Jorath -> RE: Defender's Dragon Belt (I-XXIII) (11/13/2015 23:16:17)
[image][/image][image][/image]Defender's Dragon Belt XXI This belt was awarded to you by the town of Falconreach for defending it against a terrible threat. This item requires a Dragon Amulet. Location: DA Def Belts Price: N/A Required Items: 1 Defender's Dragon Belt XX & 25 Defender's Medal Sellback: 0 Gold Level: 80 Element: None Stats: Block +3, Dodge +3, Parry +3, Crit +8, Magic Def +7, Pierce Def +7, Melee Def +7, WIS +13, END +5, LUK +2, INT +11, DEX +11, STR +11, Bonus +8 Resists: Light +11, Stone +11, Energy +10, Poison +10, Evil +2, All +2, Health -2 Rarity: 1 Item Type: Belt Equip Spot: Waist Category: Armor