RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (Full Version)

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Outlawed -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/26/2010 23:40:08)

Page 5. ^_^
I see, I see.
Aren't I the awesomest stalker ever?
If you were an awesome stalker, wouldn't that mean I wouldn't be aware of your presence? :P
Well, it's page five... and you still haven't reached page three since this post was posted.
I lagged. x.x But I caught up now! (Kinda)
Get to answered them, so I may delve into your thoughts and play in your grey matter. I may also take some to substitute mines.
No playing in grey matter. Or white matter. Or axons. Or dendrites. Or myelin sheaths. Or-- you get the point.
So... I can haz your shackles?
Can't take these off.
But why not!
The hammers and anvils... they do nothing!
I have the key! Sorta...
Orly? <.<
Fine, be that way... /e sniffles
/e hands you a slice of bread
Well, congratulations again. If you haven't figured it out, I will now stalk you on every page and say congratulations, including this following line.
Have fun, don't die, not necessarily in that order.
Ah, this line.

oneandonlygammarai -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/27/2010 6:48:35)

Oh yeah! Made it to page 5. I am so gonna be able to do this >:D
Definitely. ;)

Well, Imma congratulate you through a rhyme :D... Again
Yay, thanks again! (For the... 5th time in this thread? :P)

Oh Hay, you have a new position as an AK,
Congratulations I say, to you oh AK named Hay.
I have yet to meet you in game again, to probably get my chance to make you mah fwen(d) *it's okay if not, I just needed a rhyme xD*
And now I bid thee goodbye again, for I will be waiting in the upcoming page... again
*see that? I rhymed again with again xD*
Win. 'Nuff said. Your poetry amuses me. x3

**jumps to page 6 while waving at Hay.... Btw, I'm on a horse.** *(I choose green as my color since it has a special meaning for me, which brings us on the "lurv" topic)*

Amg! That's a reference to Old Spice, isn't it? I love that ad. Marketing genius too. xD

Friends? In FL? :|


killer gamer879 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/27/2010 19:15:51)

Hiya hay you probably dont know me. xD
Sorry, can't say I do. But hi! :D
Anyways happy AKing and have fun!
I'm pretty sure you dont know me xD
Yeah, I think we established that in the first part of this post. x3
/me cough O_O man i hope i dont get sick again!
Aw. Get better/stay... better? e.e
I have no questions.Bye!

silver knight -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/28/2010 14:31:16)

1. How long have you been playing AE games?
I started playing the original AQ back in 2006. I'm pretty sure I've meddled in the game before then, because I remember an older version of the Battleon map which had been replaced by the time my own account was created.
2. Who are you really?
I am myself.
3. What are you?
Not a haystack or a cupcake.
4. When in time do you exist?
Now. Or the past... and the future.
5. Where in the jail are you?
I'm pretty sure I'm in the back. In the dark and mysterious corner.
6. Why did you become an AK in the first place?
I was invited so I thought I could help out with the forums. Gotta love AE's games and forum :)
7. Who is your cellmate?
We have cellmates?!
8. Do you have a cellmate?
Aw, you got my hopes up.
9. Do you like Pizza?
Some pizza, depending on a combination of flavour, time of consumption, where the pizza was made and by which business. :P
10. What do you think of... Pomeranians?
They are so cute! x3

Kueninja -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/28/2010 15:12:57)

Hiyahs im back for the 5th page!!!!!
here iz som questionz!
Okays :o
2)Do you like cookieys? or pie?
I'll take the cookies for now.
3)if u said cookieys then u are right!
4)*hands hay some cookieys*
*takes the cookies*
*steals cookieys from Hay*Byeahs!!11!!!

Lorkade -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/28/2010 17:59:17)

Hiya, Hay/Vampiric!
Congratz on the expansion of your AK'ship!
Thanks ^^
My questions will be a bit more serious than just cookies and muffins.
Haha, okay.
Unfortunately I'm gonna have to waste one of my questions on this typical question: do you remember me?
Ye.... No. Sorry. xD
Btw, were you one of the complainers of the new Totems of Miltonius because Jonzee just told me that you ranked all the way to Lycan 10 to get the original Primal Dread Saw for 3,000 ACs?
Nope, I wasn't. Sure, I spent real money on it, but it was rare. To be honest, I like how all of the PDS are rare now. :P ... and Jonzee told you that? <.< Actually, the truth is that I ranked my Lycan up to 10 long before the item was introduced into the game. Why? I like my faction list clean. Because completing the Darkovia storyline required turning in the final lycan quest which awarded players a compulsory 400 rep... I had to go the full way. I actually delayed finishing the quest by four days, hoping the quest would be changed. :P
Do you ever feel like you're getting too old for such a game as AQW? Or do you just not give a hoot of age and just do what you enjoy?
Naw, don't really think about age. The AE community is good, so age shouldn't be a barrier. :)
Do you ever suffer peer-pressure from other AQW players and friends?
Nope. Though a certain someone seems very determined to make me buy the badger helm for some reason. (You know who you are)
I hope these questions didn't make you uncomfortable, and if they have then just delete them or tell me to change them. Once again, congratulations and I hope to see you whenever I see you! Take care now!
Not at all, some of these questions gave me the chance to ramble. :P Thanks! You too ^^
~ Lorkade

