RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (Full Version)

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Razmos -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 14:49:55)

Hai Gibby!
Congrats on becoming an Archknight (I wonder, did you have to rescue a princess of the Duck realm to become an AK?)
Thanks. I didn't resuce a princess, but I did turn her to stone.
That was totally 4 months ago. Now we have to save a princess of the Moose realm. -Zhukai
lol Zhukai! ''I'm sorry, the Moose is in another castle'' ~Raz
Did I just miss something, or has this forum always been this way and I've been too wrapped up in myself to notice. :p. Anyway, back to the questions.
Your avatar makes me smile, i hope to see you post often! :)
I like to make people smile. I'd like to be posting alot of encouraging poetic discourses, but I'll have to make sure that they still fit the context of the thread I'm posting in.
What do you think about Waterblobbie?
I wonder if the sea level would be any different if there weren't any.
Do you have any connection with Terosin? He likes ducks.
No (other than we both belong to the forum.)
Nothing more i suppose, Congrats again!
(This is sws business)
Vewy sewious.

Hallie Slidepath -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 15:17:24)

Hiyas Gibby! Congratz and good luck, I think you'll be great as an AK ^.^
Thanks Halllie. Your encouragement makes a duck smile.
1. Why the color and font?
You already had the one I liked. :(
2. You're going to spend a night in a haunted house, you're really freaked out about it, but you get to bring the most awesome person in the world to keep you company... who is this person? (Chuck Norris won't be accepted as an answer <.>)
I'd bring you, but what if the haunting beasties have buttons?
3. Fire vs Water?
Water beats fire. (At least in card jitsu it does).
4. Writing vs arting?
Writing, as that's the only talent I have. If I could art I would.
5. Which is the worst pun that you've ever heard?
The one where a dog goes into a saloon and says "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw".
6. Have you ever tried playing golf?
Tried yes. Succeeded no. I've even lost a ball playing mini golf.
7. If you were to describe yourself with seven words, what would you say?
IDK if you could really describe me in seven words but I'll try.... (some time later).... Nah the more I think of it the harder it gets. I'll let you all work me out. You'll see different facets of my personality as time goes by.
8. Stranded on a deserted island... what, or who, would you like to bring?
A big big roll of bubble wrap. That'd keep me busy for years.

Sgtbobbycar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 16:35:56)

Seems like a while since the last MtAK
Time is an illusion. MtAK threads, doubly so.
Well how is being an ArchKnight
It's like walking up stairs and you get to the top, and you think there's one more step.
Congrats on becomming one as well
Thank you.
I have a riddle.....
Ooh a riddle.
"What gets harder to catch the faster you run?"
A postal worker?

Your Breath

Heh. Not bad.
Dost thou likest my sig?
Yes it's very nice.
well tata for now
Thanks for visiting.

Etrigan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 21:36:59)

Hello, and welcome to the forums, Gibby.
Thanks. But I have been here before. XD
How, so far, do you enjoy being an ArchKnight?
As far as one can enjoy the position, yes.
Who do you think is the most insane person of the Artix Entertainment team? I vote Cysero.
There's a few cells with rubber wallpaper, so IDK.
If you could be any elemental knight/wizard/assassin(or ninja) in any of these games(if you could), what would it be?
Whichever had the biggest castle I gues.
That will be all, peace.

Peace out. And thanks for dropping by.

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 22:03:10)

This is sewious now..........hello and gratz for being an Archknight
Thank you. Sewiously.
If you not Gibby from iCarly, then why are you dancing without your shirt right now?
I'm not... oh wait, you were watching. <.<
How come I'm hiding from you by hiding under my bed?
IDK, but while you're under there check for any loose change.
If you have two apples and give them both away and the person that got them, now has a fish, how did he do it?
Maybe there was a worm in one of the apples and it was used as bait.
How come you sewious all the time?
It keeps the sneevils away.
How come you haven't save the princess of the Moose realm yet?
It was the wrong castle apparently.
How come my brother is laughing for no reason why eating a peanut butter sandwich?
Maybe the peanuts were complimentary?
/me leaves a pie on the ground and hides while you look it as if you were a Gibby
Pie! What sort?
/me active the hidden trap and watches what will happen
Pretty much what happens to Wile E. Coyote.
~Coxy and I dare you PM Hay saying that she PM me saying Peanut better jelly, Peanut better jelly, Peanut better jelly, Peanut better jelly
Sounds like you're on a roll. I'd better leave you to it. Thanks for visiting.

draconic death drago -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 22:11:33)

