why was my account deleted (Full Version)

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darktwi -> why was my account deleted (7/26/2010 22:00:48)

i just loged on to WP to find out my account i named j6 was deleted thats not fair it was beta i made it the day the game came out what kinda crap is this? you delete account becuase they get a mod name befor the mod dous? you could of just renamed it but no YOU HAD TO DELETE IT i only played once

Aelthai -> RE: WHAT THE (7/26/2010 22:11:44)

First, this probably should have been reported in Bugs, rather than in the GD.

Second, no, we don't delete characters in AQ or WarpForce because they are named after a staff member. Staff member characters are marked as belonging to the "AdventureQuest Team" clan (see my staff character for example: http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=44596908 ). Character names are also not unique - there are many characters with the name "J6".

However, it IS possible that your character was deleted as part of a routine database cleanup. Very low level characters which have not been played for a period of time are cleaned out of the database. I admit that I don't recall exactly what the requirements are, but if you have not played since the Beta release, that's quite a long time - and you were likely not very high level.

darktwi -> RE: WHAT THE (7/26/2010 22:16:45)

i was lvl 10 and my account was made the day was relesed so i think its a little un-fair even if its a low lvl its still a beta account and it still sholdnt be deleted i would be just as angry is my lvl 79 guardian AQ account was deleted i made it about 5 years ago but back on topic i dont realy want it back but who ever did the low lvl deleteing thing i want an apoligy

Cataclysm -> RE: WHAT THE (7/27/2010 1:56:23)

You don't deserve an apology, quite honestly. No offense meant by that, because you brought this on yourself. Somewhere (I don't recall where exactly) it's listed that if you have a non-Guardian account lower than level 50 inactive for 50 days (I believe it is 50), then the server deletes it. Your fault for not playing and not heeding the warnings.

And even if that *wasn't* the case, the server deletes the accounts automatically. Good luck getting an apology from the server.

Gold -> RE: WHAT THE (7/27/2010 2:56:15)

@TCO: Actually, it is for a year. If an Adventurer is inactive for a year, it is deleted unless it is lvl 50 or above.

@darktwi: ...

I'm pretty sure Guardian accounts cannot be deleted, regardless of inactivity or level, unless of course, you got yourself into the C/A/T clan and severely broke the rules.

Omni -> RE: WHAT THE (7/27/2010 9:11:48)

As this has been answered and acknowledged by staff I am going to lock this to prevent any potential rule breaking. Database sweeps of inactive characters happen, and names are not restricted to one character, so feel free to make another character but don't forget to log in and play every so often! [:)]


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