RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (Full Version)

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OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:03:50)

Hey Green maybe you should. It would be hilarious
Hey now, no hijacking! XD

1.On Topic, New Page New Questions: Do you like Dinosouars(Wait how do you spell it?)
Yeah. (Dinosaurs)

2.If so what is your favorite?

3.That first one doesn't count as a question.
Yes it does. Actually, it counts for two... so be glad this isn't a question. :P

4.Gah I keep using question slots for meaningless sentences.
well, this isn't a question either, so you're still fine!

5.NOOOOOOOO, Must Resist, OK back to questions:
ok, questions it is!

6.Do you own a Pwny?
In DF I did for a while, but then I got the Braydenball and fell in love. bye-bye Pwny.

7.Did you know that I shot the Sheriff?
Oh no! how horrible!

8.You get a cookie if you can tell what song that is.
Bob Marley's "I shot the sheriff" (though I cheated to get the artist. I knew the song sounded familiar... I just couldn't remember who it was by)

9.Well that's all for now, but I hope you have fun Destroying the hopes and dreams of little children
No! my powers come from the hopes and dreams of children! :( Not destroying them!

10.*Some more Random Gibberish*
*some more random answering*

~AK 94 The Not So AK

LL -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:04:59)

'Ello Gianna Glow, Greeny, Gigi, GG.

Gratz for being a mod and welcome to the Q&A World where questions are being flooded. :D
Thanks! The questions certainly do flood! O.O

So I have a question....
Go ahead!

Cookies? NVM /nom! :P jk.
At least they weren't chocolate chip! :D

So we've got a new mod here and I congratulate you! ^^

See ya around. :D wish ya good luck!
See ya! and thanks! *take the good luck and stores it away*


~LL (A.K.A LoL)

Correction with your post:
Gianna Glow (also known by GG, Gigi, Greeny, ect.)

Wyonna -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:05:45)


No questions of any sort, just a congratulations.
Ok, Thanks!!!

Sky Ever -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:17:22)

'ello Greeny!
Hello Sky Ever!

Congratz and good luck!
Thanks! *takes the luck and stores it away with the rest* wow, i'm slowly gathering a bag!

~You totally don't know me <.>

Awww, then I ought to! (but in a good way. don't go getting in trouble, you hear me! :P)

beta player -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:22:19)

Scourge is creepy his reply is

[ Gimme some free stuff or I shoot you.

I saw... and took care of... No one threatens me.

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:26:01)

Hi, Gianna Glow! :D
Hi Mecha Mario!

*Gives a cookie*
Mmmm, chocolate chip!

Just want to say congrats, good luck, and have fun being a Head Mod for AQW Q&A. :)


WhiskeredCandy -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 17:32:05)

Hey GG I Have 3 questions I would Like you to Answer is that ok?
Yep, I'm here to answer!

1. Are you a time travel Faerie?
Yes, I am a time-traveling fairie (or however you like to spell it), but I've spent the time to become master spellcaster as well. I'm also the Queen of my people, protecting from as much harm as I can.

2.Do you like waffles?
Yes, especially topped in blueberries or peaches

And the most important of all.
Buh buh buh....

3.Do you Support carmelldansen?
Huh? Well, i'm going to pretend I know that word by imagining that its caramels dancing... and of course I support that!

Kthnxbai :D Enjoy Modding!
Thank you, I will!

DoomBlitz -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 18:03:04)

XD at scourge anyways welcome gg =D
Thank you Rogue!

Endurur -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:23:33)

Hi, Gianna Glow.
Hi Endurur!

I don't have any questions but just giving you a nice congratulations on becoming the new Q&A Head moderator.
ok, thank you!

Womba -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:23:47)

yay new archknights!!!
Sorry little womba, not an AK. I'm a Head Mod here. i'm in charge of the AKs. :P

whatcha think of the Gilead release? [:D]
I loved it!

Oh! Where? Quick! Grab their orb!

want a cookie?
... only if its chocolate chip!

For Time!!

them chains burning you yet? [8D][;)]
Nope, I shed them a while ago. I give them out now! Mwahahahahahaha!!!

sorry...i USED to have a weapon that looked like a can opener but i sold it for something cooler...
Oh well, we all have cool weapons at some point.

good day/night/twilight/CHAOS (dun dun duuuunnnn)

actually, none of the above... morning! :P

Amy Angel -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:28:20)

I just want to say, Congrats Gianni :)
thanks Amy Angel! your name is gorgeous!