Thank you.
you know you like to act somewhat like the DF npc twilly do you?
That would be why I had Twilly as my avatar for over 2 years.
would you ever feed you dragon candy?(me I wouldn't do that to kiernava)(she'll get sugar high)
That would depend. If it was your candy, yes. If it was my candy, no.
if chocolate were ever able to fly where do you think it would go?
Well if it was a bar, then I'd say Barmuda. If it was a box of chocolates, well you never know what you're gonna get.
if you had the choice of saving a princess or going to the nearest BK what would you do?
BK. They have princesses at Burger King anyway don't they?
what do you think is better pies or frisbees?(PIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
A pie can double as a frizbee, but you get less throws out of it.
in a battle who do you think would win seppy or alteon, or the hero?
The hero always wins!
do you think the other AK's are hilarious?
Some of them are Lycans. They're hairlarious.
halo or mario?
master chief-john 117 or samus aran?
Samus - anyone who made their debut in the 80's and is still around has gotta have something going for them.
plane or boat?
that's all and again congratz!
Tahalika that's the same thing that popped in my head, partly because Gibbs is awesome and hilarious.
Thanks again.

Tahalika -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 22:21:31)

Greetings. Though I do not know who you are, and I don't know if you know who I am, I thought I would drop by and say hello.
That's ok. Thank you for dropping by.
Well, congratulations on the ArchKnight-Hood.
Thank you.
Was there a sword and a king involved at all, or did you only get a lousy t-shirt?
The t-shirt. And it's a blank t-shirt with a marker pen.
What inspired the name Gibby? First thing that popped to my head when I read it was NCIS.
It's a name I've had for a long time. But I can be just like Gibbs if I need to be.
Leave those boxes alone! I need them for moving into my cell.
*blinks* That was close. Anyway, how's it like to be an ArchKnight?
It's like being a goat in a briarpatch.
Which of the AE games is your favorite?
I don't have any one favorite.
Which of the AE games was the first you played, and basically introduced you to the AE games?
AQ but that was over 3 years ago.
Warrior, Rogue or Mage?
Why did you pick the class that you just picked?
They were short staffed.
Anyway, I think that's enough from me. Thanks for taking the time for answering.
You are most welcome.

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/15/2010 23:11:49)

Hi Gibby!
Hi kittycat
Wibby Gibby Shibby
Kittycat Wittycat ... umm.... Dittycat?
Once in a while, A sharp attack aims directly in your head, what will you do?
MAGIC BULLET! *boom* *boom* *POW*
We got the beat *POW*
See ya
See ya!
*kittycat flies away with firey grace*
Who was that masked kitty?

destoyer of twilly -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 8:41:41)

Doth you wish for more questions?
I doth.
life is all a lie.
No. But the main thing to remember is "Don't Panic".
They want you gone.
They wouldn't be the only one. :p
I ask them anyway
You shouldn't.
Don't drink the water.
All the more reason to drink coffee.
What came first, the fish, or the egg? (chickens were after fish and dinosaurs)
Umm, the fish?
It makes you forget.
Forget what?
DO you know what colour your marbles are? mine are swirly red and black
Red with chocolate filling... no wait those are Jaffas.
Erase the message with your answers, they might get me.
Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean that they're not out to get you.
Bai for now,
Bai! Thanks for coming by.

Silver Xoven -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 9:21:51)

Hi, me again!
Ooh. Back for more?
I've got a question:
And I've got an answer.
You're in a middle of a tornado, and you have a car, where only you and one other person can fit. In the hurricane, there is your best friend who saved your life, an old grandma, and the girl of your dreams. Who would you take and leave with the car, and which two would you leave in the middle of the hurricane?
Can't we all stay there. Isn't it calm in the eye of a storm?

It's tough.
It's as tough as a cinema hotdog.
And yes, I've seen that movie!
The one with the tornado or the hotdog?
Anyway, congratz again!
Thanks again.

Mareth -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 9:35:10)

Sup, Gibby?
The price of oil?
You stole the first question i was going to ask you, lol.
That was the idea :p
Then, Which Gibby are you?
The one that is more Gibby-ish than any other.
Acrostic poem Time!!!!
Why would a poem be cross?
I'm so happy I could just, tear out your intestines and strangle you with them!
O.O OK - I'll make sure you're sad next time.
So everyone Edam up.
Wait, Scratch that, Cheese for no one,
Oh! :(
It's just as much of a party if you don't like Cheese true.
That is now Feta compli.
Anyways, Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight. See you around!
Thanks. I'll be round like a record.

