Chatbox (Full Version)

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Wxo -> Chatbox (8/11/2010 14:42:40)

First, I want to say that I know all the disadvantages to this, as every suggestion has some. I'm not sure if was suggested before, but a chat box in each of the sub sctions of the forum could have their own chatbox, with aks moderating them.

DragonYugi -> RE: Chatbox (8/11/2010 14:54:32)

The AKs would have to constantly look over the chatbox. They want to look away from the computer too.

For chatting there is the PM system.

It will be FULL of spam.

Just sayin'...

Leumas Dragonsword -> RE: Chatbox (8/11/2010 15:01:47)

The main problem as DragonYugi has said above is that an AK would have the be watching constantly, or at least most of the time.

Perhaps an expansion of your idea could be that it is the same Chatbox found at the bottom of each Board, (such as IRC) and each Board had its own channel that you could /join?
For instance AQW Q&A could be /join #AQWQ&A and then you are in that channel, and you could join others like /join #FSugg. And there could be a thread found in the Forum Resources with a list of all the channels?

There are lots of cons though, the largest one being spam.

Wxo -> RE: Chatbox (8/11/2010 15:04:32)

We all know that there would be spam. Just as this very forum has seen. Is this forum not already watched closely and strictly? Yes, a few more aks would necessary, but to beable to char live with hundeds of players without pming them in threes or sticking to waiting 5mins later for them to respond to a certain topic would outwiegh the work to maintain it. It would increase fourm activity exponentially and give forumites something to do between posts. Just as the spam is controlled on forums, they could do the same for the chatbox. Perhaps, they could hire chatbox specific aks.

Alpha Atom -> RE: Chatbox (8/11/2010 15:05:15)

If there was an expandable(so as not to slow down the dial up users) Mibbit IRC client at the bottom of each board, which was set up to join the channel of the board.(Which I'm sure you can do), if you were to use, the home network of AE, Caelestia, there are always IRC operators that are ready to deal with spam, some/most of them online almost constantly and some being AE staff. Would be kinda cool as well. This means you wouldn't need extra AK's since power can be set up by a channel owner, such as ~(owner, admin and staff level power) &(admin, mod level power) @(oper, AK level power) and +(voice - helpful/creative/etc..(note: this doesn't give you any actual power, just a recognition of your slightly raised status)

Edit: Was a bit unclear what I was talking about.

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