=PROSE= Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Full Version)

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Alpha Atom -> =PROSE= Jonathan Livingston Seagull (9/11/2010 17:14:18)

For most seagulls, life consists simply of eating and surviving. Flying is just a means of finding food. However Jonathan Livingston Seagull is no ordinary bird. For him flying is life itself. Against the conventions of seagull society, he seeks to find a higher purpose and become the best at what he loves. - An excerpt from the blurb of Jonathan Livingston Seagull - A Story.

I've read this book a number of times and it's such a great book, if you haven't already read it, I thoroughly recommend reading it. If you have, what did you think of it? Did it inspire you? Did you find it a load of rubbish.

Personally, I found the book incredibly inspiring, encouraging me to push the boundaries of my life even further, to stop being limited by the current conventions, much like the Seagull in the book. Although, in practice I found this hard, if you have read it, what did you think?

Jae10 -> RE: =PROSE= Jonathan Livingston Seagull (5/26/2011 1:23:43)

Lol, I was kind of forced to read Jonathan Livingston Seagull in my old middle school. It was interesting, and I do appreciate the lessons that it teaches such as pushing the "boundaries of life". But the end was somewhat depressing.

Oddmanthefirst -> RE: =PROSE= Jonathan Livingston Seagull (6/22/2011 12:06:06)

Yeah I had to read the book for my AP language class. I personally loved the book. After reading it, I could not help comparing Jonathan to Jesus. Jonathan had gone to heaven, had disciples, and had pushed against society's social norms. I loved the book and I definitely recommend it to anyone interested.

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =PROSE= Jonathan Livingston Seagull (6/30/2011 21:46:02)

I read this book. I quite enjoyed it even though it was rather short for my normal tastes. Excellent writing, and a good idea behind it. Expounding on the virtues of positive thinking, putting forth extra effort, and overcoming oneself, while keeping the whole couched in a story about seagulls was brilliance, and the story is quite well worth reading.

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