It wont let me change my pass (Full Version)

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Carly9467 -> It wont let me change my pass (8/11/2010 23:06:17)

So i was trying to change my pssword, and i kept trying new passes, but they would never upload.
I dont know why this is happening. i haven't been hacked, But it wont let me change my password. Im counting it so it
Doesn't pass 25 char. but ut still wont let me change it.

Why Is this?

Espeonic Carly~

The Legendary d4 -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/11/2010 23:20:16)

Clear Cache and this Thread should also help and probably awnswer your question.

Carly9467 -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/11/2010 23:37:50)

i cleared my cache, it didnt work. I changed the emil, and it still didnt work. this is really bad,
with the hacker on the loose :( and i cant change my pass.

(EDIT) Maybe my computer just needs rest, so ill try again tomm. My computer doesnt rly load when it needs rest,
So, Thanks ^^

Homer 13 -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/12/2010 5:24:53)

Help .. I saved my password on my computer but i forgot it! i have a rough idea of what it is please help. any frorums i can use?

FC -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/12/2010 6:09:50)

Just a tip: Don't hijack threads. If you have questions make your own thread.

DragonYugi -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/12/2010 6:33:44)

Homer, if you lost your password for the forums, go here. For AQW, go click the "Play" button then after the game screen loads, below the boxes where you type the Username and Password there should be a text saying "Forgot your password?". Click it.

Carly9467 -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/12/2010 19:42:35)


Just a tip: Don't hijack threads. If you have questions make your own thread.

Yes, Thank you.

And so the next day ((today)) And tried to change my pass.
But it still wont let me. i even cleared my cache, and it still wont work.
I chenged its email too. But it wont work :/

The Legendary d4 -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/12/2010 20:45:20)

Its a know bug now,and they are working on it.
Read the thread.

Armakuny -> RE: It wont let me change my pass (8/13/2010 7:49:12)

@ Homer 13
Please don't hijack threads, thank you!

@ FC
1. Please don't mini mod, thank you!
2. Please don't post spam, thank you!

Thread locked & sealed due to hijacking, mini modding & spam!
~ Army ~

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