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Weena -> Flash (9/16/2010 4:15:43)


PyroPuppy -> RE: Flash (9/16/2010 8:04:25)

A Flash thread! I got Flash together with photoshop, because 5 years ago I was in that summer thing were I learned how to use them. The thing that I mostly like in Flash is the fact that you have to use only you imagination to create stuff, there are only 5 filters that you can do only on already made stuff. Also, I really like that you can design, animate, and program stuff in the same program. The things that mostly inspires me are stuff that happened to me, or small stuff that people say which gives inspiration without they even noticed. In fact, I also started to play in AE games 5 years ago, but I noticed that they are using Flash only 2 years ago, which made me want to really start flashing and I started to take this more seriously

Dracorath -> RE: Flash (9/16/2010 9:38:03)

Ah flash, well I got flash together with my Adobe Master Collection, I personally love it. I've been working on flash for almost a whole week now and I got a good first result. I look forward to making more stuff with it if I find the inspiration to which is mostly from AE + Dragon art.

drDOT -> RE: Flash (9/16/2010 12:20:48)

From Adobe. :D
Well, I've been using Flash for a year now? Or more? Flash CS3, of course, I don't want to change it :P
Naoo.. inspiring? the cat, umm, BLACK PANTHER made me get Flash? Seriously, have you seen his works? >:O
And what I could like about Flash more that I can go crazy with no rules in it?

Ronin -> RE: Flash (9/28/2010 7:23:17)

I got Flash from my cousin, when I saw the wonders he did with it. I learned a few simple animations from my school teacher (Yes, srs) and then started building on it on my own. I have now been using CS4 for 2 years. Still haven't become pro though :3

Anyway, I'll be forever in love with Flash and it's user-friendly interface and infinite things that can be done.

Zakristone -> RE: Flash (9/28/2010 7:29:24)

I have Flash...because my school is a fully electronic (sort of) school. Basically, every computer in school (including student Tablet PCs) have Flash.

Borq -> RE: Flash (10/3/2010 17:57:41)

Got the program about a year and a half ago.
I love creating art in general; a lot of influence from the Flash-based games I've played.
Perhaps my favorite thing about it is it's simplicity and capacity.

Most of my inspiration comes from AE's games as well as TV shows.

coolboypai -> RE: Flash (10/3/2010 18:05:41)

i dun have flash ;-;
doubt that i would be very good at it seeing how bad i am with GIMP now
but hopefully i can get it in the future, seeing what others can do with it

[Aegis] -> RE: Flash (10/9/2010 17:39:28)

I've had Flash for about a year now. I've used it a couple of times, but the artistic part of it doesn't really appeal to me. I enjoy using AS3, but there's only so much that I can teach myself. Does anyone know of any good ways that I can learn AS3?

Khelios -> RE: Flash (10/15/2010 0:10:52)

Yes, I have Flash. In fact, I'd not be able to do stuff without it ;P I got it because I initially was hooked on flash games in Middle School an used it in a project in 8th grade - since then, I've used it for a good number of purposes ;)

I've used versions of flash from Flash 8 Basic to CS5 Professional between what I own and what I used in middle and high school. I got CS5 over the summer and like it a lot - the only downside is that it can't interface directly with CS3 :/

What inspires me? Pretty simple really, the desire to make things work and look snazzy. I've done school projects in flash before, and I only find myself limited by my artistic abilities and creativity. Of course, I am incredibly inspired by flash artists and coders in AE - the games themselves are art at the very least.

Flash isn't necessarily an end-all program, but it certainly has its uses. Art, programming, web design, video, quite a lot for one program.

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