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 5:15:20)

Hey Hay!
Hey there, Shawn!
I remember I was the one who answered your ED Question or something before, right?
Yep, you were. ^^ I see you've been AK'd over there too - congrats! :P
Anyways, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Out of curiousity, how did you think of that name?
Basically it's a nickname I actually have.
What AE games do you play (aside from AQWorlds)?
I keep up to date with DragonFable, and sporadically play the others (AQ/MQ/WF). I'm also trying to get back into EpicDuel but it's tedious being a level 27 in a level 31 dominated world. :P
I think I ran our of questions, already!
S'okay ^^
Until next time, Hay. :)
See you :)
One last thing: congratulations!

Ferret7676 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 5:40:15)

Hi Hay,I missed the first MtAK so I'm going to say it here congratz on AKship.
Hi Yoshi man. That's alright - thanks!
Everytime I look at your avatar I go "O_O awesome" I really like this one where do you find them all?
Aw, thanks. x3 From a combination of sources. I don't really recall the places because I have them stored in a file. :P
Me and a few people in the OOC disproved vampires ever coming into existance,how does this make you feel?
D: ... Well considering the current influx of vampire-related stuff coming out, I got to say you guys have a point. :P
What do you say about the cake true or false(random thing.)?
It's REAL. Which means it is true.
What's your fav color?
Oh and I bet you expected the whole"Hey Hay"thing eh?
Not really. :P
what type of music u listen to?
Really depends on the song. Genre doesn't matter so long as the song has a good beat. Most of the rock/alt are fine by me though.
(three edits[:@]) When you got your MtAK were you thinkin "Ah....let the endless row of hey hay puns begin."?
For the first one I was expecting it. For this one... not so much. Don't really know why. :P
C ya later Hay.

Omega Jr -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 13:01:12)

Hay hay!
I love that joke!
Pfft. :P
I liked your Vampiric Cupcake picture better.
That is the fourth time someone has said that to me. xD

Kueninja -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 18:07:53)

Hiyahs HAY!!11?!!!!!
Hiyas! ... Didn't you already post your five questions on this page? >.>
So how you doin?>.> <.<
I'm still being suspicious of you. -1 question answered
I dont have anything to hide from you!=) *has hands behind his back*
-2 questions answered
For the following questions im going to say 2 animal names and you say which animal is better Okays?
Sure, sounds fun enough.
Clarinet,Bugle Horn
Bugle Horn.
Awesome!!!(i put the last part there so it can rhyme)
I think your plan was only partially successful because I didn't even notice. :P
Oh yea i got the goods you asked for >.> <.<
*hands over a cookie* =) Byeah!

Edit:Wow i forgot i already posted in this page o.O
Ha! I knew it.

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 19:54:24)

Back With More Questions if that's allowed!
Eh, I'm not strict enough with the question restrictions. :P
What was your first name choice and how many times did it take you to pick that name?
That will be an eternal mystery. ;) As for the number of times... only two, I think.
If this ain't allowed feal free to delete it and don't PM me those just get in the way when a thing comes up saying [You Have One New Message]
It is tiresome re coloring things but you do it too
Recoloring things...?
Quick pizza or pie?
HA Pizza Pie!
Doesn't sound appealing. *remains stubborn* Pizza. :)
How many pages can i post on?
Each page.
Did You notice that these mostly were not questions?
Good BYE HAY!!

~AK 94 The Not So AK
~Hay the Oh-gawd-I-didn't-realize-there-was-more-to-this-until-I-hit-OK-and-saw-half-of-it-unanswered AK
P.S. Did you catch J6 drawing his weird sword, I'm glad there's a non fire breathing one
Nope, I missed the event. :c
P.P.S. M.I.T. is the Milwaukee Institute of Technology, So you answered this already

P.P.P.S. Have you ever seen True Blood, Way better than that Twilight, Did i say that, well i mean it
Yeah, my friend got me to watch the series after I read the first book. Don't really like it. :P
*Leaves a cake to trap Hay*

*is not enticed by cake*

DeathEater82 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 20:02:30)

Cake is a lie.
No. Cake is truth. Cake is the redeemer. Cake is the restorer of peace.
I am back?
Welcome back. :)
*Spams all over this thread*
*removes spam*
Whatcha gunna do about THAT!?

