(ED) Chronicles of Delta V: Toraiso (Book I) (Full Version)

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Toraiso -> (ED) Chronicles of Delta V: Toraiso (Book I) (9/2/2010 9:02:54)

ATTENTION TO THE PERSON WHO IS ABOUT TO READ: This is a compilation of 8 posts. Yes, this is long. If you hate reading LARGE amounts of text, then I advise you to read this. You'll be surprised on how my book will satisfy your eyes' pleasure ;) If you cant finish reading the whole 8 chapters, I advise you to read 1-3 chapters at a time while doing your hobbies in the middle. Do rate and comment! Thank you.

P.S. If there are typos, please tell 'em through commenting ;) I'll edit them afterwards. Just tell me where it is, or what word I mispelled (I'll just press ctrl + f)


Toraiso - An old miner who used to work for Baelius, now helping out Oz as the Uprising try and defeat the Legion
Oz - The proud leader of the Exile
Soulstrike / Soul - Toraiso's son
.Burn - Toraiso's bestfriend
Boomski - A promising Tech Mage though is not as great in physical strength
BONZbreaker - A very big and bulky Mercenary who is Toraiso and the others' fellow miner
BIGBOY / Raiden - A mysterious Bounty Hunter yet to be known
Glen - 1st in Faith
Luiz Amiel - 2nd in Faith
Kimboslice - 3rd in Faith
Bi Nary File - 4th in Faith
Big Cheese - Mercenary minion of Baelius
Archlord Raistlin - Tech Mage minion of Baelius
Dark Phantom - Bounty HUnter minion of Baelius
Hank - An old friend of Oz who sells weapons at Fortune City
The Golden II - The old captain of the miners
Alkenchurch - Hank's assitant
Skr33ch - Fellow Bounty Hunter of Raiden
Egoraptor - Soul's evil form which was done by Baelius

CHAPTER I written on May 7, 2010

What once was a great miner and blacksmith of the Legion, is merely a prisoner of its former master now. Toraiso, an artist at forging the sharpest of swords, the strongest of maces, the finest of staffs, the sleekest of blades, and the most majestic of armors was a castway. A prisoner of his beloved land, Delta V. His creations, his fellow-miners who were his closest friends, his family back home at Delta IV..all gone. He never knew Baelius would come to this idea. Toraiso, nothing but a beggar at the Central Station, is hopeless.

It came to the idea that he would steal and rob nearby passers at the central station as his way of filling his stomach. Until he tried to rob this man. This one man who was thief-proof. Oz, a classic tactician noticed Toraiso trying to get his wallet from his left pocket, acted immediately and kicked Toraiso to the ground. Toraiso, for the first time, failed at his foolishness. At once he apologized since he knew everyone was looking, he knew he was going to be surrendered to the police. But Oz had other ideas.

Oz: "Mercenary, why did you try and steal my credits?"
Toraiso: "I apologize, sir, I am but a poor man trying to survive in this planet."
Oz: "Not much thieves are able to steal my wallet half-way, you saw the fake one at my back pocket and noticed the real one at the left."
Toraiso: "(Umm, I did?) Umm, yes, I noticed the fake one, I am very sorry, please.. I cant survive the prison, this whole planet's a prison."

Little did Toraiso know that the men and women listening were Exile, and he almost robbed their leader.

Oz: "Relax, you won't go to prison. Unless the Legion have mercy on you and not kill you as WE fight back.."
Toraiso: (Huh?)
Oz: "..you will join us. You are now Exile, umm, what is your name by the way?"
Toraiso: "I'm sorry sir, but I can't fight, I am too weak."
Oz: "No Exile is, now say your name soldier, unless you want to head over to Fortune City and be a prisoner."
Toraiso: "(Darn, unless I join and risk my life, I'm gonna die in prison) Toraiso. My name's Toraiso."
Oz: "Well Toraiso, join everyone else as I discuss the plan."
Toraiso: "(Everyone else? These people are Exile???)"
Exile: "Hi.."

Toraiso now has a family. But was the life of an Exile too dangerous for him? Sure he had an experience in danger when he was a miner, but fighting wasn't his best thing. Only time will tell how Toraiso helps those of his kind in Delta V.