One question only, because I hope I'm not wasting your time :)
Ok, I can take questions!

1. How did you first hear of AE?
My brother actually found AQ about 6 years ago, introduced it to me, and we've both been playing it since... however he never got on the forums.

~Amy Angel

Hay -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:35:29)

Hai GiGi ^^
Hey Hay!

Congratulations on the move to AQW Q&A! I look forward to working with you. :)
Thanks Hay! I'm glad to have you in my team!

Favourite word?

If you had the choice to stay in one place forever and guaranteed to be happy or free to travel the world and explore but never find a single place of rest, which would you choose?
as sad as it was, I know i'd tire of exploring and i'd want to rest eventually... so as much as I love traveling and exploring, I must pick the first option, for that is what my wisdom tells me to pick.

Will the malfunctioning Jacuzzi in my cell ever be fixed? ;.;
A JACUZZI?!? SERIOUSLY? How does that even fit in a cell? Back in my days of being an AK the cell barely fit in a desk! Circe was WAY too easy on you guys! XD

*snugs* Congrats again, see you around!
*snuggles* Thanks! see ya!

Veonyx -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:40:22)

Hey there Glow.
Heya Veonyx!

Yup, that's it. Mhmm.... yeah....

I feel like I should say congrats but that would be getting redundant by now ._. soooo.... Happy Birthday? :D.
Ok then.... you are quite a bit off though. :P

Hope you don't go crazy too early ;).
Lol, I'll do my best!


Starwarsfanatic -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:53:55)

Ohaider, how's your day been?
Its been pretty good!

How does it feel to have power?

Would you say you power level is over 9,000?
around there. :)

Would you say my name is creative, or just came from a lack of anything else to choose?
Well, it depends... do you really like Star Wars and just couldn't do without it in your name and wanted to proclaim to the entire forums you loved Star Wars? If so, then you did an excellent job and a very creative choice at that. :D

Define: Antidisestablishmenterianism.
Well, first off, its spelled "antidisestablishmentarianism" and it means "opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church"

Would saying you like green be an understatement?
yes. I love green! XD, I wrote a whole Zardian article on the finer points of Green in the last issue... I even bashed Zorbak simply because he wasn't green. XD, that was fun.

Erm..... *Insert witty question here*
*insert witty answer here*

That's about It, Gooday Mrs.Not-quite-Bond.
Ok. Good Day! Also, first, I'm a Miss. Second, Mr. Bond wouldn't know what to do with me. I'm too short and too magical. lol!

Axios -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 19:54:02)

Heyas, Gianna_Glow!
Hello Phosphor! I actually have no underscore. ;) I only have it in AQWs to make it easier.

Long time, No see!
no kidding!

Hope you enjoy your stay here in the Adventure Quest Worlds Question & Answers!
I will!

~itzz pureownage

mrguyman -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 20:02:25)

Heyas mrguyman!

I got serious question I was wondering about for a while now
Ok, let's see what I can do about that!

How come the ones who become Ak/Moderators are people who I rarely see on this forum? For example (no offense, you're just the only one I can think of right now :p) I never actually saw Green or you on the forums... EVER, before you became AK's. Maybe it's just me, or maybe I'm right. Can you clarify this for me?
Ah, Thats because people who are made AKs are often very helpful, or otherwise useful without bugging the mods, for example DFGD a lot, and may not be much else but a few other boards, so they may become an AK in DFGD. I was mainly active in DFGD and L&L. As result, i originally became an L&L AK, then added DFGD AK to my list, then became a general moderator (meaning I have moderator powers and I help out wherever needed) and then I ended up here because this board needed a Head Mod and I play AQWs a lot. does that make sense?
Okay! Thanks for answering. So basically, mods may be active on a certain board, but they may be assigned to a board other than the one they're active on? That's probably why I didn't see you much :p

Now I have a not-so-serious question
Ok, shoot 'em at me!

as a mod, what are your feelings on the following statement: TROLLOLOLOLOL TROLLIN'!
Stab it with flames, kill it, it must die forever! Trolling is not allowing in my board.