Do about what? There is nothing here. :o

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/29/2010 22:31:58)

I'm bored.............that doesn't mean you have to do the chicken dance 0_o
/stern /stern /stern /stern = Chicken Dance, AQWorlds style
Why did you do that to me???? I always have been nice to you, have I not?
Orly, Mr. I-side-with-the-lycans-and-had-a-Stalagbite-avatar?
Take a look with this cheap flashback *insert flashback*
/me gives you a candy from a factory and you take it
/me watches you eat the candy and then watch the magic of you getting bigger.......and blue
/me is lmao while you glare at me as if you going to do something to me *insert what you were going to do now*
Okay, it does sound vaguely familiar for unknown reasons. o.o
/me is now this because of what you did above this? what has happen to me?
No idea.
See, am I nice to you or what?
I will get back to ya later.
/me gives you something and then runs away like a vampire and you ate it
*ain't buying it*
Now what has happen to you now because of what you did above?.....................Cya :P
I did nothing. :P

Axilmeus -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/30/2010 10:42:44)

Konnichiwa Hay! (Or ohayou... or konbanwa... depends what'll be the time of day when you'll answer to this post)
*sips green tea* Konnichiwa!

My bear likes the salmon you gave it and now lays napping on your floor. By the way he drank 3/4 water from your jacuzzi.
Your bear must like the taste of air then. :P Aww napping bear <3

Garfield is napping on your favourite chair... When he wakes up he's going to watch TV.
There's no electricity in here. Yet.

Have you ever seen any marsupials in the wild? I suppose yes... lucky you. I wanna see koalas!
Not in the wild. Koalas are less interesting than you'd think, by the way. :P

Eh.. I don't have inspiration today. See ya for now.


Silver Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/30/2010 15:15:04)

hai LS. :O
Ohai PK. ;)
You know I'm your PK. :3
Why yes, yes I do.
Yah, kthxbai. Congratz again. =3
Thanks again :)

(P.S. Feel free to launch me anytime. :O)

coolboypai -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/30/2010 16:55:17)

hi again Hay!
Hi again!
Dunno what I should say this how bout instead of me asking you questions, why dont you ask me questions!
Okay? o.O
lets start:
Favourite number?
Which is harder to make? A pie or a croquembouche?
this isnt working very well is it...

till next time! (and check out my gallery)[:D]
See you! (I'll keep my eye out ;) Though I can't comment in there)

alvin720 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/30/2010 21:54:01)

hey hay , its me again [sm=bgking.gif]
Heyas! (Max of 3 smileys per post, please :P)
ive got a rhyme for you!
hey , its hay , the rhyming forum AK
hay works in a cell thats....uumm...gray?
Yay. ;D
yeah , im not very good [sm=puppy_dog_eyes.gif] <.< hey! that smilely is slightly more blue then the others! can you tell someone that they need more green smilys like these? [sm=biggrinparty.gif]
I wouldn't even know who to approach. These smileys look ancient. xD
have you ever been on a hayride?
what did you wear as your last Mogloween?
Uhh I don't remember. I think I went as a DoomKnight, lawl. I do know what I'll wear for this year's release. :3
are you secretly an alien terrorist planning to blow up the universe?
look at the chair! now back at me! now back at the chair! at me another time! and now the chair! the chair is now a diamond!
Look at your comment, now back to mine. Now back at your comment, now back to mine. Sadly it isn't yours, but if you used this colour tag, it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through my MtAK, looking at the comment your comment could look like. What did you say? Back at mine, it's a reply which isn't quite as long as mine. Look again, the reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you use colour tags. I am editing your post.
are you SURE your not an alien terrorist?
im gonna ask you a VERY SIMPLE AND EASY question and then ill post the answer in white so you cant see it , try to answer the question without looking at the answer
what is the human body made of?
Water, flesh, bones, oxygen?
answer >.> Water (35 L), Carbon (20 kg), Ammonia (4 L), Lime (1.5 kg), Phosphorous (800 g), Salt (250 g), Saltpeter (100 g), Sulfur (80 g), Fluorine (7.5 g), Iron (5 g), Silicon (3 g) and fifteen other elements in trace amounts.
e.e ... Oh, and you do realize when editing, I can see the text anyway. :P
im glad we had this talk! bye! and good luck on that alien terrorist plot of yours!
sorry for going over the smily limit , but please dont delete them! their my family!
Why separate them? D:

red guy 100 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/30/2010 23:52:49)

you stole my cookie! give it back! *holds toilet plunger*
*gives cookie back* ;.;
just joking!
storm or shadow guard?
Which is which? Just kidding. xD Um... shadow!
who is your favorite comedian?
I don't have one. Most comedians make me laugh. :P
looking forward to friday the 13th?
do you watch annoying orange?
Nope, but the name rings a bell.
you're an apple!
I know you're an apple, but what am I?
that's all!
see ya!

