Tinypic closed to "international locations" (Full Version)

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Hallie Slidepath -> Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/23/2010 19:01:21)


Tinypic is no longer accepting uploads from international locations, and links are turned off. If you have content on Tinypic, you can still view the URLs and the content, but only on Tinypic. To upload, share, or link content, please go to Photobucket.com to register an account. You will need to upload your content again to your Photobucket account, but you will be able to share and link your images and videos. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope that you enjoy Photobucket, our premier image and video site. Click here for more details.

More details:

Tinypic International is changing. Beginning September 23rd, you will no longer be able to upload content to Tinypic and your links will be turned off. Please begin using Photobucket to upload, share and link your images and videos.

I figured it would go well in Art Discussion since it's... art-y.

Well, what do you think of this? Do you use tinypic anything, and were you affected by this?

I find this kinda frustrating (like really, really I-want-to-throw-a-shoe-at-someone frustrating).
For someone like me who has been using tinypic as a hosting site for more than half my art, and I'd say I have about 150+ images there... these news are trés bad.
About 70% of my art is officially dead, and I'll have to re-upload it... if I still have the files on my comp, that is v.v

]{haos -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/23/2010 19:05:41)

Hehe.... I use PB.....
seeing as how a big handful of Artists here use Tinypic....
and Everyone in these forums have a Hint of talent....

I Wish them good Luck.

P.S: Join the Dark side (PB), we have cookies.

Hallie Slidepath -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/23/2010 19:17:21)

^Even more frustrating. My 150 first artpieces are on PB. But I don't like PB at all, and then I found Tinypic.
It was all I wanted from a hosting-site...
And now they shut me down and ask me to use PB. Seriously. Bleh.

Does anyone know of any other good hosting sites? I've tried PB, tinypic (ish from now on dead to me, traitor >.>) and imageshack.
I don't like PB nor IS much, but I'm considering re-uploading all the... 608... images I had on tinypic, so I'd like to know if anyone has any option to reccommend ^.^

Khimera -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/23/2010 19:18:37)

Twitpic's an alternative, if you use Twitter.

_Depression -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/23/2010 22:34:53)

Eh, I've been using PB from the beginning, so it doesn't really make a difference to me.

I honestly never liked tinypic either lol

SkyeHawk -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/23/2010 22:46:23)

Flickr is Flickring in its awesomenesss........tinypic,why?

Hallie Slidepath -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/24/2010 10:45:26)

And now... it's back up for international use again o.O
Does anyone have any info on what's going on? All I can find is several forums where the international-thing is being discussed, but no place where everything actually is explained.
Would be nice to know whether or not this could happen in the future again x.X

]{haos -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/24/2010 15:54:12)

Uploading sites don't matter much to me, as long as the Jobs done.
PB was the first Uploading site I ever crossed paths with, it'll be the Only Uploading site I'll ever cross paths with.

I'm just too lazy to Switch now. xD

Balu -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/24/2010 16:05:59)

I have a PB account, but since day 1 I liked Tinypic better and used it extensively ever since. Now I am seeing this message displayed: http://i51.tinypic.com/30937z4.jpg Note the weirdness of posting a pic related to tinypic using the same site. :-)

There probably were legions of people complaining about the little stunt they pulled and decited it was a horrible idea in the first place (which it was).
Hopefully, something like that won`t happen again.

Angel of Grief -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/24/2010 16:18:26)

Yeaah....I use twitpic...but I think I use tinypic for my image previews. x.x

zenron the great -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/24/2010 19:53:47)

I guess this doesn't effect me considering I use PB or deviantart, but it is rather annoying to see it go.

Tormenter -> RE: Tinypic closed to "international locations" (9/26/2010 12:55:37)


And now... it's back up for international use again o.O
Does anyone have any info on what's going on? All I can find is several forums where the international-thing is being discussed, but no place where everything actually is explained.
Would be nice to know whether or not this could happen in the future again x.X

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