Misterious Exile: "We want you to join our faction.."
Toraiso: "Soul?"

CHAPTER II written on May 7, 2010

Toraiso: "Soul?"
Soulstrike: "Hehe, hey Dad."
Toraiso: "When, how did you come here? Why arent you with your sister and your mother?"
Soulstrike: "I ran away, searching for you, I ended up here as a Bounty Hunter as a source of my income, Dad, where were you? We heard the news that Delta V is in a state of war."
Toraiso: "There's no point, son, why'd you come here? This is no safe place for a teenager."
Soulstrike: "Relax, I may only be 19 but I know how to fight."
Toraiso: "*sigh*"
Soulstrike: "Err, Dad, by the way, remember I said I was searching for you?"
Toraiso: "Yeah, why?"
Soulstrike: "You know these old men?"
Toraiso: "Oh my God.."

Soul points to some more Mercenaries, familiar ones to Toraiso. His fellow miners.

.Burn: "Tor, where were you?"
Toraiso: "Burn, I thought you and the guys were dead."
.Burn: "We were saved when we were stuck in the cave by your son and some Exile."
Toraiso: "(Looks like he's no boy anymore...) Was I the only one who was able to escape from the debris of the shattered cave?"
.Burn: "Yep, lucky you, but it seems that you're in bad shape, tell me, where were you?"
Toraiso: "Sigh, I moved here to the Central Station to.."
.Burn: "To what? To become what?"
Toraiso: "To beg, a beggar. I had nowhere to go, the Legion took everything away from me."
.Burn: "Until now, Tor, me and the crew are with you and so is your son."

The Exile moved to campsite as they were plotting to infiltrate the Minetower, where Baelius was said to be located. As they were ending supper, the old mining crew told stories of what their experiences were, after the incident.

Boomski: "Bonz pass the buns."
BONZbreaker: "Get them yourself Boomski, you have magic, levitate them."
Boomski: "(Bonz once I get another staff I'll kill you!!!) Umm, Bonz, as you remember I lost my staff."
BONZbreaker: "I thought Mages could do magic without them."
Boomski: "Yes, they could. But I'm not a pro yet."
BONZbreaker: "So you're a noob?"
Boomski: "Just pass the bread."
BONZbreaker: "Make me."

Toraiso passes the bread to Boom

Toraiso: "Here you go, Boom."
Boomski: "Thanks Tor, unlike somebody.."
.Burn: "Cut it out guys."
Boomski: "He started it."
BONZbreaker: "Not my fault you're a noob."

The two are getting ready to have a fist fight. But Oz fires his gun between both just as the two were about to collide.

Oz: "Stop it, you'll need the energy for next week, I dont want any injured men."
.Burn: "Hey Tor, where's Soul?"
Toraiso: "I dont know, probably strolled."
Oz: "He left, he took his chopper. Here, borrow my hoverbike."
Toraiso: "Thanks, Oz."

Toraiso spots his son in a nearby merchant-filled area, apparently, filled with other Bounty Hunters. Then, people suddenly started shouting.

People: "Big Boy! Big Boy! Big Boy!"
BIGBOY: "Soul, give me my money."
Soulstrike: "Your money!? I worked hard for it!"

Toraiso then spots some weps in the hoverbike. Will he fight, call for help, or run away, afraid? Only time will tell.

CHAPTER III written on May 7, 2010

As the fight was raging on, Toraiso can't help but think his son's safety, he rushes into his need but as he is about to fire an Imperial ACP, Soul says

Soul: "Dad, dont interfere, this is my mess, not yours."
BIGBOY: "Meh, your Father cant save you, even if he fired"
BIGBOY: "*Cheap Shot*"
Toraiso: "Soul!!!"
Soul: "Im alright, Dad"
Soul: "*Massacre*"
BIGBOY: "Arghh!!!"

Just as Soul was about to kill Big, Toraiso rushes in to save him

Soul: "Dad, what are you doing? Im your son not him"
Toraiso: "What kind of child have I raised you? To kill?"
Soul: "You never raised me, I grew up without a Father!"

Big Boy is what most Bounty Hunters call this special one. Big Boy's real identity? Noone knows. As Big Boy was trying to keep his blood from exiting his body, a voice calls him.

