RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (Full Version)

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Age100 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/15/2010 23:58:59)

Acc: Got level 6 today...again
Acc: Beat orc boss.....again.
Acc: At this rate, I'll probably get a level a day.

Rickyb20 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 0:41:41)

ACC: Beat the dragon and saved the princess.
ACC: Level 6!
DIS: I don't know what else to do in the game...


Elementer -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 0:52:47)

ACC: Level 6!
ACC: Thanks to warlic, got everything back. Had to farm for the items I lost, but it's all good ;)
ACC: Level 7, got the Pirate Sword!
ACC: Finished the story, dragonslayer :D
ACC: It was SO easy! I had 259 HP, and my HP never slipped past 200. I didn't have to touch a poition. Merc, spell, attack, spell, attack, dead. Easy :D
ACC: Killed the 4 dragons again, 2000 GP never so easy :)
ACC: Alteon's name is mine...oh NOW I get why we can't costumize or change our character XD
ACC: Level 8
ACC: Bought the King Sword in advance
ACC: 4000 GP, even after King Sword
ACC: Killed the dragon again, laggy but well worth it for the gold :)

Mechajin -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 4:37:43)

ACC: Levelled from 1 to 10 yesterday! Didn't lose my progress at all :D!
DIS: Don't have BP to buy gnomes, potions,shields or advanced weapons...
ACC: Have every Non-BP wep in the game
ACC: Half way to hero of gold!
ACC: The only achievements i need are: The Eyes have it,Carpal Tornado,Archmage, hero of gold and soldier of fortune
DIS: That's still quite a few..
ACC: 4073 swings at the time of writing! I'm comin' for ya carpal tornado!
ACC:260 Spells cast at the time of writing! Over halfway to archmage
ACC/DIS: 62 Defeats! Nearly got orcs prophecy! But none of those were intentional!
ACC: Seen Jimmy the eye 8 times! 2 more to go!
DIS: I'm never gonna get soldier of fortune at this rate.. Seeing as i have no BP.. :'(

Tokijin -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 11:19:27)

Acc: Reached Level 10 on launch day ^_^
Acc: Can now beat the Dragon with relative ease
Dis: Ran out of BP to get a shield or mercenary contract

stealthwings -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 11:52:28)

Acc: Beat dragon
Acc: Did it without contracts.
Acc: Was level 5 for most of the fight, was level 6 for the last one.
Dis: Level 6.

DOOM_knight -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 16:18:54)

ACC:got to final dragon battle(i think)
DIS:every time i get him down to one last hit i end up either mssing or the attack dosnt work and he ends up killing me
ACC: got alot of the achievements and am lvl 6
DIS: cant beat that dang dragon

ACC:beat dragon
ACC: got all contracts
ACC: only need 3 more achievments
ACC:reached lvl 10
ACC: got all weapons
ACC:got all spells

Beowolve -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 16:30:15)

ACC: Beat the game
ACC: Got enough BP via AExtras to get all the upgrades.
ACC: Got to level 7
DIS: Character was deleted and I lost everything :(.


Elementer -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 18:44:41)

ACC: Level 9
ACC: Killed the Dragon Stage for the 7th time
ACC: 30K gold
ACC: Swords: Normal Sword, Noble Sword, Pirate Blade, Knight Blade, and King Blade
ACC: Every single Spell bought
ACC: One more level till I become King Alteon; King Sword, All Spells, and Shield

ACC: Became Level 10
ACC: I'm King Alteon
ACC: Every single spell, merc, blades, in the game, all BP stuff bought.

Xendran -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 23:31:25)

ACC: Beat the game on a new account without dieing once.

xCellan -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/16/2010 23:58:19)

ACC: Got level 10
ACC: Managed to get 200k gold! [:D]
ACC: Won without buying any of the upgrade thingies
ACC: Bought the upgrade thingies after I won
ACC: Never had the dissapearing level stuff happen to me
DIS: Too much stuff in my inventory. Kinda cluttered

Rickyb20 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/17/2010 0:17:46)

MEGA DIS: My character deleted itself and I lost everything D=


sparkydog -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/17/2010 3:58:18)

ACC i got 31/31 achivments![:D]
Dcc no armour so i have a doom shield an doom sword and pesent rags! [:@]

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/17/2010 4:42:50)

ACC: 30k Gold :/

Beowolve -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/17/2010 11:28:47)

ACC: My account was restored thanks to the help of Warlic :D


thelight32 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/17/2010 15:49:47)

ACC: level 10 in blade haven

Rickyb20 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/2/2010 18:23:34)

MEGA ACC: Got my account back!


steel blade -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/6/2010 4:48:14)

ACC: Finished the current storyline at level 7, using a level 5, non-BP weapon. [:)]
DIS: Still at the 7th enemy at Survival Mode when I'm level 9![&:]

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/7/2010 0:52:50)

ACC: Completed Survival Mode Mach I (Monsters).
ACC: Got a new giant sword that does more damage than the King's Sword with no change in speed/weight. :O
ACC: Got 70K+ gold due to Survival Mode, getting me closer to the 100K achievement!
ACC: Cast 253/500 Spells for the Archmage achievement, thanks to Survival Mode.
DIS: ...still have the 25 monsters to defeat.
DIS: Still have 247 Spells and 30K- gold to farm for.

ACC: Completed the entire Survival Mode!
ACC: Got an epic, epic, epic sword that adds 7 damage and has no change in speed/weight with the other one. :D
ACC: At 91K+ gold. Very close to 100K achievement.

ACC: 100K Gold and bought every spell in the book. :D

Kaizoku -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/8/2010 9:42:01)

ACC: Beat Dragon, saved the damsel in distress.
ACC: Lvl 10
ACC: All non BP weapons and spells
DIS: Can't beat survival
DIS: Can't get BPs for Merc Contract

The Game -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/9/2010 3:14:39)

ACC: Unlocked every achievement but the 100 deaths one.
ACC: Beat Survival Mode.
ACC: 135k.
ACC: Over 500 wins.

Blueperson -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/9/2010 22:56:35)

I can't tell if this is acc or dis
ACC: Authentic blade thingy its called before replica
DIS: 634 spells cast...but no achievement.


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[Aegis] -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/11/2010 23:11:47)

ACC: Beat the story so far
ACC: Beat it at level 5 with no BP
DIS: Have yet to beat it with the starting sword.
DIS: 68 monsters more to beat survival...

Myra -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/17/2010 16:52:36)

ACC: Beat survival mode for both normal monsters and bosses (thank you healing spell!)
ACC: Got every achievement except for the orc's prophecy
DIS: To get the last achievement poor Sir Alteon's gonna have to die over 80 times more D:

Rickyb20 -> RE: =PG= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/20/2010 1:25:04)

ACC: Beat both modes of Survival Mode.
ACC: FINALLY got those 2 survival badges.
DIS: Still have a few really hard achievements to go.


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