"AE" Picture (Full Version)

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Acient J -> "AE" Picture (8/31/2010 14:12:56)

I noticed that Randor the Red and Reens both have [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/ae.gif[/img] as a part of their forum titles. I think it would be very useful to new players (the ones who might not be able to recognize all the staff members) if all the game staff with forum accounts had it there titles, too.

Laos -> RE: "AE" Picture (8/31/2010 14:34:09)

You know, In some ways I agree with you.
I think the "[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/icon1.gif[/image]" Symbol would be suffice, conversely If a Member of staff does not have that symbol becasue they do not have power in that associated board, may misslead or confuse people with perhaps retired Archkinghts who no longer have power.

But once more, you rarely see Moderators post in Boards that that do not have authority in, and if you do there title normally gives it away.
If it does not , you could always cheak the =AE= Staff and assistants list to be absolutely sure if the person is a Moderator.

So in some ways I like the idea, In others im apprehensive of the idea.

Acient J -> RE: "AE" Picture (9/1/2010 10:01:54)


If it does not , you could always cheak the =AE= Staff and assistants list to be absolutely sure if the person is a Moderator.

That's the thing; new members, whom I think this change would help, probably wouldn't know where to go to check to see if someone is a Moderator or a part of the Game Staff.

runer -> RE: "AE" Picture (9/1/2010 10:04:56)

Erm , keep in mind , the list is exceptionally outdated , and does NOT include the AE staff members fully , only the ones that have Forum accounts .

The list that DOES have the AE staff members on Battleon.com , is also outdated , for example : It mentions warlic as head of MQ while the actual head of MQ is currently Korin .

Sir Gnome -> RE: "AE" Picture (9/1/2010 12:59:09)

Actually runer, that list is updated very frequently; certainly it only lists the AE staff members who have forum accounts, but the same would be true for having the [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/ae.gif[/image] logo.

As for your second post, Acient J, some Moderators who are also Game Staff have the logo (such as Reens), so the logo currently doesn't differentiate between the two.

Acient J -> RE: "AE" Picture (9/1/2010 20:15:20)

Yes, but having the logo there to classify you as a Game Staff member and a [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/icon1.gif[/img] before your username to classify you as a Moderator just says that you're both, whereas having one or the other would classify you as one or the other.

Sir Gnome -> RE: "AE" Picture (9/1/2010 20:36:47)

The [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/icon1.gif[/image] logo does not mean Moderator in terms of "This person is a Forum Moderator", it means "This person has local moderation powers". This means that all the AKs for the board you're in will have that symbol, and typically gamestaff will have moderation powers in the boards associated with their game.

Blade -> RE: "AE" Picture (10/1/2010 13:15:26)

Well, it can be confusing since some of he mods have no icon, but I think it could help also if everyone's icon shows, as you can see, my icon isn't showing either. I think all members should show icons, includig mods.

Hope this kinda helps.


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