Doom Dragon: The Fall of Draschemus?? (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Doom Dragon: The Fall of Draschemus?? (8/21/2010 7:42:40)

Doom Dragons!
The Fall of Draschemus??

Location: Travel Map » Dragonspine Mountains » Doom Dragon!

The civilized dragon Draschemus has been working for months now, building a new society unlike any ever seen before on Lore-- a society of pureblooded dragons who have been working together to establish a peaceful enclave that will exist outside of the conflicts among Dragonslayers, Dracomancers, and those everyday Lorians who live in fear or ignorance of dragonkind in general.

Galanoth, head of the Order of Dragonslayers, and Lord Cyrus, leader of the Dracomancers of Dragonspine, have been keeping track of Draschemus' efforts, and have even gathered heroes such as YOU to help protect Draschemus' new society from those that would threaten its growth.

But looking in from the outside may prove to be the most dangerous when the greatest threat by far may come from WITHIN...

«You can skip this cutscene at any time.»

«In a dark forest, Sheila and Gaspar enter from the shadows.»

Gaspar: How long have you suspected something was amiss, sister?
Sheila: Not long. According to Cyrus, one of Draschemus' most loyal dragons, Essrith, suddenly vanished, around the same time the Namera Caverns collapsed.
Sheila: An entire city of Vartai and Dracomancers presumed dead. Our greatest tragedy. Cyrus says that Draschemus still does not believe his loyal Essrith had anything to do with it.
Sheila: And then my scouts found this... and other... PIECES... like it. Hundreds of them. Discarded here. In a place that is obviously an abandoned encampment.
Gaspar: Yes, an army was here, recently. And judging by the footprints, they were DRAGONKIND.
Gaspar: But what does it all mean???

«Screen pans left to show a gigantic piece of the Doom Knight Armor, its gloves.»

Sheila: What, indeed?

«Scene: Dragonspine Mountains»

Draschemus: «You», welcome back. Galanoth... Lord Cyrus...
«You»: I heard about some problems here. The Vartai's loss of an entire underground town was terrible. And the disappearances among your own group, Draschemus--
Draschemus: Yes, quite. Many of my dragons went to help Lord Cyrus' people in the rescue efforts. How has that been progressing?
Lord Cyrus: ...... It has been.... surprising. You see, with your followers' help, we have finally excavated the ruins. And we found-- NO BODIES.
«You»: !!! So they aren't all dead?! That's great!
Galanoth: Not dead. MISSING. Just like Draschemus' old friend Essrith.
Draschemus: That is... disturbing.
Lord Cyrus: Yes, it is-- But the most disturbing thing I have yet to say. My sister discovered a huge abandoned encampment where it appears DRAGONKIND--
Lord Cyrus: -- possibly Vartai and Dracomancers-- had been hastily equipping themselves with DOOM KNIGHT armor. How they came upon such a vast quantity of that armor is still unknown.
«You»: Doom Knight armor?? That's what Sepulchre wore-- An armor that bonded to him physically and enhanced his dark powers.
Galanoth: You've been QUIET, Draschemus. That makes me not trust you much.
Draschemus: I'm-- thinking, Dragonslayer.
Galanoth: Think hard. There might be some connection here.
Draschemus: Essrith... Essrith was like a brother to me. He was the first dragon that I was able to convince to see things as I did. He is--brilliant.
Draschemus: .... As such, I tasked him with researching the mind-body link in animals and peoples, to help us understand how best Dragonkind could control their impulses.
Draschemus: Hmmm. Sepulchre. Yes.... yes. I remember now. Essrith was very curious about the powers of the Doom Knight's armor, how it formed a bond with its wearer.
Draschemus: He approached me, hoping to look for and gain access to some actual samples of the armor to experiment with. But despite what we might learn, I urged against it.
Draschemus: Oh, Essrith... oh, my. I think he may have done it. I think he actually went ahead of it against my wishes.
Galanoth: Where? Which way would he have gone to get what he needed?
Draschemus: There are three possible locations. You would do best to split up and each follow a route.
«You»: Okay, I'm up for it. Just point me in a direction!

«Scene: Lore's Hottest Place»

Galanoth: How coincidental that MY route took me to the hottest place on Lore. I need to talk to Yulgar about adding a Drakel air conditioning unit to this armor...

