Shhh... It's a Seekrat! (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Shhh... It's a Seekrat! (9/10/2010 3:31:25)

Shhh... It's a Seekrat!

Location: Travel Map » Sail East » Travel South » Seekrat » 1. Shhh... It's a Seekrat!

Ashwood Village, a small town on the edge of Greenguard Forest, has reported being attacked by an unknown entity. Travelers coming to Battleon through Greenguard have also reported spotting a large black cat in the woods! Are they related? Venture into Greenguard to find out!
  • To Greenguard!

  • «Scene: Greenguard Forest»

    «You»: Well, this is the place where the villagers said they spotted that cat. But I don't see any trace of it yet.
    «You»: ...Here, kitty kitty kitty...«You»: Wait, that shadow there looks like it has a set of pointed ears! Come on out, little kitty!

    «As the ears poke out from the right side of the screen slowly, it is revealed to be Twilly instead...»

    «You»: ...wrong ears. What are you doing out here, Twilly? And why are you always following me everywhere, anyways?
    Twilly: Twilly is here to heal ya! Besides... I get lonely on that hill!
  • Heal me please!
  • No heal, thanks...

    Regardless of choice

    Twilly: Okies!! Good luck on the rest of your quest! Seeyas!
  • Bye!

    «Twilly strolls out of the scene.»

    «You»: Uh-oh! Something else is coming!
  • !!!«Scene: Deeper into Greenguard»

    «You»: Still no sign of that cat....

    «A Shadowkitten enters the scene.»

    «You»: !!!
    «You»: Awww, what a cute little kitten. How could the villagers think this thing is dangerous?
    «You»: I'll bet you just want a nice soft tummy rub, don't ya, little guy?

    «The Shadowkitten grows in size...»

    Shadowkitten: ggrrrrrrooooowwwrrrr....
    «You»: .... or not. Well, that explains it.
  • Fight!Shadowkitten: Are we done fighting now?
    «You»: Uh, I guess so. I've beaten you, so I guess there's no reason we can't talk.
    ElBhe: My name is ElBhe. Who are you, and why did you attack me?
    «You»: I'm «You», and I attacked because the villagers said that you're an evil soul-eating cat. Plus, you grew really big and growled at me. I guess that was... kind of a threat.
    ElBhe: I am NOT evil. But I do get hungry sometimes.
    «You»: ................
    ElBhe: Well? Are you going to help me or not?
    «You»: Help you? Why should I help you? You attacked the villagers!
    ElBhe: It was self-defense! A setup! They're catspaws!
    «You»: Why should I believe you?
    ElBhe: I'm a kitten. Something this cute can't lie.
    «You»: True... you are pretty cute... in a creepy, please-don't-eat-my-face kind of way.
    ElBhe: I know, right?
    «You»: Fine. Come back to the village with me, and we'll get this straightened out.
    «You»: And let me do the talking. You may be cute, but they aren't going to like seeing you back.

    «Scene: Ashwood Village»

    ElBhe: Welcome to the village of Ashwood Village, «You».
    «You»: Look over there, ElBhe! It's some kind of gathering...
  • Go!

    «Inside the village, you find villagers holding protest signs with your face on it.»

    «You»: !!! What's going on here?
    Villager: We asked you to kill that monster, and instead you bring it back here?!?
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    «You»: ElBhe says he didn't do anything wrong!
    Villager: That's absurd! He's been killing us off!
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager: The creature uses black magic!
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager: And he turned me into a mute!
    «You»: But you're talking right now...
    Villager: Well, I got better.
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    Villager (in unison): *grumble*
    «You»: These claims seem more than a little silly. And you're making weird noises when you talk, so I'm honestly finding it hard to believe you.
    Villager: The creature must have bewitched «You»! Kill them both!
    «You»: Oh great!
    ElBhe: NOW do you believe me?
  • Fight!Villager: ............. Not good odds...... I'll be fleeing you!

    «As the villager flees, a slip of paper flies out from his armor.»

    Sheep: mmbbaaaaa!
    ElBhe: He dropped a piece of paper! You should probably read it!

    Clicking the piece of paper reveals:

    Dear Villagers: The black cat in the forest nearby is a threat to me. If you get rid of it, I will reward you handsomely. Bring evidence of your success to Azma Lake for your reward.

    Clicking the piece of paper again causes you to keep it, and carry on with the quest.

    «You»: Well, it looks like you were set up after all.
    ElBhe: Told you so!
    «You»: There's a date at the bottom, too. We have several days yet.
    ElBhe: I suggest we take the time we've been given to split up and better prepare for what might await us there.
    «You»: Alright. I think a few days will do us well. Tell you what, have your people call my people and we can arrange a meeting.
    ElBhe: Your people... my people?
    «You»: You know what I mean.
    ElBhe: ............
  • Continued!
    Seekrat One

  • Protest Sign (L. 3)
  • Protest Sign Z (L. 25)
  • Protest Sign (L. 50)
  • Protest Sign (L. 75)
  • Guardian Protest Sign (L. 100)
  • Protest Sign (L. 125)
  • Guardian Protest Sign (L. 150)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Entry by Archmagus Orodalf. Thanks to In Media Res for the monster lists!

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