ArchMagus Orodalf -> Decadere Eldest (8/27/2010 18:43:45)
Decadere Eldest Dragon Location: Embrace Your Destiny, DeepVoid, The Codex, Into the Ynnungaap, Murky Hall Level: Scaled Element: ??? Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Melee HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Stats: STR: 25, INT: 25, DEX: 20, END: 25, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0 Defenses: Melee: 1, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1 Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0% Resistances: Nature: -30, Fire: -50, Light: 10, ???: 20 Attack Type 1 - 1 hit of 100% damage (Also gives effect "Strike and Move! 140 Points to Defenses"). Attack Type 2 - 1 hit of 50% damage, chance of either "Voided!" (Energy DoT) or "Power Strike! -50% Damage". Gold gained: Scaled Experience gained: Scaled [image][/image] Thanks to Sagrym for Attack Type 2 image. Leon ShadowHart and Stephen Nix for corrections.