Mysterious Voice: "(Son, do what you must do. It is your eternal curse)"
BIGBOY: "(Yes..)"
Mysterious Voice: "(Kill the chosen one)"

Suddenly Soul leaves his Father, blank, as if the life was ripped out of him, with no emotion but anger at himself, and sadness.

Toraiso: "Who are you and what's with you and my son?"
BIGBOY: "He stole my money"
Toraiso: "Well, where'd he go?"
BIGBOY: "I don't know.. *blood flows from his mouth*"
Toraiso: "You need medication"

Toraiso races to their campsite as the life force of Big Boy was being drained out of him.

Toraiso: "Oz this man is severely bleeding!"
Oz: "Men, attend to this man, he is badly hurt. Hurry up!!!"
.Burn: "Saw Soul?"
Toraiso: "He ran away, alone"

2 days later

Big Boy wakes up only to find himself still hurt, covered with bandages. Soul hasnt returned.

BIGBOY: "(I gotta get out of here)"
Mysterious Voice: "(NO DO WHAT YOU MUST)"
BIGBOY: "Ahhh!!!!!!!!!"
Toraiso: "What was that"
Oz: "I don't know"
Toraiso"*recognizes voice* It's Big Boy"
Oz: "Big who?"

Toraiso rushes to check Big Boy.

Toraiso: "Are you hurt?"
BIGBOY: "No, get me out of here"
Toraiso: "Your ribs were shattered, you experienced internal bleeding, you need more rest"
BIGBOY: "Where am I"
Toraiso: "You're at.."
Oz: "A clinic"
BIGBOY: "(I recognize this man. It's Oz)"
Oz: "I'm your doctor, patient.."
BIGBOY: "Raiden"
*SIDE COMMENT: this is the 1st time someone has known Big Boy's name
Oz: "Ok, patient Raiden, you're in a local clinic we established for the poor, err, no offense"
Raiden: "Where are my weapons?"
Toraiso: "Confiscated"
Oz: "Toraiso, come out with me for a sec"
Toraiso: "Yeah?
Oz: "The Exile's plan must not be known"
Toraiso: "How sure are you he's Legion? He's skilled, he can help us"
Oz: "He's a Bounty Hunter, they're no good"
Soul: "Yeah, well %^$%^ you!!"

Soul returns, drunk, apparently, he's been in a pub.

Toraiso: "Where were you!?"
Soul: "It's none of your *hiccup* business, %#%#$!! *collapses*"
Oz: "Well, I guess we're 2 men short, prepare, 5 days left."

As the two rested, Raiden dreamt a dark man. A faceless man who was a phantom yet awkwardly was known by Raiden

Raiden: "*wakes up and sits on bed*Who the hell is he.. *looks at Soul* (You... you're pretty lucky you have a father)"
Toraiso: "*enters room* Hey, how are you?"
Raiden: "Im good, better obviously. How'd the bleeding stop?"
Toraiso: "Thank Boomski, the mage"
Boomski: "*enters room* Where's our Founder?"
Toraiso: "Founder?"
Boomski: "Yeah, our faction's Founder, Soul. Oh, darn, is he hurt?"
Toraiso: "He's just drunk, what's our faction's name anyway"
Boomski: "Unknown"
Toraiso: "Unknown? Nice name"
Boomski: "Err, we have no name"
Toraiso: "Err, nice.."

As everyone discovers themselves in a discomfort. The point comes closer to them finding their true destiny, their true selves. Closer, and closer to their Epic Duel.

CHAPTER IV written on May 7, 2010

Training for.. the Unknown Faction was about to begin. Boomski masters his spells as Glen, .Burn, BONZbreaker, Bi Nary File, Kimboslice, Toraiso and the other Mercenaries modified there auxilliaries, sidearms, and primaries as they prepared for target practice. The Outpost was the perfect camp. But, near the Outpost is Minetower, the lair of the said Baelius.

Mysterious Man: "Do as I order.."
Mysterious Mercenary: "Yes sir, I shall smash him until his body's left with bits"
Mysterious Tech Mage: "Yes sir, I shall burn him with my magic as a plague"
Mysterious Bounty Hunter: "Yes sir, I shall smite him with my slashes of fury"
Mysterious Man: "Move"

Back at the camp.

