Most Inspirational Large Art (Full Version)

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Tormenter -> Most Inspirational Large Art (10/1/2010 23:01:33)

Siggi Eggertsson


(He contacted me about using my drawing in one of my pieces and I let him use it v)

lamaman123456789 -> RE: Most Inspirational Large Art (10/4/2010 23:31:54)


lamaman123456789 -> RE: Most Inspirational Large Art (10/5/2010 10:22:24)


Vice -> RE: Most Inspirational Large Art (10/25/2010 12:46:39)
just saying.. thats a really good piece
if you look you can see the word october written in the background.
thanks for that tormenter :)

here is tortues blog for the best LPs, obviously his collection is incomplete but theres a number of good ones here.

(for those who dont know tortue, he is a legend. pure and simple.)

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