Void Archmage -> RE: =MtAK= Acient J for DF Suggestions (9/18/2010 17:34:13)
Hi Acient J! Congrats! Thanks! You must know that you are my first AK. Do you like the AKship? You bet I do! Soorry, I was sleeping, at least few more answers, please! [:D] So, what is you favourite NPC (not accouting for Moglins) in DF ? Cysero: he's hilarious! Fine, mine is...? (CLUE:Archimoodes) Archimoodes. Meh, that was easy,right? Here is reward! *offers Void scythe* The Void corrupts. Let thy foul weapon down and never speaketh of it again. *chomping grain*...*chomp*...*chomp*...Want some?...*chomp, chomp*... No thanks... What is your favourite Moglin in DF? Twilly! I know that must be a common answer, but it's true. XD[color] What, do you think, is your most precious suggestion? Wow, that's a hard one...I think they're all equally important. Fine, that is all! Good luck! Bye! *tries to teleport away, but attempt failed, so morphs into a chickencow and flies away* Good-bye, and thank you! Wait...can chickencows even fly?