pmk138 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/31/2010 0:21:19)

I wasn't going to post in this but I might as well cause it's here.
3. That was actually 5 questions in 1, try and figure out why I numbered this one 3.
Too much thought processing for now.
7. Back to the correct question number now. Boy I went through these fast didn't I?
... Yes? o.O
8. What's your favorite user's house to hang out in?
My own. Because that's the only house I can customize.
9. Because I was lazy and didn't check the post count but I have noticed posts on this page that say "Made it back for page 5, I can do this." I assume it's 10 so I have 1 more yes?
10. Not going to use this yet.. oh wait!!! D:<
kk well cya around, maybe... if I find you ever which knowing me, I probably can do easy :P
Bye! Yeah, you managed to run into me three times last Friday. xD

darold24 -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/31/2010 3:06:01)

1, hay! hay! hay! tag ur it xD
Heya! =tags you back=
2,how ish ur day(u didnt know i stole ur cupcake :3)
My day has been cold and tedious today. (My cupcakes are very good at finding their way back. Return, my minion!)
3,j6 or miltonius?
Both are great artists, wouldn't be fair to pick between them. Trying to say "Team Tercessuinotlim" because it's been around longer, but it's hard to compare it with J6's Saloon because they're completely different.
4,what u like to do the most in aqw?
Hanging out with friends. Or splurging on AC items. x3
5,do u want bludrut brawl back? if u do u have to answer my question in blue this time!!! woot!

I'm not really much of a PvPer, so I'm neutral about this matter. Sorry, no blue font this time. ;)

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/31/2010 11:06:50)

1.Hey it's Hay.
Hey, it's Robofire2.
2.Congratz Hay, hope you settle in nicely here.
Thanks :)
3.DF or AQ
4.AQ or ED
Hmm... Gah, hard. AQ, though ED has some very nice looking gear in the game.
5.ED or WF
6.WF or Miliontus?
Miltonius. How can they even be compared? One is an artist, the other is a game. :P
7.Miliontus Old vs. Miliontus New
He's still the same person. o.O

Third Eye -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/31/2010 14:01:48)

Ohai thar, guess who's back :3
Ohai, I see a white_shadow has returned. :)
I haz questions nao */cheer*
You forgot? :P
omigawd nuu Dx
*pats* Happens to us all.
wut have u done Dx
Shifting the blame already? >.>
stop it Dx
/me continues the patting
is it still alive? */poke*
Oh noes, what did you do? D:
i guess i better hide... */e hides in the hay*
latorz x.x"
Bye bye.

Addi -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/31/2010 15:53:09)

bak 4 mor <3
Welcome back.
Wait, this is the 5th page? That means "bak 5 mor <3"
I take the last post of this page.
Not anymore, you don't.
Hey, when was the last time you... Wait, what is that on my screen.
*Scratches the screen*
Whut thu.. Excuse me for a second.
Okays. I'll give you three minutes.
Huh? A dead fly on my screen? *Scratches more*
*Stop scratching* A stuck dead fly on my screen. My 12$ computer is now ruined. Now I'm never be able to use it again. Yeah, who doesn't care? *sniff*
Well, that means...*sniff* Uhh.. *Cry* Stop reading... *sniff sniff* *Cry* ...this.
*turns away respectfully*

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (7/31/2010 22:08:09)

Yay new Page
New Questions, new people
Kinda. :P
Not much! :D
That will be all
P.S. You get the Dictator of The Day Badge
... and how exactly did I earn this, hmm?
P.P.S. People deleted there posts o.0 i got pushed back a page....

Posts can be deleted here? o.O

oneandonlygammarai -> RE: =MtAK= Fresh Hay for Q&A (8/1/2010 0:52:48)

Pipty pipty pipty poo, I've got another rhyme just for you :D
Hooray :D

This rhyme is random,
This rhyme is half-baked,
I wonder if you know someone that's epicly, awesomely, super-duperly handsome?
With his hair all up and spiked.
Congratulations on your new position,
You probably have a prettier cell,
You'll probably make a new forum constitution,
You will go far, I can tell.
With these last characters I will stop,
So you can continues your AK duties and make useless threads go "pop".

You totally had me hanging onto "half-baked". I was waiting for the rhyme. xD

Gratz Hay ;) Have good one, and goodluck always! And how come my post got moved to page 5 again? It was in page 6. :o
Thanks! I have no idea. D:


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