Database Error - Fixed! (Full Version)

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Aelthai -> Database Error - Fixed! (9/15/2010 8:00:20)

I was hoping to avoid having to post about this here :-p

Unfortunately, we're still down.

Yes, AQ and WF are currently not working. We've had Rolith and Zhoom working on it for hours now; we'll get them back up as soon as we can!

This has been fixed!

The 13th -> RE: Database Error (9/15/2010 9:56:09)

Its up and seems to be working! Good job staff!

In a Glass House -> RE: Database Error (9/15/2010 14:41:05)

I'm glad its been fixed. Can someone tell us what happened?

ExGuardian -> RE: Database Error (10/24/2010 19:58:09)

the buttons weren't working for me, but now its working

ahsan11 -> RE: Database Error (6/3/2011 8:17:34)

ok people help i think its an error because i have an adventure quest account and i am a rank 10 dragon slayer and i have the golden dragonslayer ecipse armor

on the armor it says i am a rank 9 dragon slayer but on the dragon slayer training place i am a rank 10 so i reset my rank and got it up to 10 again and then i went to batle but it said im still a rank 9 so i contacted battle on and they said post on the forms so hear i am

BlackAces -> RE: Database Error (6/3/2011 8:21:10)

Not an error take a look at the Encyclopaedia entry for Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse Armour, you need to be a level 10 DragonSlayer and a level 10 Vampire Slayer as it uses 2 classes to determine your overall level.

ahsan11 -> RE: Database Error (6/3/2011 9:06:45)

ty for the info and now how do i become a level 10 vampire

amatsero -> RE: Database Error (6/5/2012 18:21:20)

you can reach lvl 10 vamp slayer by going to darkovia and talking to E. also i was ranking up in my night slayer rank when i hit rank 7 i got BSoD and it reset rank to 3 don't know where i should post this

kartheek_2002 -> RE: Database Error (9/23/2012 10:40:58)

I am getting the blue scroll of doom error.

Error Image

Gifted -> RE: Database Error (12/3/2012 12:20:28)

I too am getting the Blue Scroll of Doom and am getting it often. The white banner that shows up with the blue scroll says Database XML Query Error. Sometimes 3-4 times a day on each of my characters. It happens on random battles but what is most annoying is when it happens during a quest. This has been happening for about 2 months.

Blueschneider -> RE: Database Error (12/13/2012 16:37:30)

I am getting frequent Database XML Query Error. Most of the timeduring random battle. Like 1/7 of the times.

soxSox -> RE: Database Error - Fixed! (1/29/2019 23:33:34)

Every time I try to train my int on my new adventurer I get an error saying that there is an issue saving the data. I then get put back to the stat trainer selection screen without having my stats updated even though I won the battle. I also only get this error when I try and pay with gold, but it does not happen when I use z-tokens to pay for the stat increase. I have already tried resetting my computer and clearing my cache, but neither have worked. Is there anything else might be able to do to fix this?

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