Mysterious Voice: "(Reinforcements are arriving soon enough, child)"
Raiden: "Ahh! *wakes up*"
Toraiso: "Anything wrong?"
Raiden: "I just had a nightmare, that's all. Can I leave this room? I feel better"
Toraiso: "But... uh.. you cant"
Raiden: "Why?"
Toraiso: "Because.."
Oz: "Its ok Toraiso, as you said, he may be of good use"
Toraiso: "Ok"
Raiden: "Whats going on?"
Toraiso: "This isnt a clinic.."
Raiden: "It's a camp of Exile"
Toraiso: "How'd you knew.."
Oz: "Knew it, you knew all the time"
Raiden & Toraiso: "(Yeah, right..)"
Toraiso: "How'd you know we're Exile?"
Raiden: "Him *points at Oz* It's Oz, the leader of the uprising"
Oz: "I guess Im famous now.."
Raiden & Toraiso: "(This guy's getting on my nerves...)"
Glen: "Guys we're under attack!!"

3 unknown warriors have been attacking several Exile, killed.

Mysterious Tech Mage: "Show the young Overlord"
Mysterious Mercenary: "We know he's here"
Mysterious Bounty Hunter: "I smell him.."
Oz: "Toraiso, stay here and protect Raiden and Soul"
Toraiso: "Gimme a weapon"
Oz: "Here, the Blue Devil, she's all yours"

Oz unbelievably was able to knock all 3 to the ground with his Multi-Shot.. but it wasn't enough. They regained control, almost instantly as they heavily injured the whole camp. Every faction. Well almost... the Unknown Faction was left, they were hidden by Boomski's Defense Matrix, hidden by added camouflage.

Boomski: "Don't know how long this'll last"
BONZbreaker: "You aint a noob Boom"
Boomski: "Mehehe, thanks Bonz"

Raiden: "What's happening out there?"
Toraiso: "A fight, you're injured, stay here"
Soul: "Dad..?"
Toraiso: "Soul, stay here, trouble's outside"
Mysterious Voice: "(I see, they're there)"
Raiden: "(Who are? Who are you anyway?)"
Mysterious Voice: "(You'll find out soon enough, child)"
Raiden: "They're here because of me"
Toraiso: "What? No, they're just probably Legion"
Raiden: "Yes they are.."
Raiden: "*goes outside* You're after me right!? Come get me!"
Mysterious Men: "GET HIM!!"
The Unknown Faction: "Attack!!!"

The battle that followed was one of many soon to come. As the Unknown collided with the 3 mysterious men, Raiden spots his Industrial Claws and uses Massacre on all 3, it costed much of his mana. But unfortunately these 3 were unreal.

Mysterious Mercenary: "It is I Big Cheese, Mercenary general"
Mysterious Tech Mage: "I, Archlord Raistlin, the Lord of the Tech Mages"
Mysterious Bounty Hunter: "And me, Dark Phantom, the leader of the Bounty Hunters"
Mysterious Men: "Young overlord come with us"
Raiden: "Noo!"

Raiden was about to charge when Raistlin bursted out a Plasma Bolt, Phantom threw a Stun Grenade, and Cheese fires a Surgical Strike. All of this on the already badly hurt, Raiden. Just then, Soul jumps, then uses his body as a shield.

Soul: "Ahh!!!!!"
Toraiso: "Soul!!!"

Is our young hero gone? Find out, soon.

CHAPTER V written on May 7, 2010

Soulstrike: "Ahh!!!"
Toraiso: "Soul!!"

Just as all 3 attacks hit Soul, the impact caused a bright explosion that blinded everyone, causing a pause in the battle. Amazingly.. Soul is unhurt, just as he was hit, he used an Energy Shield to guard both him and Raiden.

Soulstrike: "You ok?"
Raiden: "Why'd you save me?"
Soulstrike: "I learned a thing or two from my Dad"
Raiden: "Meh, how touching, pfft"
3 Minions: "Overlord, come with us"
Oz: "(Overlord, eh?) Toraiso, we gotta get out of here"
Toraiso: "I thoughht you were Exile? Unknowns, attack!!!"
Unknowns: "(Unknowns? what the %#^$?) Err, umm, charge!!!"

