=Story and Dev= Whew, What a Challenge! (Full Version)

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Lord Barrius -> =Story and Dev= Whew, What a Challenge! (9/12/2010 11:23:27)

It's your resident kitteh here with more news!

Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for your kind words about my material. I was incredibly concerned that it wouldn't stack up against some of our bigger, more epic material, but I'm glad I've struck a chord with many of you. I was even asked a couple of times that they look forward to more from me. You have no idea how awesome it is for me to hear people say that! I'm very appreciative of all the comments.

I'd like you to be aware that I've listened to your feedback, and in future quests and quest chains, I will try to extend the dialogue so that the quests don't feel as short.

I thought I'd take some time to sit down and discuss the future with you. The future of this quest, and of this series.

I'd like to give you a heads-up on the conclusion of this storyline. This Thursday will be the conclusion of this quest chain. It, too, has the potential to be short. It will re-introduce a quest design concept previously used in the Devourer Saga, and depending on how you do with it, your quest will either be exceedingly easy and quite short, or it could potentially be difficult. However, unlike its predecessor, all of the information you'll need can be found in the game (or the AQ Encyclopedia). I highly encourage you to work together to come up with a "cheat sheet" for it once it's been released.

Bit of fair warning: if you thought the first two parts were short, you might find this third part far shorter. I apologize for that, again, it's simply the way things worked out when the chain was made into three parts instead of two. I've learned my lesson, and I'll try to do better in the future to keep from disappointing you. [&:]

But I should also mention that, due to the quest's somewhat unique design, the rewards you obtain from this quest will differ based on how you perform during the quest, so you'll need to play it more than once to get access to everything. So at least in that respect, I'll be laying some new ground. Oh, and for those of you wondering....the answer to that question you've asked me for so long? ....your answer is yes. But I should warn you....doom and wittiness to all who open that Pandora's Box. >:)

But ElBhe, you may be saying, what about Talk Like a Pirate Day? Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about it! We're going to release that too alongside this quest, so if the quest isn't enough, you'll still have access to something else too. :P

Now let's talk about the future. I asked you in the release thread to discuss whether or not you'd like to focus on back-story or continue onwards through the primary storyline I have prepared for this saga. Yes, that's right, "saga", though it might even qualify as an arc due to the sheer quantity of things and how not all of it connects to other bits. I realized as I was trying to compile all my ideas and notions about these characters that what I had couldn't ever be adequately told by just one set of quests. There are so many stories to be told here that I shouldn't try to contain them all to a single string of quests. You all deserve the very best I can do, and no less. So instead, I'll have a multitude of stories....

  • The present day events involving the kittehs and the Seekrat. This will eventually lead to the unveiling of one more major character (the other half of my NPC, as it were).
  • A story involving the back-story of the shadowkittens, and of all things shadowy.
  • The tale of the Seekrat himself. What made him such a nutty bag of trail mix, and more about him in general.
  • The back-story of the new character mentioned above, as well as the revelation of the TRUE back-story of a well-known figure in AQ's past....
  • And more!

    Thanks to your input in this thread, I'm going to try to give you as much of both as I possibly can. I'm not sure I will be able to do both in any one given quest chain, but we'll see....maybe I can. It will be a huge challenge to churn out this much material, but you've all encouraged me, and I don't want to let you down! [:)]

    My intent is to give you all the kind of material that you want, while taking things to a new level. Improving things we've done before, and also doing things that you haven't seen before. I'm hoping you'll come along for the ride.

  • Lord Barrius -> RE: =Story and Dev= Whew, What a Challenge! (9/13/2010 23:28:14)

    UPDATE: Due to last minute discussions, the final part of the Seekrat quest chain will pushed back to next week.

    TLAPD will be released as planned later this week.

    Lord Barrius -> RE: =Story and Dev= Whew, What a Challenge! (9/20/2010 20:23:58)

    Hi, all!

    I am glad you liked the Seeker quest. However, I was still a little disappointed that we had to move back the last part of "Shhh! It's a SeekRat!". Upon discussion with my co-workers, we're going to extend the length of the third part a little bit as our way of thanking you for your patience with us.

    Barring any unforeseen changes, the third part will be released this week. As I said before, the rewards will differ based on how you perform in the SeekRat's test, so be sure to play it twice to get access to everything! And I think some of you will be very excited with one of the rewards in particular....

    I'm going to keep myself restrained as far as future material goes, even though I'm so excited about the hard work I've put in for you guys that I could just burst! I know, right, who would get excited to do work? But I was, and I am!

    I'm very happy with the response to prior material, and I'd like you to know that I spent a large portion of this weekend completely rewriting my plans and material to take your feedback into consideration. The next chain in this saga will come out sometime in 2011. Thanks to all of you for your feedback, as it will help me make the next chain even better for you.

    See you again soon, AQers! Thanks for making this the best month I've ever had in my entire history of working with AE. Let's keep making this game great, one week at a time!

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