«Galanoth's Blade glows.»

Galanoth: Whoa! Dragons nearby-- Looks like I picked the right way to go!

«Dragons equipped with Sepulchre's Doom Knight armor enter the scene.»

???: Or the wrong way. Depends on your point of view.
Galanoth: If those little wings can lift you, you'd be better off flying away now rather than sticking around to see what I do to you next.
???: Big funny man. They'll have to use a SPOON to get you out of that tin can when we're done with you!

«Galanoth engage in battle with the mysterious dragonkind, each dealing powerful blows to each other. Essrith enters the scene, interrupting the fight and Galanoth retreats a little.»

Essrith: Such a glorious sight! Galanoth himself cowering before me! I will give you this one chance to go back to your friends. Tell them, and tell old Draschemus--

«The scene zooms in on Essrith, with him preparing a deadly strike, arching his head all the way back...»

Essrith: -- that the DOOM DRAGON is coming for them! All of them!!!!!
  • War!

    If you choose to skip the cutscene, before you enter the war camp, you are allowed to choose among the 8 elements to become an elemental dragon of your choice. The message "You have been shape-shifted into the form of a(n) «Element» Dragon! This magic is unstable and usable only in this war." This is also available by choosing the "Dragon Forms!" option below, if you do not choose to skip the cutscene.

    Doom Dragon
    The noble dragon Draschemus has been working hard to build a society of dragons who live by the rule of their intelligence as opposed to their animal natures. Draschemus' most brilliant ally, however, a darkness dragon named Essrith, allowed his curiosity to get the best of him in his research of the Doom Knight armor, resulting in a melding with the armor that has apparently warped his mind!
  • To Battle!
  • Dragon Blade! (Takes you to the Quest for the Dragon Blade!)
  • Dragon Forms!
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Oh no's!! Watch out for all of those dangewous dwagons!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag: Refills potions if you have less than 5 potions on hand. (Guardian Only)
    Treasure Chest: Dragonslayer Twilly will join you in battle! (Guardian Only)
    Galanoth the Dragonslayer.
    Sheila the Dracomancer, sister of Lord Cyrus.
    Gaspar the Dracomancer.
    Lord Cyrus the Dracomancer.
    To Battle!

    Who will you go into battle with?
  • Galanoth
  • Lord Cyrus
  • Sheila
  • Gaspar
  • By yourself

    Regardless of choice
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

      Refer to Monster List below
    «After 100% of the dragons were defeated...»You are now given the option to choose among the 8 elements to become an elemental dragon of your choice. You may also choose to "Fight in Dragon Form" or "Fight without Dragon Form".

    «You»: Essrith, this is the end of the line for you and your army of doom!
    Essrith: Hahahaha! I like that! Army of doom! You should call me Doom Dragon from now on, though. Not Essrith. Essrith is dead.
    «You»: Fine... Doom Dragon. We've beaten back your army and cornered you in your cave. Draschemus thinks there might be a way to release you from the bond with the Doom Knight armor.
    Essrith: He does, does he? How IS that old lizard doing these days? I'll have to pay him a visit someday.
    «You»: Don't you want to be freed from the influence of the armor? Get back to who you once were?
    Essrith: No. No, I don't. Why would I? I LIKE it.
    «You»: So be it. I'll have you know that if I defeat you, you'll get to see Draschemus again anyway. So, there's that. Ready?
  • Fight!«Scene: Dragonspine Mountains»

    Draschemus: I should thank you again for bringing Essrith back alive, «You».
    «You»: You can. It wasn't the most pleasant thing to do. How is his treatment going?
    Lord Cyrus: We have been able to save hundreds of surviving Vartai who had been bonded to Doom Knight armor, but as for Essrith--- He still resists.
    Draschemus: Yes, sadly. It seems he has been fully altered within, his brain rewired. It may take years to cure him... if I can even manage it at all.
    Galanoth: Ahem. There's always MY option. He DOES qualify as an evil dragon, right?
    «You»: You WOULD push for such a solution. But I say if there's even a slim hope that Draschemus can get his old friend back, we need to give him a chance.
    «You»: Did anyone ever find out where all the Doom Knight armors came from?
    Lord Cyrus: Apparently some of Absolix the Uncreated's followers, still surviving in No Man's Land, were able to forge massive amounts of the armor based off of the cloned Sepulchre Absolix made.
    «You»: So, Cyrus, have Sheila's and Gaspar's unit managed to collect and destroy all of the pieces of Doom Knight armor remaining after the war?
    Lord Cyrus: All of it they could find... The only bits that still exist that we know about are those still bonded to Essrith.
    Draschemus: That is good. What that armor has done to my friend is tragic enough. It is best for it to be lost to history...