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 9:40:34)

Hello again!
Another for seconds!
I hope that hole you got in our previous meeting was not fatal.
Nah. No vitals were hit.
I gotta admit, I was kinda expecting you to deflect it or dodge or something.
Tank it to the limit!
Anyway, for surviving (Albeit with a hole in you), have a massive cookie.
Ooh that cookie fits right in the hole.
(Note to self: Gibby can be harmed by Massive Galaxy Destroying Laser. Keep results of test and power level in case of any upcoming ArchKnight Wars.)
Gibby can be hurt but not stopped. I can't believe I just referred to myself in the 3rd person.
So, do you like Pokemon? If so, what is your favorite Evil Organisation? Don't worry, you don't have to be evil to like any of them. You can just like beating them the best.
Never played pokemon sorry.
Personaly, I like Team Rocket the best. You just can't compare the others with them in my opnion.
If they have cool t-shirts then it's all good.
And do you like Doctor Who?
If so, Fav Doctor?
Wow hard to pick. I did enjoy David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston as doctor. I've only seen the first episode of the Matt Smith doctor. But I think they all have a long way to go to catch Tom Baker.
That's all for now. Bye!
Thanks for coming back.

anailater -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 11:34:57)

hallo gibby
Halloooo anailater
We meet at last
Are you my arch-nemesis?
the only ever mtak i ever posted on was tolans are you as random or chuck norris loving
Probably not as much as tolan but I still appreciate you coming by.
Is that an acronym? I don't know the answer but I think it would end in BBQ.
anser me
Did you break your keyboard?
why are you ignoring me why
I'm not ignoring you, but I think your speakers broke as well.
cheese me up
Better than being cheesed off I suppose. You should be cheesed up now. I cantal.
see ya
i lied
This is confusing me. :s
do you like doctor who
Certainly do.
seriosly boy
Is that Astro Boy's brother?
what ddid you say
I don't know. I just go with the first thing that comes into my head.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 11:39:14)


drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 15:33:22)

1.Bacon or cookie?
2.Cake or pie?
3.Badgers or tacos?
4.Do you know of the glorious tvtropes site?
I most certainly do and that had alot to do with the character Will in my 3 questions comic. He's an "acceptable target".
5.Howz dem shacklez?
A little oily.
6.How about the demon in the corner of your cell that hungers for your soul?
It's funny, but it moved out as soon as I moved in.
7.I put him there :D I feed him cookeis
Aah. It probably realises no more cookies now.
8.They feeding you well?
I get any cookies that aren't clearly marked with anyone's name.
9.And then?
Three orders of white rice.
10. And then?
Three orders of Wantan soup.
11. Was trogdor a man?
I went to ask him but he tried to burninate me.
12. Are you afraid of the thirteenth question?
14. Oh look! Are you happy we skipped the the thirteenth question
Not really because this is still the thirteenth question. But I won't complain.
Bye. Thanks for saying hello.

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 15:59:26)

Hi again!
Welcome back.

Like the spacing? :P
Don't fence me in.

I saw above in two posts that they thought you got "Gibby" from "Gibbs" of NCIS.
There's some similarities.

Do you watch that show, and if so, like it? (I <3 it :D)
I started watching it in Season 3 and haven't missed an episode since. I even hired the first two seasons dvds.

Ready for more name association?
I guess I'll have to be.


(Darn!) Pizza.


Are you a fan of Waterblobbie?
I'm not a fan, but then again I've got nothing against them.

Serious now. :P Are you a moderator of any other site?
No. The blue skies of DF GD are all I need.

How has it been the past couple of days as an AK?
Flat out like a lizard drinking.

I'm scared, if I ever become a mod, I might have to deal with....*dun dun dun* the SHACKLES.
You get used to the extra weight.

I'll leave off for now. Expect me again in another page or two. That's fine, right? o.O


Be good Johnnyfish.

ChainSword -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 17:00:47)

...Should I know you?
Everybody should know me.
How about that guy?
Yes, even him.
Doesn't it bother you that MtAK threads are full of utterly meaningles spam, that's technically against forum rules?
I think it's a good way for me to introduce myself to everyone and show that while we have to maintian order, we do have a sense of humor. Not to mention it's a great way to learn to edit posts.
Do you live somewhere?
Somewhere yes.
Do you now have right to tell anyone "No, you can't be a mod"?
I don't have the right to say to anyone that they can or cannot BE anything. What you DO here is a little bit different.
What are you gonna do next? Challenge Circe?
Circe is way too nice to challenge.
Challenge LANDIS?
LANDIS is way too clever.
Go to Disneyland?
I wanted to, but while I was travelling I saw a sign that said "Disneyland Left", so I figured it wasn't there any more.
Fine, do what you want... but you know, I have custom of helping you new AK's that are chained to those mountains... after all, I'm specialist when it comes to Chains.
Is your real name Link?
*Starts Chainsword (Chainsaw+sword=Chainsword)*
Ooh! Nice.
*Rushes towards Gibby with amazing speed* *Raises Chainsword* *Dunn dunn dunn!*
Why are you wearing that hockey mask?
*...Cuts part of the mountain...*
*Happy Birthday to you!*
There. Now you can do whatever you want and go wherever WITH THAT MOUNTAIN ON YOUR BACK! No need to thank!
If the mountain won't go to Gibby...
Well, gotta go. Try to survive!
*as long as i know how to love, I know I will stay alive* OK, I'll stop singing now.
Oh!! One last thing: Beware the Green Girl. She is the most unstablized of you AKs...
Maybe she could look after some horses. That takes a stable person.