As every Exile charged and attacked, the 3 were no match and was forced to retreat.

The Big Cheese: "We have no time for this"
Dark Phantom: "Got it"

Suddenly, Archlord Raistlin used Super Charge to blind the Exile as Dark Phantom handcuffs Soul and drags him to The Big Cheese.

Dark Phantom: "Let's move, the master must be angry by now"
The Big Cheese & Archlord Raistlin: "Right"

The three mysterious men suddenly vanished into thin air as if they teleported.

.Burn: "Where'd they go?"
BONZbreaker: "I dont know"
kimboslice15: "Probably Magic, Tech Mages can teleport"
glen123456: "Can you teleport, Boom?"
Boomski: "No, not yet, I need a better staff like his, and more practice"
Toraiso: "Where's Soul?"
Raiden: "They took him, I saw Dark Phantom take him away"
Oz: "(Overlord? Soul's no Overlord, were they looking for Raiden?) Overlord, eh? Any idea guys"
Unknowns: "Nuh-uh, nope, not me, me neiter"
Raiden: "I do"
Oz: "You do'?"
Raiden: "They were looking for me"
Toraiso: "Raiden, relax, why would it be you"
Raiden: "I kept getting.. messages, messages in my head from some Man. I even dreamt him, his face was masked by his glasses, thr only spefific detail was that he was bald"
Toraiso & Oz: "Baelius.."
Toraiso: "We gotta act now! My son is in the hands of the single-most hated man on this planet!!"
Oz: "Toraiso, we cant"
Toraiso: "Why not!?"
Oz: "We're gonna need help"
Toraiso: "Help!? We've got tons of Exile! Let's not wait for next week, let's move now!"
Oz: "Exile? How many? One faction aint enough"
Toraiso: "One faction?"

At that point Toraiso takes a glance at the carnage. No exile but the Unknown faction survived.

Toraiso: "I-I apologize"
Oz: "Its ok"
Oz: "Guys, give this soldiers a proper burial"
Unknowns: "Yes sir"

The men and women who died, were immediately given a proper burial, an Exile flag was left in the campsite, as a sign of respect for those who risked their lives, for Delta V.

Oz: "We're gonna need supplies and more men, we're gonna head deep into the belly of the beast. We're going to Fortune City to meet up with a friend of mine"

The Exile were about to enter the gates of Fortune City, just when they think they made it, a Heavy Guard appears.

Toraiso: "Crap, they're gonna find out we're Exile"
Oz: "Relax I've got this covered"
Heavy Guard: "Halt! State your business"
Oz: "*removes hat* Hey Frank"
Heavy Guard: "Oz? Are these your troops? Ok, you better keep quiet in there, stay away from other Guards except me"
Oz: "Got it, how's your wife and kids"
Toraiso: "Oz we dont have time for this.. (Some leader..)"
Oz: "Err sorry, just wanted to greet a friend *whispers to Toraiso* his wife's a natural.."
Toraiso: "..."
Toraiso: "Lets move, Faith"
glen123456: "Faith? Who made you leader? Im 2nd in command, besides, why Faith?"
Toraiso: "'Coz its the one thing everyone of us hasnt lost"
glen123456: "You sure?"
Toraiso: "If you think Im not right then why havent you left the Exile then"
glen123456: "Fine. Everyone, our faction shall now be called, Faith!"

The hopes of the Exile has once again shown a beacon of hope even after the tradegy that occured. Meanwhile...

3 Minions: "Here you go master"
Soulstrike: "Let me go!"
Mysterious Man: "This is not the warrior that will replace my foot steps, this is the Chosen One's son! Failures!"
Soulstrike: "(Chosen One's son? Is the Chosen One my Dad?) Chosen one? Replace your foot steps? What are you talking about?"
Mysterious Man: "Hmm.. it seems this being is still of use. He'll lead the Exile right here. As for you three, rest for the next battle. I have plans to work on. Begone, minions"
3 Minions: "Yes, master Baelius"
*SIDECOMMENT - the Mysterious Man is now confirmed to be Baelius

Back at Fortune City..

