Karika -> Stinky Fork of Moglin Poking +6 (8/28/2010 9:19:39)
Stinky Fork of Moglin Poking +6 Those poor moglins! (No DA Required) Location: Jibbley's Junk Price: 18,000 Gold Sellback: 1,800 Gold Level: 40 Damage: 48-74 Element: Poison Bonuses: Crit +4, Magic Def +1, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, END +4, INT +3, Bonus +3 Resists: Nature +3, Water +3 Rarity: 5 Item Type: Staff Damage Type: Magic Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon [image]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DF-Pedia/DF-Pedia/master/weapons/StinkyForkOfMoglinPoking%2B6.png[/image] Thanks to Silver for image. Stephen Nix for additional stats.