Fonts (Full Version)

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Burning Skies -> Fonts (8/12/2010 19:50:41)

I've seen a lot of people type in what looks to be pretty cursive. What font is this? I don't see it in the normal list.

The Forgotten -> RE: Fonts (8/12/2010 20:14:14)

Can you link to an example? I'm not certain what the font you're going for looks like.

The Legendary d4 -> RE: Fonts (8/12/2010 20:43:35)

maybe his talking about the font used in aq and aqw like this

Baker -> RE: Fonts (8/12/2010 23:55:21)

I think he means forum fonts. If so, Burning Skies, you can use a fair amount of fonts that aren't offered to you by the forum. As long as the person viewing your post has the font on their computer, it should show up for them (if they don't have it, some other funky font appears). Just stick a font name into the code and see if it works (you can find fonts online or on your word processor).

Here's an example of code you would use.

[font="Lucida Calligraphy"]Bballman23 ftw[/font]

Appears as "Bballman23 ftw" even though Lucida Calligraphy, that font, isn't one of the six in the forum drop-down. Just play around with some of your favorites and see what works. :)

Edit: Hah, of course I would choose one that isn't common. XD Sorry about that; hopefully you get the idea, though.

SkyeHawk -> RE: Fonts (8/12/2010 23:59:35)

@bballman appears as regular text?

The Legendary d4 -> RE: Fonts (8/13/2010 0:08:13)

^:yes because we don't have the font that he used in our computer if you wanna see it add the font to your font files.

Burning Skies -> RE: Fonts (8/13/2010 16:14:01)

Bleh, I think I'm fine with normal font. Thanks anyways, guys.

Skurge -> RE: Fonts (8/14/2010 18:15:12)

Oh wait! Is this the font..?

Scherzo Was Heer!

If that's the one you're talking bout' this is the name of the font..

[font="Kristen ITC"]Scherzo Waz Heer[/font]


Credit's to Carly9467.

Burning Skies -> RE: Fonts (8/14/2010 18:16:24)


He Who Lurks -> RE: Fonts (8/14/2010 18:56:57)

Hello there! Welcome to the forums!

The best way to indicate whether or not, someone may be able to read your font is to locate your desired font (defaul font), within "notepad", which is a application most PC's have. Just to add on, I recommend you use fonts which are intelligible so forum members may view them properly.

Burning Skies -> RE: Fonts (8/14/2010 19:36:25)

New? I've been here 6 months and I have 900 posts. Heh, I'm requesting a lock.

Thread locked as requested! ;) ~ Army ~

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