Oz: "Hank!!"
"Oz!! Are these your exile?"
Oz: "Yeah, could you fix me up with some weapons? We were sabotaged at our camp by 3 men of Baelius"
"Darn, this means trouble, you can rest for the night out back, it's the least I can do to help the Uprising"
Oz: "Thanks Hank"

Bounty Hunter at Hank's: "Big Boy!?"
Raiden: "Skr33ch???"
Tech Mage at Hank's: "(Darn it, I cant read my book if people keep shouting) Hey Knock it out!"
Boomski: "Alken?"
Tech Mage at Hank's: "Boom??? Is that you?"
Faith: "Captain Golden!?!?"
Mercenary at Hank's: "Sup guys"

Who are these 3? And how will they fit in our hero's story? Will Soul be rescued? Will the 3 attack? Only time will foretell.

CHAPTER VI written on May 8, 2010

As everyone meets an old friend, Baelius is at it again.

Baelius: "You are gifted, Child, I shall make great use of your body.."
Soulstrike: "Body!? No.. No..! NOO!!!"

A dark red beam is fired onto Soul, he is transformed. But into what?

Baelius: "Fetch the young Overlord, alive"
New Minion: "Yes, Master.."'

Back at Fortune City, the Exile are puzzled as they meet former comrades.

Miners: "Cap'n Gold! We taught you were a goner!"
The Golden II: "Yeah well they can't kill a Golden"
*SIDECOMMENT - The Golden II is the miners' old captain, the head of the mining operations
Bi Nary File: "How was prison?"
The Golden II: "Bad, they tortured me night and day, but I was able to endure. I was released just yesterday, I came here to gather supplies to settle down"
.Burn: "Settle down?"
The Golden II: "Yeah, Im retiring, I guess Im just too old now"
BONZbreaker: "Old? You're as fit as a lion!"
The Golden II: "Prison does that to you. You have to be tough. I worked out just to survive"
Oz: "Too bad we need new men as Exile"
The Golden II: "Wait, howcome you're the only faction of Oz"
kimboslice15: "Several other factions were killed yesterday"
The Golden II: "Oh, sorry to hear that, God Bless them"

Alkenchurch: "Boom!"
Boomski: "Alken!"
Alkenchurch: "Dude, why're you with these old guys?"
Boomski: "They're Exiled miners, Im an Exile now"
Alkenchurch: "Exile? Meh, trying to hone your Mage skills eh?"
Boomski: "Hehe"
Alkenchurch: "I'm still better though. You studied harder in the academy, but I was born talented"
Boomski: "(Yeah right, show off)Well good to see you, umm how are you?"
Alkenchurch: "Oh, I work for Hank, I add energy into his weapons with my magic, enhancing them"
Boomski: "Well, thats nice"

Skr33ch: "Err, why are you with these Exile, exactly, Big Boy?"
Raiden: "I'm stuck with them, I got some unfinished business with Soul"
Skr33ch: "Well, where is he?"
Raiden: "Gone, he was kidnapped by 3 men, working for the Legion"
Skr33ch: "And why is that exactly?"
Raiden: "Meet me later tonight"
Skr33ch: "See ya at Valestra's"

Hank: "Well, fellow Exile! You are welcome at my home, come inside and rest"

As the miners rested, Toraiso was up awake with Hank and Oz.

Oz: "...and that's how he became an Exile"
Toraiso: "(I was blackmailed, sheesh) Well at least I met my son"
Hank: "Where is he Tor?"
Toraiso: "..."
Oz: "He got kidnapped by Baelius' men"
Hank: "Woah, harsh, I wonder what happened to him"
Toraiso: "If it is Baelius, he better be ready. Mess with my family and he's toast"

As the 3 old men kept talking about their lives, Skr33ch and Raiden AKA Big Boy have a little meeting..

