RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (Full Version)

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BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/8/2010 11:48:49)

lol, I actually don't know you much xD
Same here.
um....ok. Potions fair?
Sorry, didn't understand that.
nah...I got nothing, but I always ask AK in my favorite boards same question, look below:
Yay!!...Wait...a question? Noooo!
There's 2 buttons: one destroy you, one destroy your friends, click nothing destroy the whole world but you and your friend (spaceship FTW). So if you must click, how?
This is a tough one.. Hmm. Goodbye Earth? :O
Ehhhh...*pop* disappear with whisper "byeeeeeeeeeeee"
Byeeee. See you soon. :D

The Inferno Beast -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/8/2010 12:00:51)

Shawn WhAt Is GoIn' dOwN?
I don't know. What is going down? o.O
In a fight between Night Wraith and Titan who would win?
Titan would, it's called "Mage pride".
In a fight between Twilly and Zorback who would win?
Zorbak, duh. Evil rulezzz. :D
What is your fav class in ED?
Tech Mages. ;)

WhiteTiger -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/8/2010 13:06:50)

Ohai Shawn! Congratz!
Ohai there White Tiger, thanks! o:
I see you finally made a MtAK!
Now, onto my questions.
Uh oh..
1) How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Depends on the strength of the wood chuck, I guess. ;o
2) Two roads diverged. One is Truevary, where people speak only the truth and the other is Lievary, where people always lie. A girl has to go to Truevary. A man is standing in front of her. He is either from Truevary or Lievary. What sort of question should she ask him so that he may point her toward Truevary?
Err..."Can you come with me?"
3) How much wins do you have until Commander in ED?
Around 4000 to go!
4) How much rating points do you have?
I have slightly over 13,000.
5) This is not a question. Or is it?
Yes it is.
That is all. I will come bother you again a second time if needed.
Please don't. Have mercy on me!
See you soon.

AnnoyingOrange -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/8/2010 13:53:59)

Heya Shawn!
Hey there!
*Gives a Cookie*
*nom nom nom*
Time for questions! (;
Uh oh.
1) How you felt becaming an ArchKnight?
I felt both excited and a feeling that mnore responsibility would be thrown. (Which is true.)
2) What is you favorite color?
Blue! (Orange comes second)
3) Congratulations on the ArchKnight ship again! [sm=biggrinparty.gif]
Few questions are Easy! [sm=biggrinparty.gif]
Yup, thanks. ;)
Bye Shawn! (;.
See you soon!

Ubear -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/8/2010 14:06:04)

Shawn :]
Ubear :o
Was you born in 1997?
Possibly... :o
What's your favourite colour?
Favourite animal?
Dogs! (Don't mind the epic kitty in my avatar)
Have fun :]
Thanks. :)

Romanv12 -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/8/2010 22:15:57)

Hi there (:
Don't really go on these forums,just saw it on a forumite's recent posts :P
Aww, you should come here more. (On the hidden point, that's less work for me! :O)
Well not any questions,just a congratulation! =D
Really, no questions? :D Thanks!
Have fun! [;)]
Will do.
Bye. =)
Bye, see you soon.

jrobot2 -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/9/2010 0:27:53)

Hi Shawn1997 :O
Hi there!
Canz I bez your stalker :D
I don't enjoy being stalked, sorry!
Nah jk I don't want to sound like a weirdo e. e
Nah, you're not. :P
ENjoying the pink? :D
I don't like pink. :(
iI'll post more PINK later see yas
Okay then! See you.

The Legendary d4 -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/9/2010 2:00:21)

uhhhhhh another mtak :D
cool cool.
So no questions for me
Thats good. :P
just stop by to say congrats.

sleddyboy3 -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (ED GD) (8/9/2010 10:04:10)

Hiyas Shawn! =3
Hey Sleddy!
I remember you from the ED forums, though I only caught scammers and such :P
Wow, nice! :O
Well, congratz and that's all! Cya!
Thanks, see you soon. :D

kittycat -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (ED GD) (8/9/2010 20:40:48)

Hi there!
Which is your favorite move in ED?
Hmm, probably Super Charge.
Its fun!
What's fun? :O
See ya!
*kittycat disappears in a flash of lightning*

Godzilla Racco -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/9/2010 21:10:32)

or somethingz
What don't you know?