    «The scene switches to the glacial mountains. A piece of doom knight armor is lying in the snow, and a shadow can be seen approaching it...»
    Doom Dragon

  • Doom Mace Z
  • Doom Light Mace
  • Guardian Doom Mace
  • Doom Mace
  • Doom Heavy Mace
  • Guardian Doom War Mace

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower
  • Leave

    Entry by Archmagus Orodalf.
    Monster List
    Level 0-19
    Baby Earth Dragon (6)
    Baby Energy Dragon (6)
    Baby Fire Dragon (5)
    Baby Ice Dragon (6)
    Baby Light Dragon (6)
    Baby Water Dragon (6)
    Baby Wind Dragon (6)
    Blue Wyvern Hatchling (7)
    DoomScale (20)
    DoomScale (20)
    Wyvern Hatchling (4)

    Level 20-39
    DoomScale (40)
    DoomScale (20)
    DoomScale (20)
    Female Void Dragon (10)
    Plasma Dragon Worker (19)
    Void Dragon (10)
    Young Darkness Dragon (18)
    Young Darkness Dragon (10)
    Young Earth Dragon (19)
    Young Energy Dragon (19)
    Young Energy Dragon (10)
    Young Fire Dragon (18)
    Young Ice Dragon (19)
    Young Light Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (10)
    Young Wind Dragon (19)
    Young Wyvern (17)

    Level 40-59
    Blue Wyvern (41)
    DoomScale (60)
    DoomScale (40)
    DoomScale (40)
    Earth Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Female Void Dragon (40)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Red Dragon (38)
    Void Dragon (35)
    Water Dragon (39)
    Wind Dragon (39)
    Wyvern (34)
    Young Blue Wyvern (22)
    Young Ice Dragon (19)
    Young Light Dragon (19)
    Young Water Dragon (19)

    Level 60-79
    Blue Wyvern (41)
    Bronze Dragon (50)
    DoomScale (80)
    DoomScale (60)
    DoomScale (60)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Female Void Dragon (65)
    Great Blue Wyvern (68)
    Great Wyvern (61)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Ice Dragon (50)
    Light Dragon (70)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Void Dragon (55)
    War Dragon (70)
    Water Dragon (39)
    Water Dragon (55)

    Level 80-99
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    DoomScale (100)
    DoomScale (80)
    DoomScale (80)
    Earth Dragon (71)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Energy Dragon (71)
    Great Blue Wyvern (68)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (71)
    Light Dragon (71)
    Light Dragon (70)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    Void Dragon (75)
    War Dragon (70)
    Water Dragon (71)
    Wind Dragon (71)

    Level 100-119
    Ancient Blue Wyvern (89)
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    DoomScale (120)
    DoomScale (100)
    DoomScale (100)
    Earth Dragon (91)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Energy Dragon (91)
    Female Void Dragon Wyrm (90)
    Flame Dragon (90)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (91)
    Light Dragon (91)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    Void Dragon (75)
    Water Dragon (91)
    Wind Dragon (91)

    Level 120+
    Ancient Blue Wyvern (89)
    Ancient Wyvern (81)
    DoomScale (120)
    DoomScale (120)
    DoomScale (100)
    Earth Dragon (91)
    Energy Dragon (75)
    Energy Dragon (91)
    Female Void Dragon Wyrm (90)
    Flame Dragon (90)
    Ice Dragon (75)
    Ice Dragon (91)
    Light Dragon (91)
    Plasma Dragon Lord (85)
    Void Dragon (75)
    Water Dragon (91)
    Wind Dragon (91)

    Thanks to In Media Res for all monster lists!

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