Skr33ch: "So, why was Soul kidnapped?"
Raiden: "Me, they were looking for me"
Skr33ch: "Dude, how sure are you it's you?"
Raiden: "Because... I'm Baelius' son. Yeah that's right, Im the evil Overlord's son, and he wants me to replace him"
Skr33ch: "*giggles* And how do you know this stuff exactly?"
Raiden: "I had visions, he kept talking to me in my mind, he said I was his son"
Skr33ch: "I think the Bounty Hunter's job is getting to you.. get more sleep"
Raiden: "Im telling you the truth! *brings out his Grim Magnum and points it at Skr33ch"
Skr33ch: "Oh c'mon.. you think I cant take you on? Kill me if you want, I still dont believe you"

Raiden wasn't this violent. Even as a Bounty Hunter, must have been some inheritance from his father. Raiden had the guts to kill people, even those close to him. As he was about to fire Toraiso enters the bar.

Toraiso: "Believe him, he's telling the truth"
Skr33ch: "Who the hell is this guy?"
Raiden: "Soul's Dad"
Skr33ch: "Oh, hey Sir"
Toraiso: "He's Baelius' son, I can tell. It's in his face"
Raiden: "You've seen my Father?"
Toraiso: "With my own two eyes"

Just then, a large erruption was heard from inside the bar. The three men leave the bar and saw noone, noone but Soul. With eyes glowing red, Toraiso knew it wasnt Soul, it was a monster. Soul's right arm was replaced with a Soul Ripper, and his left hand with a Rixty Ripper. He was a living monster.

Baelius' New Minion: "BIGBOY.. COME TO ME.."
Toraiso: "Raiden, that aint my son"
Skr33ch: "That's.. soul???"
Raiden: "No, whoever he is, he wants me"
Toraiso: "Raiden, run"
Raiden: "No running anymore"
Raiden: "This is my mess, dont interfere Toraiso!!"

Toraiso then recalls what happened last 3 days.

Toraiso: "Fine, but me and you dont know what this imposter is capable of"
Baelius' New Minion: "BIGBOY!!!"
Skr33ch: "*fires a Vendzooka at Soul* Take that Soul!!"

It had no effect on the monster.


Suddenly Egoraptor rushes to Skr33ch's side with the quickest of ease, he broke the sound barrier. He then tears off his right arm.

Skr33ch: "Ahh!!!!"
Toraiso: "Run Run Run!!!!"

Will Raiden be captured? Will Skr33ch be killed? Egoraptor, a monster unleashed in the streets of Fortune City, is hunger for blood, and Raiden himself.

CHAPTER VII written on May 9, 2010

As the rage of Soul's new form: Egoraptor pours on, Skr33ch is injured and Raiden was the next target. Skr33ch was carried by Toraiso to Hank's as Raiden stayed. Up against the beast, Egoraptor.

Egoraptor: "SURRENDER BIG BOY!!"
Heavy Guards: "Halt!!"
Egoraptor: "*uses massacre on every Heavy Guard* DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!"
Raiden: "(Crap, unless I give up, he's going to kill everyone) Fine.."
Egoraptor: "NOW WASNT THAT EASY!?"

Just as Egoraptor was about to take Raiden, the tables were turned when 3 Super Charged Stun Grenades were thrown at Egoraptor! Toraiso has bailed Raiden yet again!

Toraiso: "Everyone! Evacuate out of the city! The stun wont last forever!"
Raiden: "(You saved me.. but Why? Why have you cheated Death for me?)"

The Exile, including Raiden, Hank, Alken, and Cap'n Gold were heading for the desert, where Skr33ch was being carried to, in order to be given a new arm.

Back at Fortune City, Egoraptor wakes up to a Ghost Town. No signs of life were detected by his senses.

Egoraptor: "NO!!!!! *growls like 10 lions*"

This is not good. Soul has transformed into Egoraptor and is becoming even more of a monster. He sprout broad black devil-like wings. He grew a spiked tail. His body, an armor of scales! He then bore a horn on his fore head. And the last was the mark of the Legion tattooed to his torso.

At the desert..

Skr33ch: "Ahh!!!!"
"Relax it'll only hurt a bit. Besides, imagine how much more pain I felt in my experience compared to this"
Skr33ch: "Ahhh! Oh, I Ahhh! guess you're Ahhh! right.. AHH!!!"
"It'll hurt but you wont die. Ok you might"

Skr33ch passes out only to wake up to see artwork. His right arm was now a mechanical one, attached to it was a Soul Gouger. He then walkes out of the lab outside to find the Exile around a campfire.

