Midnight Rider (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Midnight Rider (7/27/2010 21:11:22)

Midnight Rider

Also see Guardian Midnight Rider.

Level: 50
Power Level: 50
MP Level: 50

Price: 10,000 672 Gold
Sellback: 5,000 336 Gold
Location: Limited Time Items Shop (July 2, 2010, to July 16, 2010)

Element: Earth
Cost: 183 MP

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Earth
Damage: 26-61 plus 164% Stats; 25-57 plus 155% Stats
BTH: +10 plus Stats; +5 plus Stats

Old Knight Revere says, "One man can make a difference!"


Image thanks to Butterfly. Description from AVA. Write-up from devbhargava, with corrections from Khimera and infuturity. Correction from Khimera.

Starts off as 51-119 damage, 320% Stats, 12 BTH. Each hit does half this.

The first hit takes -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage.
The second hit gets +3 BTH and deals *85/88 damage.

Ianthe -> RE: Midnight Rider (7/27/2010 21:15:27)

Midnight Rider

Also see Guardian Midnight Rider.

Level: 85
Power Level: 85
MP Level: 85

Price: 74,000 24,945 Gold
Sellback: 37,000 12,472 Gold
Location: Limited Time Items Shop (July 2, 2010, to July 16, 2010)

Element: Earth
Cost: 318 MP

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Earth
Damage: 49-115 damage plus 243% Stats; 46-108 damage plus 229% Stats
BTH: +19 plus Stats; +24 plus Stats

Old Knight Revere says, "One man can make a difference!"


Image thanks to Butterfly. Description from AVA. Write-up from devbhargava, with corrections from Khimera and infuturity.

Starts off as 96-224 damage, 474% Stats, 21 BTH. Each hit does half this.

The first hit takes -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage.
The second hit gets +3 BTH and deals *85/88 damage.

Ianthe -> RE: Midnight Rider (7/27/2010 21:18:14)

Midnight Rider

Also see Guardian Midnight Rider.

Level: 115
Power Level: 115
MP Level: 115

Price: 140,000 570,467 Gold
Sellback: 70,000 285,233 Gold
Location: Limited Time Items Shop (July 2, 2010, to July 16, 2010)

Element: Earth
Cost: 456 MP

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Earth
Damage: 73-171 damage plus 310% Stats; 69-161 damage plus 293% Stats
BTH: +26 plus Stats; +31 plus Stats

Old Knight Revere says, "One man can make a difference!"


Image thanks to Butterfly. Description from AVA. Write-up from devbhargava, with corrections from Khimera and infuturity.

Starts off as 143-334 damage, 606% Stats, 28 BTH. Each hit does half this.

The first hit takes -2 BTH and deals *85/83 damage.
The second hit gets +3 BTH and deals *85/88 damage.

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