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/10/2010 20:09:50)

Hey shawn...
Hai there AVA.
Congrats(again)! :)
Thanks! (again)
Are you ready now?
Not yet! :(
Do you know what I mean?
Oh yes, yes I know!
If yes, when and where?
Send me a PM if you want.
*respectfully declines*
Cheers... :D

Rabies -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/10/2010 20:30:14)

Congrats Shawn. Hope you have fun modding away.
Thanks Rabies! Hmm, modding away. Might be tiring at one point.. hm...
I sure hope so! ;]

The Inferno Beast -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/11/2010 10:14:57)

gReEtInGz ShAwN...
i MaDe YoU ReAd ThE wOrDz yOu ArE rEaDiNg rIgHt nOw!
You are correct.
DoN't lOok At wHat yOu aRe rEaDiNg
Why not? I won't be able to finish editing this post if I can't read the words!
YoU JuST dId It aGaIn
Right you are.
hAhAhahA YoU aRe StIlL dOiNg iT!!!!
that is all.
Oki doki.

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/11/2010 13:21:42)

Hey Shawn!
Hi Zhukai.
How's it going?
Doing good, thanks.
I heard you're a kitty >.>
I'm an epic kitty, so you heard wrong.
Have fun.
You too!

ND Mallet -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/11/2010 14:51:05)

Greetings and well met AK Shawn.
Greetings, Might Be ND Mallet.
How are the ArchKnight shackles fitting you?
The fit... very well! :P
Which of the Admins caught you and forced into this slavery?
Circe forced me into paradise, not slavery!
I have to warn you now that these threads bring out the crazy in people that you will never see any where else, not even from me.
It's 10 questions right?
Wait does that last one count?
Yes, of course. I put effort into answering these, don't take it for granted!
And both the previous one and this one?
Yeah. (:
No matter. Back to questions. Any notable cell mates with you down in the AK dungeons?
Yup, Misery and Wiseman are around. Not to forget AVA. =P
And one more thing before I leave. *Whispers* There's a key in that skeleton in your cell. Use it however you need.
This is paradise. :O Why would I want to leave?

jrobot2 -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/11/2010 22:40:28)

Shawn :O
WAIT o-o
Wait what?
math problem*answer at bottom of my post* 2+2=_
Twenty Two. :D
I hope you like pink becuase there will be a lot of it :D
I'll bear with it.
Coyote will likes this post :D
He says he doesn't like it.
Do you like chips :o
Salt and vinegar? :D
Barbeque? :D
Naruto, bleach, or one piece :o
I don't watch/read those, sorry.
Let's see how many questions that is..hmm
That make 6 already.
only 2 questioins :D
I got 8 more yay :D
Lies x2!
I heard your your a panda, is that true? :o
Nah, I'm an Epic Kitty.
How you like ur cell?
It's paradise!
Can I break you out? :D
Nah,paradise is epic!
What happens if I get caught trying to break you out e. e
You get hit by a ban hammer?
What server do you usually go on in AQworlds if you play it?
Is my post long enough?
Yes, it's too long.
I hope you don't consider this as spam.
I considered thinking of it as spam, but decided not to delete it. Lucky you, it's just me!
So...I think I'll go farm for dragonblade of miltonius or pinkruppt the AQW see ya :D
Hope my pink didn't burn you
~The pinkruppter Jrobot2
~The tired because of jrobot2, shawn1997
P.S. 2+2=fish becuase if you flip the one of the twos around it looks like a fish :D
Oh, really now?

PlungerMistress -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/12/2010 12:26:12)

Hi tis me Bella! ^-^
Hi there.
I don't really know how MtAK works xD Do I ask all the questions at once or what? That's what I'm doing. :p
I don't want to explain how it works here, so I suggest going through the old MtAKs located here.
Um...I don't have anything to ask so bye and gratz on Archknightship!! =D
Alright, thanks very much. :) See you soon.

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= shawn1997 (8/15/2010 2:44:38)

It's been 1 week and 1 hour since I opened this thread, I think it's more than enough. :)
Thanks everyone,for the questions, the welcomes for the pink, the orange and the blue!

This thread must go to the archives, now.

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