RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (Full Version)

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GreatWarrior08 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/2/2011 8:03:25)

@ XxEDpwnerz!xX

Thats because the energy or the physical blade pop's out only in the battles :p

Zean Zapple -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/2/2011 10:16:14)

Did you notice how awesome I am?


MrBones -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/2/2011 12:33:12)

Zean I especially noticed your post saying you were retirering. Why post in a forum about a game you lost interest in ?

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 15:54:31)

Did you notice all the cheap wins acquired by boosting.
e.g. A guy boosted twice in a two on two after we had a clear 4 level disadvantage and he had varium.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:13:34)

did you notice Titan is a wizard!

od -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:16:26)

Did you notice how all f2p auxes that are above lvl 30 give strenght? And that 2 thirds of them are physical?

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:37:02)

^Not to mention the only level 32 aux for f2ps have a 47 strength requirement.

rej -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:42:33)

didi you notice that after the cap being 33 for well over a third of a year, there are still only 2 level 33 guns?

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:45:13)

Did you notice yesterday that the 10 exile factions with most influence in the day were having a little diference of influence between them, most of them were having 12.6 and 12.5% on it.

Agiluz -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:47:48)

^ Did you notice my Faction "Super Freaks United" was 1st in exile without a flag? :D

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 16:48:47)

Yep I notice it and my faction ''Exile Gods'' was on 6th place[:D]

Yo son -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 17:03:45)

Did you notice that am lagging like a :O.
Did you notice that am going broke.
Did you notice that am losing interest in this game.

Did you notice that you are awesome.
Did you notice that I have the sexiest avatar in the game.
Did you notice, that I noticed you today.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/12/2011 17:16:16)

did u notice the " frequent yellow colour used in the game"???

forums lol -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/15/2011 10:51:11)

Did you notice Reflex Boost looks like the stock market-up, down, up, down. :P

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/15/2011 12:26:01)

Did you notice many are complaining about tlm

Wraith -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/15/2011 12:34:00)

^Well, its cuz you guys can't make a good build. I've been beaten by many a good mage.

midnight assassin -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/15/2011 12:55:55)

^Well I'm not complaining and I've beaten some tlm already but rarely. I'm just observing what's happening in the game and not dueling with other players nor npc. And btw I would have been banned because if I'm gonna complain, then I'll post lots of threads on how op tlm is.

CivicChaos -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/15/2011 12:56:00)

Did you notice that there's no ED Npc or something on the Battleon! FORUMS thing?

forums lol -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/21/2011 7:00:20)

Did you notice Angels Holocaust passed Dax for 4th on All-Time Solo Leaderboard?

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/21/2011 9:15:09)

That if you shrink a person you also shrink their gun, aux etc.?

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/22/2011 14:57:12)

@Civic What?

MrBones -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/22/2011 19:12:44)

Did you notice my new beard color ? smexyness in is most simple form.

AQWPlayer -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/22/2011 19:24:03)

Did you notice that I started a new account to beat the "highest level without wins" record? It's named "Project Epic Fail" and it's level 9 already :D (almost 200 losses in 2 days xD)

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/22/2011 19:51:28)

Did you notice that im standing behind you ?
I know you will turn around.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (8/22/2011 19:53:01)

did you notice your character is an expert quick/no scoper

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