What about this one: im mUC|-| M04R 1337 TH4N U!!!!11!!!!!!!!!ONE!!!
Spam. stab.

Anyways, gratz on becoming a head mod!
Thanks! :D

see ya!

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 20:46:26)

Hi Gigi!
Hey Ricky!

What's your favorite color? Mine's blue :P

*Gives cookie :D*
Chocolate! yay! :D

Congrats Gigi on being the newest mod!
Well, not quite the newest mod, but the newest head mod. :D

What else are you planning to do on here now that you're a mod?
Who knows.... we'll just have to see.

When's your birthday? Mine's Oct 20th (AND DON'T SAY THE YEAR D:).
May 22

Last question. What happened to Circe? She was the previous moderator for this forum, just wondering why you replaced her :3. Or was she the previous head moderator for this forum?
Circe is an administrator and the head moderator for the forum, so to take the pressure off of her forum administrator duties, I took over this forum for her.

Well, I hope you have a nice day, and good luck! I hope you're the best mod out there.
Thank you! *Takes the good luck and stores it away* I hope so too!

Duckbut -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 20:50:52)

Hello There!

Are you happy that your HM?
Yes, i think its going to be quite an adventure!

Hope to see you in game.... possibly and Gratz[:D]
Maybe you will! Thanks!

Zhukai -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 22:18:32)

...!? Oh Hey Gianna!
Heya Zhukai!

How are you?
I'm good!

I missed seeing the green.
Where? Its right here!


Congratulations on the new board.

Best of luck to you. :D
*Takes the luck and stores it away* Thanks!!

vezha -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 22:24:24)

Gigi! =D


No questions from me D=

ok, bye!

Adventuring -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 23:05:08)

Heya Ashley!

Just came here to say, congratulations!
Ok, Thanks!!!

That is all.
Very well then!

Zakristone -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 23:36:07)

What do signatures taste like?
I don't know. I don't munch 'em... I steal 'em! [:D]

Do like them with ketchup?
Spraying them with ketchup is fun!

Or mustard?
mustard isn't quite the right consistency to come out of the bottle to make pretty pictures.

Axilmeus -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 23:41:27)

Ohayō, Gigi. (It's early morning here)
Hello! its night time for me here!

Congratulations on your head moderatorship!
Thank you!

1. What is the exact shade of your green, so I can post tags next time?

2. If I ask less than ten questions in one post, could I make more than three posts overall, if the questions sum up to thirty?
Nope. 10 or less per post, only one per page. 3 overall. sorry! don't want it to go on forever!

3. What do you think about beetles? (The insects, not the band.)
As long as their not stink bugs, I like them.

4. Aren't some beetles really interestingly looking?
Oh yes

Their habits also can be interesting, just so you know!
I do!

This ends on four questions, so I have twenty-six more to spend.
nope, only twenty more questions to ask.

Goodbye for now.
Good bye!


Icy -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/24/2010 23:49:19)

O hai GG! *snugs* Nice to have ya in the Q&A! :D
Heya Icy! *snuggles* Nice to be here!

What happens if you're scared half to death twice? :o
Well, one divided by two is a half. then you take a half divided by two is quarter... so i'd be a quarter alive! :D

Do you prefer math or science?
Math. it obviously saved my life in the problem above.

Reading or writing?
Awww, I have to choose? I refuse! reading for enjoyment, and creative writing. :P

Ice cream with hot sauce?
Ewww, never!

'tis all! Good luck!
Thanks! *stores it away for safe keeping*

Tokijin -> RE: =MtM= An Enchanting Glow takes over AQW Q&A - Done! (9/25/2010 0:45:18)

Hey Gianna Glow!
Hey Tokijin!

=MtM='s, I do not see those very often, its like a 1% drop rate. Get it? AQW Pun! ;P
They are indeed very rare. :D

So, First question of the day, what's your favorite genre of music?
Oh dear, I like too many to have a favorite. I don't like rap or screamo or anything that curses.

Favorite color, besides your editing one?

Hmm, I seem to be running low on brain fuel, so no further questions! :o

Well, Good day to you, and Happy Moderating here!

~ Ciao.

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