Skr33ch: "I like it"
Ullyses: "Good to hear"
Skr33ch: "Why're everyone so quiet?"
"It's over. The whole operation's over"
Skr33ch: "Oh, and where's Big Boy?"
Toraiso: "Raiden took off"
Skr33ch: "Raiden?"
Toraiso: "Why?"
Skr33ch: "His real names Kai"

At that moment Toraiso remembers the darkest day of his life. The explosion. The explosion wherein he was able to walk away from. As he was coming out of the cave into the bathroom, he passed by Baelius and a woman with a child. A teenage boy the same age as Soul was back then. He overheard their conversation.

Woman: "Baelius, stop! This is Delta V's worst future"
Boy: "Mom, Dad, stop it!
Woman: This is not Kai's best future!"

Bam! went the explosion. Every miner in the cave was trapped. Toraiso would've been to unless he wasnt hit by the beautiful ray of light. He was shocked only to find out he was outside the Mine Tower, safe.

Skr33ch: "...dont tell Kai I said his real identity"
Toraiso: "Faith! Oz I have an idea!! The Exile will succeed!"

Out came a variety of questions afterwards. Only 1 thing was known. The Exile was back! What's Toraiso's plan? Where is Kai? Will Egoraptor be stopped? Find out next in the upcoming chapter

CHAPTER VIII written on May 7, 2010

Toraiso: "I've got a plan, guys!"
Oz: "Well, let's hear it then"

As the team discuss Toraiso's idea, the others hopes were once more rebuilt.

Toraiso: "Any questions?"
Alkenchurch: "Yeah, why am I in it?"
The Golden II: "Relax, boy. I'm in it too"
Skr33ch: "Toraiso..."
Toraiso: "Yes?"
Skr33ch: "I wanna battle Egoraptor"
Toraiso: "You heard the plan. We avoid him but if we cant, we face him together"
Skr33ch: "Fine then, but how about Kai?"
Toraiso: "Crap, I forgot about him. We have to find him"

The Exile then move into groups of three, each consisting of 2 Mercenaries and a Tech Mage or Bounty Hunter. The team of Skr33ch, Toraiso and .Burn found him in a nearby fire. He was sparring on a tree.

Skr33ch: "What the hell are you doing here?"
Kai: "Training"
Skr33ch: "And for what exactly!?"
Kai: "Soul. I mean, Egoraptor. Sorry, Toraiso but I have to face Egoraptor. He's my Dad's mess and I feel as if he is my responsibility"
Toraiso: "How many hours have you trained"
Kai: : "About 5"
Toraiso: "You'll need more"
Skr33ch: "Wh-What...!? I wanted to face him"
Toraiso: "You both cant beat him alone. You two will work together"
Kai: "Talk"
Toraiso: "We'll discuss the plans at camp, Burn signal the others we've found Kai"
Skr33ch: "Err.. umm.. Toraiso..."
Toraiso: "Oh crap, I forgot I shouldnt have said his name.."
Skr33ch: "It's fine. I trust the Exile with my name"

When the others meet at camp the battle plan was once again discussed.

Toraiso: "Ok, now for Egoraptor. Skr33ch and Kai will be the ones who'll take care of him. We're gonna arm you both to the teeth"
Skr33ch: "Umm, the only weapon I have is this Soul Gouger on my right arm. It isnt even that strong. No offense Ullyses"
Ullyses: "None taken. Though while performing the operation you fainted in.."
Everyone: "*giggles*"
Ullyses: "..I thought out of the box. You can replace your arm with any weapon"
Skr33ch: "Sweet! Who's laughing now!?"
Kai: "We dont know his weakness. I dont know his resistance or defense"
Toraiso: "Ok, Skr33ch, equip a Plasma Torch and an Imperial ACP. Kai, you equip a Perforater and an Imperial SMG"
Skr33ch: "Nice! This'll be so epic!!"

As the glad Skr33ch rejoices, the serious Kai on the other hand, is serious. Focused and determined to not only kill Egoraptor and save Soul, but to eliminate his own father. The battle about to commence is just down the stretch! The 8-chapter prologue on Toraiso, Faith, and the others is done. Prepare for book 2. Prepare for Chronicles of Delta V: Legion V.S. Exile!

Thanks for reading.


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