010 14:50:00)

Discussions can continue in the new thread AUGUST 19th RELEASES, locked

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