Reni -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 17:32:04)

Reni! I'm glad you came by.
I don't have too many questions, but I just wanted to say congrats, very well deserved, as has been for quite a while. Well done!
Thanks Reni. I didn't mind waiting however. :D
Since I said I don't have too many questions, which implies I have at least two, here they are:
So is that a Boolean implication?
Are you still going to make funny comic stuff?
As soon as I believe I can fit it in with the AK'ing duties. Give me a bit of time to settle in and I'll start the gallery again.
Do your new shackles fit ok?
If something is meant to cause discomfort, can you really say it's OK? :p
Gratz again!
Thanks Reni, I'm glad you popped in.

Soul weaver12345 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 18:43:02)

Hello Gibby!
Hello Soul weaver12345
Never heard of you before xD
Really?? I've been mentioned several times in this thread already.
Can I Haz Modz?
Sorry not a function I can perform.
So how did you become an AK?
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I... no wait that was King Arthur. Oh yeah, that's right, LANDIS asked me.
Okay funny to know
I like to make people laugh.
Wich game of the AE games was your first? Mine was DF :)
the classic: cake or cookies?
Oh nearly forgot!:
To turn the oven off?
Oh that! Thanks.

San Robin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 19:56:52)

oooooh fresh meat! (duck pathé)[:D]
BBQ is better.
I'm not. :p
congrats on becomming an AK.
Thank you.
you will be mild with the rules right?
I don't make the rules, I don't adjust the rules, I just help make sure that this board stays a friendly and safe place.
Let me put it this way, if you don't break the rules there is nothing to worry about.
too bad [>:]
Oh well. :D
can you turn me into a AK?
No, but you could turn into a driveway.
but prepare to answer that question allot (you wont hear it from me , i hate that question[:@])
I'm sure you won't be the last.
i hope the guys and galls on the forums wont eat you alive (they're ebil :O)
I don't they they would. They'd surely cook me first.
no more questions =D
good luck
cya maybe sooner than you might think XD

ZanpakuTô -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/16/2010 20:07:10)

Gibby!! Welcome aboard!!
Thanks ZanpakuT.... how do you make that little thing over the 'o'?

A few questions, if you don't mind, over some crisp souls, if you don't mind those either [:P]
I'd prefer chicken.

First up, a congratulations. Are you enjoying your position so far?
My position as AK or my position reclining at my computer desk?

Well stop it.
OK I'll sit up straight.

Well all the same. That's all for now, you silleh shirtless duckie! I hope to see you on the IRC soon, Gibby!
You think that's bad - Donald Duck doesn't wear pants! And you should see me on IRC sometime soon.

Alisa -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/17/2010 4:08:54)

Hows your time?
+10 GMT
Wants some cookies?
Always XD
Gives a cookie, ^^.
*noms cookie*
What AE game you play?
Whats your favorite NPC on AQ/WF, DF/MQ, AQW, ED. (You can get them on 6th question).
AQ - Robina. DF - I'm liking how Circe looks ATM. AQW - Cysero.
Ok so my brain questions went blank, So see you later!
Did you let your mind wander? Hopefully it should find its way back soon.

anailater -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/17/2010 7:48:09)

Im back
Thanks for coming back.
I thought you would say that i heard you dont love water blobbie
I've never met waterblobbie, so I can't say that I love waterblobble.
well then take this
Take it where?
/me traps gibby in a rift in space time with magnets and family guy playing the first episode over and over and over
I think that constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. :p
what do you meen pollycoolaylypotyana
Is that a place near Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu?
well heres the key to youre shackles for a reward of escapeing
A key! That might help. I always sing off key.
kibby want a cokkie
who switched your keytops around?
you cant handle the cookie
I don't need to handle it - just eat it.
nick nack paddy wack give the dog a blank
This old man had to walk the plank.

Steel Warrior -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/17/2010 11:02:50)

Hi, I'm back!
Welcome back.
This time I got secret! *Sigh*
Shh secret Squirrel.
You want to know right?
I always want to know right from wrong?
Ok, I got something in me......
A bowl of soup?
Wait, they are watching us!
Who's "They". I can never figure out who "They" are.
See you next time! *Sigh*
What is time? People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.

Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the Archknight: Gibby (7/17/2010 17:29:11)

Hey gibby congratulates on the archknighting
so hows it like having absolute power over all posts???
I don't have absolute power and I'm happy with that.
Do you like cereal??
Yes. I get a lot of excercise at breakfast. The top of the box always says "Tear along here". (And you thought I was going to do the cereal killer joke :p)

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